


For units associated with part time and flexible learning:

Undergraduate diplomas and degrees

Postgraduate taught certificates, diplomas and degrees

The School of Nursing and Midwifery

Contents page

1. 0 Introduction 5

1.1 Diploma and Degree Level Modules 5

1.2 Attendance for Professional Interest/Development 5

1.3 Attendance Requirement - Level 3 Courses 6

2.0 General Information for New Students 6

2.1 Start times 6

2.2 Car Parking 6

2.3 Smoking 6

2.4 Health and Safety Code of Practice 6

2.5 Safety/Attendance Register 6

2.6 Notice Board 6

2.7 Fire Procedure 6

2.8 Fire Lectures 6

2.9 In case of sickness 6

2.10 Leave of Absence 6

2.11 Opting-Out of study sessions 7

2.12 Unit evaluation 7

2.13 Library facilities 7

2.14 Ucards 7

2.15 Computer Facilities and CICS Packs 8

2.16 IT Support 8

2.17 Students General Handbook 8

2.18 Canteen/Refreshment Facilities 8

2.19 Complaints procedure 8

2.20 Student welfare 8

2.21 Change of Address 9

2.22 Change of Name 9

2.23 Personal Development Plan 9

2.24 Student representation 9

2.25 301 Glossop Road 9

2.27 Recording lectures...... 9

2.28 Disability Support……………………………………………………………………………...9

3.0 Assessment

3.1 Tutorial Support 10

3.2 Assessment Calendar 10

3.3 Format of Assignments 10

3.4 Anonymous Marking 10

3.5 Submitting Work 10

3.6 Handing in course work 11

3.7 Confidentiality 11

3.8 Extensions 11

3.9 University Marking Strategy 11

3.10 Notification of results 12

3.11 How to access results 12

3.12 Failure to meet the required standard 12

3.12a Failure at 1st attempt 12

3.12b Failure at 2nd attempt 12

3.12c Failure to Attend/ Failure to Submit 12

3.13 Right of Appeal 12

3.14 Appeals procedure 12

3.15 Plagiarism and collusion 12

3.15a Self-Plagiarism 13

3.15b Plagiarism work package 13

3.16 Exceeding the work limit 13

3.17 Return of Assignments 13

3.18 Feedback 13

3.19 Withdrawal from a unit/programme 14

4.0 Degree Classification 14

5.0 Special Circumstances 14

6.0 Receiving your Diploma/Degree certificates 14

7.0 The Sheffield graduate Award...... 15

8.0 The Sheffield Graduate Attributes...... 15

9.0 The Higher Education Achievement record...... 16


Appendix 1 Subject Group Leaders

Appendix 2 Programme Secretaries/Programme Codes

Appendix 3 Sample Assignment Title Page

Appendix 4: Extension/LoA Request Form

Appendix 5 Marking Criteria

Appendix 6 Harvard Referencing

Appendix 7 Electronic Journals

Appendix 8……. ……………………….Plagiarism Action Guide

Appendix 9………...... Standards for the provision of formative feedback

Appendix 10...... Graduate attribute mapping

Appendix 11...... Recording of lectures

Appendix 12…………………………………………………….………..Special Circumstances

Introduction and First Day Information

This handbook is for students taking units delivered by the School of Nursing and Midwifery. It is designed to give general information relevant to all learning beyond registration(LBR) units and programmes.

If you have any queries please contact the person who is to be your unit leader (See the unit handbook for this) or contact your Subject Group Leader (See appendix 1).

1.1 Availability of Modules

Most students attending units taught by the School of Nursing and Midwifery will have been authorised by their managers/LBR leads and funded by NHS Yorkshire and the Humber. A list of the units available is provided in the Our Courses brochure available from the Programme Coordinators. The availability of these units will change from one academic year to another. Please see and click on prospective undergraduate/postgraduate students depending upon your intended level of study for current units.

