Math 3 H Syllabus
Mrs. Mattison
Welcome to the Union Academy Math 3 Honors class. We are looking forward to a new and exciting year. As a teacher, my goal is to help each student realize his/her potential in mathematics. This is not an easy task – it requires hard work on my part, and especially on the part of the student. However, through mutual encouragement and effort, I feel that we can meet this goal with much success!
For this class you will need the following supplies:
3 ring binder
1 subject spiral notebook
TI-83 plus or TI-84 plus graphing calculator
Graph paper (optional)
Highlighter (optional)
If you are able to purchase the following for classroom use, it is greatly appreciated:
Pack of college ruled paper
Box of tissues
Sticky notes
Paper Towels
Technology Requirement:
A graphing calculator is “required” for this course. If you do not have a graphing calculator (and are not able to purchase one) you may check one out after completing the necessary contract. Please see me for more information.
Keep in mind that a graphing calculator would be a wise purchase, as it will be necessary not only this year, but also in the remainder of your high school math classes. If you plan on attending college, it would be a good idea to buy a TI-83 or higher (any calculator above a TI-84 plus cannot be used on some state tests – please check for specific allowance). You will definitely use it.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Math I and Math II.
Class Expectations/What you need:
1. You are expected to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in the Union Academy Student Handbook. Any expectations that follow are in addition to those set policies.
2. Bring materials to class each day. You will need:
a. Notebook for notes and handouts. 3 ring binder works best. You should plan to have sections for Tests, Quizzes, Weekly Math, and any other sections that you feel would be beneficial.
b. Math III Workbook – these are provide by the school. This workbook should be brought to class each day.
c. Pencil or pen. Math is recommended to be completed in pencil, however some students prefer pen.
d. Calculator –see above “Technology Requirements” for recommendations
e. Textbook: Math III Workbook along with online Math III access provided through Pearson Success Net.
3. Keep up with the class. Communication is key, so please contact other students and/or the teacher as needed. If you are absent for any reason, it is expected that you obtain the assignment from another student or the teacher and that all assignments are completed and turned in according to the deadline.
4. Cell Phones – there will be no cell phone usage in the classroom unless permitted by the teacher for specified tasks.
5. All students in the classes will be expected to take a Final Exam as well as quarterly “Measures of Mastery”. The following is subject to change
Grade Calculations (subject to change)Assignment Weights / Q1 – 20%
Type / Weight / Q2 – 20%
Tests / 50% / Q3 – 20%
Quizzes / 30% / Q4 – 20%
Homework / 20% / Final Exam – 20%
· Tests will be given at the completion of each chapter or as needed throughout the course.
· A day of review may precede this date.
· Each test may consist of free response and multiple-choice questions as well as review questions from previous chapters.
· You must show all work in a neat, organized fashion. Answers must be clearly indicated.
· Quizzes will be given after the completion of approximately half to a third of a chapter (depending on the size of the chapter).
· Quizzes may or may not be announced.
· A day of review will not necessarily be provided prior to this date.
· Each quiz may consist of free response and/or multiple-choice questions.
· You must show all work in a neat, organized fashion. Answers must be clearly indicated.
· Practice is an essential part of a mathematics class; therefore, homework will be assigned almost daily. It is essential to your success in this class that you complete and understand your homework every night
· If a student is absent, they should contact a classmate or contact the teacher to obtain the missed assignments.
· If absent for a test or quiz, you will be expected to make up your test the next day you are in school.
· No make-up tests/quizzes will be given during class time unless prearranged with the teacher. It is YOUR responsibility to make an appointment to make up any missing assignments so that further class time is not missed.
· Extenuating medical absences will be discussed on a case by case basis.
Academic Honesty:
· Please be responsible and respectful. Please do your own work. Copying is not acceptable. If caught, all parties involved will receive the necessary consequences. I can accept a student saying that “they just could not get it done” much easier that seeing a paper that is the work of another student or copied from the text. Please do not put yourself, a friend, or me in a situation that none of us will be comfortable with when it comes to academic honesty.
· Honesty, Responsibility, and Respect is expected at all times.
· Tutoring is available. This will be specified by the teacher.
· Students should have worked through any questions themselves, and asked others for help, and be able to come into tutoring with specific concept questions.
Contacting me:
· My email address is . This is the most efficient way of getting in touch with me. However, if you would like to call the school and leave me a voice mail message I will get back with you as soon as possible.