______Council, BSA

_____ Annual Meeting Resolutions

______Council, Boy Scouts of America

______Annual Meeting Resolutions


Resolution 1 – Authorized access to the safe deposit box

Whereas, the ______Council maintains a safe deposit box located at ______for the purpose of safeguarding important legal papers; therefore be it

Resolved, that access to the safe deposit box shall always be by both a volunteer and professional together; and be it further

Resolved, that any one of the following volunteers: the Council President, Council Treasurer, or ______are authorized to enter the box with any one of the following professionals: the Scout Executive or ______.

Resolution 2 – Investment guidelines

Whereas, the ______Council adopted its investment policy on ______; and

Whereas, the council has appointed an investment committee to oversee the investment of these funds with the advice of an investment manager; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms its current investment guidelines and approves income requests which conform to the guidelines for the upcoming year.

Resolution 3 – Endowment spending policy

Whereas, the ______Council adopted its spending policy on ______; and

Whereas, the council seeks to use endowment earnings to support its operations in a prudent and consistent manner; and

Whereas, the council has sufficient funds available in its endowment that are either unrestricted or restricted for a purpose that can be met; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms its current spending policy of taking ______% of ______to support operations during the ______fiscal year; and be it further

Resolved, that any such funds that are restricted solely by the State Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act be hereby appropriated for expenditure.

Resolution 4A - Gift acceptance policy

Whereas, the ______Council adopted a gift acceptance policy on ______; and

Whereas, that policy outlines the appropriate solicitation, acceptance and crediting of all current and planned gifts received by the ______Council; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms its gift acceptance policy.

Resolution 4B - Policy on selling gifts of stock

Whereas, the ______Council receives gifts of stock from time to time; and

Whereas, it is the policy of the ______Council to immediately sell all gifted stock; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______and the Scout executive are authorized to serve as agents for the purpose of selling stock gifts received by the council as soon as they are received and applying the proceeds according to the donor’s wishes, if expressed.

Resolution 4C – Memorial and bequest gifts in the Endowment Fund

Whereas, memorials and bequests are non-renewable income sources; and

Whereas, these donations should have a lasting benefit to the operation of the ______Council; therefore, be it

Resolved, that memorial and bequest gifts not otherwise designated by the donors for specific uses for the ______Council be placed in the Endowment Fund.

Resolution 5 – Authorized check signers

Whereas, it is necessary for the ______Council to have various checking and savings accounts; and

Whereas, it is the policy of the ______Council for all checks to be signed by two parties, one of whom shall be a volunteer; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Council President, Treasurer, Scout Executive, and ______are authorized to sign checks drawn on the various bank accounts of the ______Council, and the Scout Executive is authorized to submit any necessary replacement resolutions to financial institutions naming the specific persons as check signers.

Resolution 6 – Council credit card

Whereas, it has become necessary for the ______Council to maintain a ______credit card for specific purchases where paying by invoice is not feasible; and

Whereas, this credit card is not issued in the name of an individual employee and kept in the council safe when not in use; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Office Manager and ______are authorized to use the council credit card for specific purchases approved by the Scout Executive.

Resolution 7 – Capitalization policy

Whereas, capital assets must be purchased by or donated to the ______Council; therefore, be it

Resolved, that assets acquired having a life expectancy of two or more years, and costing $______or more be expensed in the Capital Fund through depreciation according to the standard BSA policy; and be it further

Resolved, that all capital asset expenditure requests in excess of $______must follow a bidding process using at least three vendors which meet the recommended requirements of the BSA.

Resolution 8 – Procedures for expenditures for Special Assistance to Individuals

Whereas, it is the mission of the ______Council to serve all youth markets in its territory; and

Whereas, without special assistance, youth from disadvantaged families and communities would not be able to participate in the Scouting program; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council approves an annual expenditure of $______to pay the National Council BSA registration fees and $______to pay for staffing, program supplies and activities for disadvantaged youth; and be it further

Resolved, that all specific requests for assistance with registration fees shall be submitted by unit leaders for approval first by the ______, then by the Scout Executive and finally for review by the ______Committee.

Resolution 8 – Learning for Life licensing fee

Whereas, it is the mission of the ______Council to serve youth with character development opportunities beyond the traditional Scouting programs, and

Whereas, the National Council provides program resources to serve youth through Learning for Life; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council approves an annual expenditure of $______to pay the National Council BSA a licensing fee for up to ______participants in Learning for Life groups in partnership with other community organizations.

Resolution 9 – Fiscal stewardship procedures

Whereas, the ______Council revised it fiscal stewardship procedures on ______; and

Whereas, the Council Treasurer periodically reviews such procedures and reports to the Executive Board; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms its fiscal stewardship procedures.

Resolution 10 – Partnership agreements with United Ways

Whereas, the ______Council is a partner with various United Ways who seek to support its efforts; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms its partnership agreements with the following United Ways: ______.

Record Keeping

Resolution 11 – Internet, voicemail and email procedures

Whereas, the ______Council adopted procedures for use of the internet, voice mail, and email on ______; and

Whereas, the ______administers and monitors council technical resources and reports misuse to the Scout executive; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms its internet, voicemail, and email procedures.

Resolution 12A – Records Retention and Document Destruction Policy

Whereas, the ______Council shall retain records to comply with contractual or legal requirements; and

Whereas, it is against BSA policy to knowingly destroy a document to obstruct or influence an investigation; and

Whereas, the council adopted a records retention and destruction policy on ______; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms its Records Retention and Document Destruction Policy.