You may only take the units that have been purchased for you. Each unit is purchased individually, and you must take the units purchased for you on the dates and level at which they have been purchased. (The only exception is if a level 5 (Degree level) module has been purchased for you and you do not have sufficient level 6 credit to allow you to take it).

Units may be self-funded if places are available. A brochure outlining those offered is available from the General Office at Barber House Annexe. You would need to contact the Admissions Department for information about availability and fees.

Please ensure before you apply that there are no regulations for your programme that could prevent you accessing a particular unit. Some units may require that you have undertaken and had the ratified results of other units prior to commencement.

If you successfully complete sufficient units you will obtain a Diploma or a Degree: BMedSci (Hons) /MMedSci award.

Undergraduate Students:

120 credits at level 5 are required for the award of a diploma and 120 credits at both level 5 and 6 are required for a honours degree (240 in total).

Postgraduate students

60 level 7 credits are required for the award of a postgraduate certificate

120 level 7 credits are required for the award of a postgraduate diploma

180 level 7 credits are required for the award of MMedSci

Each certificate, diploma or degree has its own programme code as identified in appendix 2. You will be registered against one of these codes even if you only attend one module. If you wish to complete the degree the specific regulations may apply and these can be found on the University web site:

These should be read in conjunction with the general regulations to be found at: under the heading “Nursing and Midwifery undergraduate”. Here you will find the units it is necessary to complete, the regulations governing the programme including time limits and the rules regarding APEL (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning).

The specifications for individual programmes can be found on the university website:

To attain a Diploma, B Med Sci (Hons) or MMedSci on a part time basis you must complete the programme of study within 5 years of the start date. The start date is the date of registration of the first unit you undertook

1.2 Attendance for Professional Interest/Development

Attendance for professional development is no longer permitted. You must undertake the assessment for each unit you are registered on otherwise a fail to submit/attend will be awarded and this may have implications for further study

1.3 Attendance Requirement

For all units on Learning beyond registration programmes (excluding dissertation and distance learning units) there is an 80% attendance requirement at taught sessions. Please contact your unit leader if you have not been able to attend sessions as you may be unable to submit your work for assessment, be awarded a 0 grade for submitted work or have credit withheld for failing to engage appropriately with the programme. It is important that you attend taught sessions as the content delivered is required to enable you to meet the learning outcomes in the assessment of theory/practice.

All timetables identify a start and end time for lectures. Students should ensure they arrive in time to start as late entry may be disruptive and affect the learning experience of others.

The lecturer has the right to deny access to the room for latecomers and students that are persistently late may be referred for review by School and/or faculty.

2 General information for new students

2.1 Start times

The start time of your programme and subsequent days unless otherwise negotiated is generally 0930 hours. Taught sessions aim to finish by 1530 hours in order to provide students with the opportunity to access library facilities.

2.2 Car Parking

Car parking is available on the both the Royal Hallamshire and Northern General Hospitals sites as pay and display. There is also pay and display parking at the Francis Newton further up for Barber House but there are time limits on this

2.3 Smoking

The buildings in the University are designated no smoking areas.

2.4 Health and Safety Code of Practice

The University is committed to provide as required by law a safe environment whilst you are a student on its premises. The code of practice booklet can be found at and this outlines your responsibilities regarding Health and Safety whilst you are on the course therefore you should take time to read this booklet.

2.5 Safety/Attendance Register

When attending taught study days, all course members must sign the register which will be brought into class by the Lecturer. This register is used to check who is on site in case of fire and other emergencies, as well as for attendance monitoring and reporting.

2.6 Notice Board

New information about your course will be displayed on the student notice-board from time to time. It is your responsibility to check it regularly for new information.

2.7 Fire Procedure

The assembly point will depend on the site. Please ensure you are aware of this on your first day. Information on what you should do in case of fire is contained in the University's Health and Safety Code of Practice booklet.

2.8 Fire Lectures

It is the individual course member's responsibility to be aware of fire policy and attend relevant fire lectures whilst on their clinical placements.

