----- Original Message -----
From:Morrison Bonpasse
To:Edward Davis, Commissioner, Boston Police Dept, c/o Amy Ambarik, Chief Legal Counsel
Cc:Alfred W. Trenkler
Sent:Sunday, February 15, 20099:43 AM
Subject: 331 Renewed FOIA request for documents relating to 1991 Roslindale Bomb case
Dear Commissioner Davis,
As you know, I have written a 727 page manuscript for the book, Perfectly Innocent, about the Roslindale Bomb case. It concludes that both Alfred W. Trenkler and Thomas A. Shay had absolutely no rolewith the tragic 1991Roslindale Bomb which killed Officer Jeremiah Hurley and maimed OfficerFrancis Foley.One hundred copies of Version 8 were printed in 2007 and you have at least one. Version 9 is on the website,
My research continues, as we prepare for the commercially published version 10, which will occur after the exoneration of both men. The story of that exoneration process is all that remains to be written, plus changes in the story to date, as more information is uncovered from all sources.
In April2008 I sent the attached, (also pasted below),FOIA request to the Boston Police Dept and receivedthe attachedcourteous reply, dated 12May. However, nothing further was received.I wrote the followup letter, below and attached,on 23 September 2008.
In the interests of truth and justicein this case, can you please assist by ensuring thatcopies of all the requested documents are made available to me pursuant to the requirements of the Mass.Public Records Act? A copy of this emailed request will be sent to you by Certified Mail.
My interests are the same as yours in at leastfour respects.
1. We all want the truth about all aspects of this tragic crime.
2. We all want the real perpetrators of the Roslindale Bomb to be punished.
3. We all wantclosureof this tragedy for theHurley and Foley families, but none of us wants innocent people to be imprisoned for something they did not do.
4. None of us wantsthe honor of the Boston Police Dept. and the memory of Jeremiah Hurley to be stained by substantial, but unresolved,claims of wrongful conviction.
The furnishing of the requested documents will help us all achieve those common goals.
Very truly yours,
Morrison Bonpasse
214 South Dyer's Neck Road
P.O. Box 390
Newcastle, ME04553-0390
207-586-6078(cell preferred in Jan-Mar 2009, at 207-449-8909)
214 South Dyer's Neck Road, Sheepscot
P.O. Box 390 Newcastle, ME 04553-0390
23 Sept 2008 Tuesday
RE: Follow up to Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) Request
Office of the Legal Advisor
Boston Police Dept.
One SchroederPlaza
Boston, MA 02120-2014
Dear Sir/Madam:
I write to followup on my FOIA request of 10 April 2008, and our exchange of letters in May 2008, copies of which are enclosed. It's now been four months since that exchange.
Can you advise regarding the documents which are now available for copying?
As this case involved the tragic death of a Boston Police Officer, Jeremiah Hurley, Jr., and the maiming of another, Francis Foley. it's especially important that all the information about this case become available to the public.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Very truly yours,
----- Original Message -----
From: Morrison Bonpasse
To: FOIA Request, City of Boston
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 7:12 AM
Subject: FOIA REQUEST to City of Boston, Boston Police Department -- Re: WWW / BPD Feedback Form
To Media Relations, and/or others responsible for Boston Police Department FOIA requests:
I have written a manuscript for a book, Perfectly Innocent, about the Roslindale Bomb case, which began when a bomb exploded on 28 October 1991 and killed Boston Bomb Squad officer Jeremiah Hurley, Jr. and maimed Officer Francis Foley. A copy of Perfectly Innocent has been sent to Commissioner Davis, and an ecopy of the text of Version 9 is attached.
As I explained to Commissioner Davis, the manuscript was written primarily with documents available in Federal court records and in the files of defense attorneys for Alfred Trenkler and Thomas A. Shay. Further research is needed with other documents, including those at the Boston Police Department.
I have general and specific questions.
1. Have any documents or objects collected or created in the investigation of the Roslindale Bomb case been destroyed?
a. If so, can you tell me what was destroyed and when and by whom and under what
b. If not, can you tell me where the documents and objects collected or created in the case arelocated?
2. Can you provide me assurance that none of the remaining documents will be destroyed? If any destruction was scheduled, or planned to be scheduled, can you tell me what the applicable schedule would be, but for this request for preservation? (Federal Court motions are pending.)
3. On 2 November 1991, Police Officer Robert L. Foilb of the "Boston Police Identification Section" wrote a memo to Sergeant Detective James Hayes, Identification Section" with the Subject: "Latent Finger Print Examination, CC# 11-919-390." A copy of that memo is attached to this email.
a. Can you retrieve for me copies of all available documents which were created or used in theBPD Identification section for the detection and analysis of the 17 fingerprints found on thereferenced car, Mass. Reg. 125-LLO, owned by Mr. Thomas L. Shay?
b. Specifically, can you furnish any documents which indicate whether any of the 17
fingerprints were identified as belonging to any individual?
c. Can you furnish any documents which identify such individuals?
Thank you very much for your attention to these requests, which are presented to you in the interest of justice for Alfred Trenkler and Thoms A. Shay, and Jeremiah Hurley and Francis Foley and their families.
Morrison Bonpasse
P.O. Box 390
214 S. Dyer's Neck Road
Newcastle, ME 04553