Resolution 12B – Public Inspection Policy

Whereas, the ______Council is committed to openness and transparency to its members, donors, stakeholders and the general public; and

Whereas, documents must be made available for public inspection as required by law; and

Whereas, the council adopted a public inspection policy on ______; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms its Public Inspection Policy.

Board Governance

Resolution 13 – Renews council charter with the BSA

Whereas, the ______Council must apply to the National Council to renew its charter annually; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council authorizes filing an application to renew its charter with the Boy Scouts of America for the purpose of extending Scouting’s leadership and character development program to the youth of ______.

Resolution 14A – Committees of the Executive Board

Resolved, that the following committees of the Executive Board shall be appointed: ______.

Their duties and responsibilities shall be as set forth in the operations manuals and applicable literature of the Boy Scouts of America.

Resolution 14B – Members of the Investment Committee

Whereas, the ______Council has a substantial Endowment Fund; and

Whereas, the Endowment Fund provides income for the Operating and Capital Funds; and

Whereas, managing these funds requires knowledge and oversight of a qualified committee; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council appoints ______(chair), ______, ______, and ______to serve as its Investment Committee for the purpose of selecting fund managers and reviewing their performance.

Resolution 14C – Members of the Risk Management Committee

Whereas, the ______Council seeks to mitigate and manage risks in its programs and activities; and

Whereas, the ______Council has a variety of insurance policies in place for asset and individual protection; and

Whereas, utilizing volunteers with knowledge and experience in this area would be most prudent; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council appoints ______(Chair), ______, ______, and ______to serve as its Risk Management Committee.

Resolution 14D – Members of the Audit Committee

Whereas, the ______Council annually engages an auditor to review and attest to the council’s financial statements; and

Whereas, an audit committee exclusive of council officers is required to review the audit and report to the Executive Board; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council appoints ______(Chair), ______, ______, and ______to serve as its Audit Committee for the ______audit.

Resolution 15 – Authority of the Scout Executive, Treasurer and Members of the Professional Staff

Whereas, the Scout Executive, Council Treasurer, and ______may be required to act on behalf of the ______Council regarding financial transactions; and

Whereas, the council adopted a policy granting this authority on ______; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms the authority of Scout Executive, Treasurer, and members of the professional staff.

Resolution 16 – Whistleblower Protection Policy

Whereas, the ______Council endeavors to demonstrate transparency in and accountability for all its actions; and

Whereas, the ______Council does not tolerate waste, fraud, abuse or harassment by its employees or volunteers; and

Whereas, the council adopted a whistleblower policy on ______; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms its Whistleblower Protection Policy.

Resolution 17 – Crisis Communication Plan

Whereas, the ______Council endeavors to be prepared should it be faced with a crisis; and

Whereas, the ______Council wants to communicate a clear and proper message during such crisis; and

Whereas, the council adopted a crisis communications plan on ______; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms its Crisis Communications Plan.

Resolution 18 – Conflict of Interest Policy for Executive Board Members

Whereas, all officers, executive board members and members of any committee thereof of the ______Council have a duty to be free from the influence of any conflicting interests when they act on behalf of the corporation or represent it in negotiations or advise others representing the corporation with respect to dealings with third parties; and

Whereas, the council adopted a conflict of interest policy for executive board members on ______; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms its Conflict of Interest Policy for Executive Board Members.


Resolution 19 – Authority of the Scout executive to hire staff within approved structure

Whereas, the Scout executive is responsible to administer the policies of the ______Council and the Boy Scouts of America; and

Whereas, it requires sufficient paid staff in the administration of these policies and to provide services to stakeholders; and

Whereas, the Executive Board has approved an annual budget for staff salaries and benefits; therefore, be it

Resolved, that within the constraints of the budget, the Scout Executive is authorized to retain and hire regular professional and support staff to serve in the following positions: ______; and be it further

Resolved, that the Scout Executive is authorized to hire such seasonal staff as permitted by the budget.

Resolution 20 – Conflict of Interest Policy for Employees

Whereas, all employees of the ______Council have a duty to be free from the influence of any conflicting interests when exercising their primary duties and shall not seek gifts and favors with respect to council dealings with third parties; and

Whereas, the council adopted a conflict of interest policy for employees on ______; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms its Conflict of Interest Policy for Employees.

Resolution 21 – Scout Executive Compensation and Business Expense Reimbursement Policy

Whereas, the ______Council endeavors to provide reasonable and competitive compensation for its Scout executive consistent with market-based practices; and

Whereas, each year the Council President appoints a compensation and benefits committee to review the performance of the Scout executive and recommend salary and benefit changes; and

Whereas the council expects the Scout executive to exercise discretion and good business judgment with regard to incurring business expenses; and

Whereas, the council adopted a compensation policy on ______; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the ______Council reaffirms its Scout Executive Compensation and Business Expense Reimbursement Policy.

Resolution 22 – Participation in the Boy Scouts of America 403(b) Thrift Plan

Whereas, the ______Council seeks to maintain its competitiveness in hiring and retaining employees; and

Whereas, many Scout councils, including the ______Council, offer a 403(b) Thrift Plan for their employees; and

Whereas, the Compensation and Benefits Committee recommends that ______Council participate in the Boy Scouts of America Thrift Plan; and

Whereas, the Executive Board had determined that the ______Council should accept the offer of the National council of the Boy Scouts of America to participate in the Boy Scouts of America 403(b) Thrift Plan (the “ National council Plan”), effective July 1, 2010; and

Whereas, employer matching contributions may be made for contributing participants under the National Council Plan; therefore, be it

Resolved, that Scout executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute any documents and take any actions deemed reasonably necessary or appropriate to accomplish participation in the 403bThrift Plan.

Approved at the ______Council annual meeting on ______where a quorum was present.


Council President Scout Executive