2.9 In case of sickness

If you are ill during study time you need to inform the programme coordinator for the programme you are registered on (Please see appendix 2). If sickness occurs during clinical time you must inform the clinical area as well as the relevant programme co-ordinator.

2.10 Leave of Absence

Details of Leave of Absence procedures can be found at:

The generally accepted position is that leave for up to one year may be granted for genuine personal, family, medical or financial reasons. Please be aware that the award must still be completed within the required time frame.

If you require a leave of absence please submit a request form as in appendix 4 outlining the reasons and length of time required to Mrs Tracey Pacan, the assessments officer, who will present it for consideration by the pre-assessment board. You should not arrange this with any other individual within the school as this will not be valid.

2.11 Opting-Out of study sessions

If you wish to opt out of a particular session you will need to demonstrate that you have already met the learning outcomes for that session. This must be done by prior negotiation at least one week before the session with the relevant unit leader. Negotiation slips, available from the relevant Programme Coordinator as identified in appendix 2, are to be used to negotiate out of sessions.

Any course member who does not attend the study sessions without prior negotiation, or who has not informed the programme coordinator or the lecturer, will be regarded as being absent. The School of Nursing and Midwifery may be required to give information regarding course attendance to the NHS Yorkshire and the Humber/East Midlands which purchase courses on behalf of NHS Trusts.

2.12 Unit evaluation

Whilst you are a student, you will have opportunities to evaluate the quality of your programme of study and its individual units. Student evaluation is an essential part of assuring the quality of departments’ provision and provides us with essential feedback on your experiences of your programmes of study.

All programme evaluation is subject to university policy. Course evaluation is conducted formally at the end of each unit. Evaluations are collected to form part of a report that is submitted to the Board of Studies which meets annually and make recommendations based on the findings. The following issues are usually addressed:

·  Teaching and Learning support

·  Module Content

·  Assessment and Feedback

·  Overall satisfaction

We will endeavour to provide you with feedback on the issues that students have raised through the evaluation process and how we are addressing these. It is important that we receive a good response rate to student evaluations, as your feedback is an essential part of helping us to maintain the quality of teaching and learning provision, and may benefit you and future students. Quality reviews of departments’ teaching and learning consistently demonstrate ways in which student feedback often does lead to changes being made to units and programmes.

You may wish to nominate/elect a representative to discuss issues at a Board of Studies (See 2.24). Management of evaluation is reported form Boards of Studies to the Staff Student Committee and the School Learning and Teaching Committee. It also reported to the university through the Annual Reflection of the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health

Please see for information on governance structures.

2.13 Library facilities

The University has a comprehensive range of library facilities. Details can be obtained by consulting the university web site at

2.14 Ucards

As part of your registration with the University you will receive a UCard from the University which will enable you to access the University's libraries, computing facilities and also to benefit from student discounts. These are not normally posted to you but are collected from the relevant programme coordinator. There is a replacement charge if you lose your UCard, which currently stands at £5.00.

Your Ucard can be obtained in one of two ways:

a)  you may complete a form that will be sent at the time you are offered a place on a programme. In this case your UCard will be sent to you directly.

b) you may pick up the UCard yourself from Corporate Information and Computing Services (CICS) at Hounsfield Road, once you have been registered. In this case please contact CICS first on 0114 222 1111 to check that your card is ready.

If you are fully registered and do not have a UCard, or your UCard has expired, you can obtain one from the Student Services Information Desk in the Students' Union. You will need your registration number and some identification e.g. your expired UCard.

If you are considering taking further units in the Diploma, B Med Sci or MMedSci pathways, please keep your UCard.

Please ensure you are in receipt of a UCard as soon as possible as not having one does NOT automatically entitle you to an extension on assessment submission.

2.15 Computer Facilities and CICS Packs

As part of your registration the University provides you with a computer account which gives access to computing facilities, library services and student information.

If CICS judge that you are a new student with the University, they will issue you with a CICS pack early in your first unit. This gives you a username, a password, and a brief guide to logging on to your account and to some of the services available.