ISC361Database for Information Systems


Section 501:7:30 pm - 8:45 pm TR FCE 0019; CRN: 14450

Prerequisites:Professional Component, CIS 324


Instructor:Harold Pardue, Ph. D.




Office Hours:Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 – 5:30; Wednesday 2:00-3:00 pm,

by appointment, and when available during the day

Course description (USA Bulletin 2005-2006):

Analysis, design, and implementation of more complex database systems. Prerequisite: Professional Component, CIS 324.

Detailed Course Description:

The course builds on relational database and programming concepts by exploring the analysis, design, and implementation of more complex database systems. Topics include advanced data modeling, advanced query design, and application development in a database programming environment. Prerequisite: Professional Component, CIS 324.

Course objectives:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to …

  1. Demonstrate trustworthiness in all matters relating to the course.
  2. Develop and diagram data models as ER diagrams depicting recursive and supertype/subtype relationships, based on given problem scenarios.
  3. Design and implement databases with advanced design characteristicsto implement a document of transaction based on requirements stories.
  4. Using the DDL and DML of the Structured Query Language and MS SQL-Server, write advanced queries.
  5. Use the SELECT statement to join multiple tables, using aliasing, aggregation, and correlated and uncorrelated subqueries.
  6. Write DML queries to insert, update, and delete rows from tables.
  7. Write DDL commands, including scripts that create tables, stored procedures, triggers, and views.
  8. List three ways that a nested query (subquery) can be constructed.
  9. Differentiate between stored procedures and triggers, selecting the correct way to solve a given database programming problem.
  10. Use triggers to implement: audit files, lazy deletes, and business and data rules.
  11. Develop a row-editor application that follows good design principles and that runs in two environments: Windows Form and ASP Form.

ISC 361 - Fa2006

Important dates:

Classes begin / August 21 / Monday
Labor Day Holiday for students, faculty, staff and administration / September 4 / Monday
Spring Semester 2007 advising for continuing and readmitted students / October 9 -23 / Monday - Friday
Thanksgiving Holidays for students (includes weekend classes) / November 22 - 26 / Wednesday - Sunday
Thanksgiving Holidays begin at noon on Wednesday for faculty, staff and administration / November 22 - 24 / Wednesday - Friday
Thesis/dissertations due in the Office of the Graduate Dean by 5:00 p.m. / November 27 / Monday
Last day of classes / December 5 / Tuesday
Final Examination / December 12
6:00-8:00 / Tuesday
Commencement / December 9 / Saturday
Final grade web entry due by 10:00 a.m. / December 15 / Friday


Points will be awarded for class activities. These activities include tests, programming assignments, and any additional activities such as quizzes and other in-class and homework assignments. Your final grade will be based on the percentage of possible points you actually earned. The grading scale to be used is as follows:

A=90-100% of possible points

B=80-89% of points possible

C=70-79% of points possible

D=60-69% of points possible

F<=59% of points possible


Two textbooks are required for the course:

  • Bradley, J. C., and Millspaugh, A. C., Advanced Programming Using Visual Basic.NET, Second Edition, ISBN: 0-07-251239-3, 2003, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY. (We will start with this one.)
  • Rob, P., and Coronel, C., Database Systems Design, Implementation & Management, Fifth Edition, ISBN: 0-619-06269-X, 2002, Course Technology – Thompson Learning, Boston, MA. (This is also the current book used in CIS 324).

It is also recommended that you use online resources, such as the Transact-SQL Help, accessible from SQL Server Query Analyzer and MSDN library, a valuable resource for Visual Studio.NET.

Technology used:

We will make use of Microsoft technologies, available for free:

  • Visual Basic .NET Professional 2003
  • SQL-Server 2000

The School of Computer and Information Sciences is a member of the Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance (MSDNAA). Part of the benefits of our membership is that our students can get access to a great deal of software from Microsoft for no charge. In order to be eligible to receive this software, you need to register. Go to the School of CIS web site at and follow the “Links for students”link to “Software” at the bottom of the subsequent page. In order for you to receive the software that is available in the program, you must be a student registered in at least one course in the School of CIS. Your information will be verified before you are given access to the software.

