Thursday, October 26, 2017
(Location: EGHS Foyer Conference Room at 7:00pm)
I.Welcome-Call to Order - 7:00pm
In Attendance: Michelle W., Kerry G., Julie K., Helen K., Mrs. Catt
II.Approval of Minutes (September 28th)
III. Mrs. Catt Reports
- A big thank you to the Choir Boosters for all their help at the Fall Choral Showcase. Especially making last minute bow ties and sewing on buttons. Julie is very resourceful.
- Need to order 20 new bow ties. Want to take at least 12 nice new ones to the IMEC Chamber concert at the University of Illinois in January.
- Email all fundraisers to parents and make them aware that the money earned from fundraisers will go into the student accounts.
- When ordering flyers be aware that 600-700 programs are generally ordered for each the Fall Choral Showcase and The Christmas Concert and 500 for second semester concerts.
- Clarified the new names for the choral groups:
Men’s Choir is now called Base, Treble Choir is now called Chorale and Women’s
Choir is now called Treble
IV.Treasurer’s Report - Helen
- Bank statement copies were distributed
- General Account balance is healthy
- Student Activities Account
Transferred funds from inactive SA to GA (pending at bank).
Will add in new students as they accrue balances
- Wehave not received the Buffalo Wild Wings Dine n Share check yet. Julie will check with Bob Murphyon the status.
- We did very well with donations and spirit wear sales at the Fall Choral Showcase.
- Mr. Beef Dine n Share night did not do very well
V.Committee Reports
- President Report - Julie
- Students that haven’t paid for their alterations yet will have the moniesdeducted from their student account.
- We will order 20 new bow ties. Helen will order samples before ordering. Tracy Rondoni is going to go to various tuxedo stores in the area in hopes to get bow ties donated. Helen will get together a donation letter for Tracy. She will also supply a tax exempt letter.
- Still trying to locate students missing garment bag and shoes.
- Vice President - Kerry
- Secretary - Michelle
VI. Old Business
- The NIU Choral Festival was a great day. The kids enjoyed the food provided by the Choral Boosters. A special thank you to Julie for baking the cookies.
- The Fall Showcase Concert was a huge success.
- Thank you to Julie and Kerry for taking time out on a Saturday to organize the Choir closet. It looks great!
VII. New Business
- Happenings
- 11/1 - The Nathan Gunn & Sarah Wigley Johnson Masterclass
- 11/7 - The Philip Lawson Clinic Day - Miss Catt will take to dinner
- 11/9 - US Army Soldier’s Chorus Visit
- 11/11 - ILMEA Music Festival - Choir Boosters to cover optional lunch @ 8.50 each for a total of 9 students
- 11/18 - ILMEA Jazz Festival for 6 students
- 12/13 - Holiday Concert - Julie to check with EGIMA about refreshments. She willmeet in November with Orchestra & Band to discuss the concert. Also, going to ask same volunteers that helped with the Fall Choral Showcase if they could help us again. We will go through our Holiday decorations to see what we have and donate what we don’t think we’ll need. Keeping it simple this year.
- 12/15 - Concert for a Cause - 7:30pm at ChristusVictor Church
Chamber Singers and Orchestra to perform.
Choir Boosters to provide pizza dinner from 5:30 - 6:30.
- 2/14-2/17 - ACDA in Chicago - Four males will attend.
Choir Boosters will help cover costs for hotel, food, registration fees, etc..
- 11/8 Chipotle EGV - We put flyers in programs at the Fall Choral Showcase and Julie will send an email out on 11/6, then again the morning of 11/8.
Fuller’s Car Wash Fundraiser - (Ongoing)
- No coupons were sold at the Fall Choral Showcase. They are valid for Des Plaines & Elk Grove. Let people know who are buying that Elk Grove is doing renovations and they will be completed in early December. Going to email flyer to parents.
Baker’s Square Pie Fundraiser 11/1 - 11/13
- Orders and payments are due to Baker’s Square 11/17
- Julie will drop off at EG Police Dept. parking lot between 3:00 - 6:00pm
- Pies to be picked up at Christus Victor lot on 11/21 between 8:00am - 6:00pm
- Julie will double check tomorrow with Lauren Moshi the general manager at Baker’s Square to clarify who can pick up the pies on pick up day.
- Emailing flyer to parents letting them know $3.50 - $4.00 will be put in the student account for each $12.00 - $14.00 pie sold. Julie made 125 flyers to hand out to students.
- Lou Malnati’s pizza certificates- Jan.
- World’s Finest Chocolates - Feb. (Valentine’s Day)
- Strike Ten Lanes - Saving for Spring
- Executive Committee Fundraisers - If they want to have a fundraiser 2nd semester Kerry offered to be on hand during lunch to help.
4. Spiritwear
- Jim’s Spirit wear will have the bulk order ready by 10/27
- If you want to order spirit wear it will only be available online at Click on Elk Grove High school to place your order.
- We will not be offering spiritwear for a fundraiser.
- Julie will look into having variousitems available on the website with the EG Choral logo on them. She will order one of each item and display them at the Choral concerts for parents/students to see before they order.
- Emailing flyer to parents
5. Choir Website
- Helen set-up Choir Booster email account. She will go through the emails that didn’t go through and try fix or delete.
- Julie will post Honors Choir names on the website and Mrs. Catt will inquire about posted them on the marquee in front on the school.
6. PTO Report
Julie will bring flyers for Chipotle & Fullers to the November meeting.
Meeting adjourned 9:00pm
Next Meeting is Nov. 16th @ 7:00pm