The USA chapter of the ACM is also expected to be offering VB.NET installation CDs for $15 each.

Office hour policy:

Office hours can play a key role in the learning process for this class. I will see anyone during office hours, whether you are doing extremely well, or if you are totally lost. Don't let the fact that you are lost or falling behind discourage you from seeking help. If you cannot find me, ask for me in the CIS Office (FCW-20). You are welcome to seek me outside of posted office hours, or call me on my cell phone.


E-mail is an excellent way to reach me. The School of CIS requires that you have an e-mail account and that you check your e-mail frequently for important announcements. Please visit the web page at to make sure we have a correct e-mail address for you. You are strongly encouraged to activate your university e-mail account.This e-mail account will be used by university faculty and administrators to send official university correspondence such as financial aid notifications, grade information, university bills, course information, etc. Students may activate their e-mail account at the following address/URL: or from the opening page of PAWS.

Computer ownership policy:

This course is affected by the School of CIS computer ownership policy ( I may require you to bring your laptop computer to class whenever we have an opportunity to work on a homework or in-class assignment, and when we are not meeting in a laboratory that has computers. You may also be required to bring your laptop for appointments outside of scheduled class time.

Use of labs:

Students taking a class in a lab (i.e., FCE 19 or CSCB 115 or 130) may use that lab, whenever a class is not in progress, to work on assignments. If you would like to lab in which you are not taking a class, please contact our system administrator, Keith Lynn (), to obtain a login and password. Please do not open the door of the lab or attempt to use the lab when classes are in progress. It is important that everyone follow the rules concerning use of lab resources. Please report any problems to Mr. Lynn. To check or change your password for logging into the computers in the labs, refer to the following URL:


Regular attendance is expected. Cases of illness or emergencies which make it impossible to attend class should be reported to me as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to make up all missed work. The pace of this class will make attendance especially important.

Late work:

Late work is subject to severe penalties. Typically, if an assignment is turned in on the due date but after the due time, I will deduct ten percent of total points possible. An assignment turned in on the day after the due date will be deducted 20%, and so on. You are best advised to manage your time wisely so that you can turn in assignments on time. Get an early start and inform the instructor of any situations that may cause you to miss an assignment due date. Even if your work is incomplete and late, it is best to submit it, because the highest grade you can earn for work not turned in is a zero.

Course project:

The requirements for the course project are detailed in a separate document.


As communication is an important IS skill, you are encouraged to speak up in class and will be required to do so.


There will be at least onetest and a final exam. These exams may contain questions of an objective nature (multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, or matching), short answer questions, essay questions, and problems. You may be asked to write code or draw part of a graphical user interface as part of an exam question. You may be asked to draw a database diagram or write queries. You will be responsible for all material covered in class and in readings. No make up exams will be given except for a valid, documented reason. Notice must be given prior to the exam except in case of emergency.


The School of Computer and Information Sciences Policy on cheating is:

Unless otherwise stated by your instructor, all work submitted for grading must be your own work. This means that the work you submit for grading must be designed and implemented by one and only one person, and that person must be you. Any deviation from this policy may result in a failing grade for the course for all parties involved. This policy applies to examinations, programming assignments, quizzes, and homework assignments. Multiple incidents of academic misconduct are grounds for dismissal from the Computer and Information Sciences program.


In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students with bona fide disabilities will be afforded reasonable accommodation. If you have a disability and need a reasonable accommodation, you should contact the instructor early in the semester. You are encouraged to register with the Office of Special Student Services, located in the Student Center, Room 270, phone 460-7212. The Office of Special Student Services will certify a disability and advise faculty members of reasonable accommodations.

Changes to course requirements:

Since all classes do not progress at the same rate, the instructor may wish to modify the above requirements or their timing as circumstances dictate. For example, the instructor may wish to change the number and frequency of exams, or the number and sequence of assignments. However, the students must be given adequate notification. Moreover, there may be non-typical classes for which these requirements are not strictly applicable in each instance and may need modification. If such modification is needed, it must be in writing and conform to the spirit of this policy statement.