/ For program information contact
Sciences – Trudy Kavanagh 78754 or
Humanities & Social Sciences – Michael Woodworth 78731 or

Application for Undergraduate Research Award

Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences

ORSIL NUMBER / UBC PG (project grant)



Applicant family name

Given name

Student ID #

Male Female

At the time of application, are you attending University? Yes No

How many credits will you have completed towards your degree program when this award is held?

How many academic terms will you need to complete toward your degree program when this award is held?

Name of Award / Location of Tenure / Period Held (mm/yy-mm/yy)

Title of Proposed Project:

Key Words (list keywords that best describe your proposed research or research activity, maximum 5 words)

Primary Supervisor


Unit #



Other Collaborator(s)



Unit #




I am legally entitled to work in Canada Yes No
Citizenship: Canadian Citizen Permanent Resident Student Visa
Current Address





Postal Code

If current address is temporary, indicate leaving date

Permanent Mailing Address (if different)

Telephone number at permanent address
E Mail address
Research projects involving human subjects, animals or bio-hazardous material require an active Certificate of Approval
Certification is required *Certificate #:
Certification is not required
* If you currently have ethics approval on this particular project you must apply for an amendment to include the student prior to any funds being released.

Top of Form

PART II – Proposed Research Project (to be completed by the student)

Bottom of Form

Using non-technical language appropriate for a multidisciplinary committee, use the space below as indicated to describe your proposed research project. (Fonts 10pt)

ABSTRACT (100 words)
RESEARCH DESCRIPTION (Max 2 pages not including diagrams or references) Provide a detailed outline of the research project. The following sections and headings must be included: 1. Introduction 2. Objectives 3. Plans for research. Must be non technical – written in a way that is understandable to reviewers of diverse backgrounds.


QUALIFICATIONS (max 1 page) Discuss your qualifications and any past research involvement or relevant activities.

PART III– Support Statement (to be completed by the supervisor). This form serves two purposes: to indicate that you understand what the research project is and approve of the proposal and the research; and to verify that you will provide an appropriate level of supervision to the student over the course of the project.

1. Comment on the strength of the proposed research

2. Comment of the strength of the applicant.
3. Describe your level of student supervision in the project.
Name and Title of Supervisor / Department
Telephone Number / E Mail Address
Starting Date / Fax Number
Title of Research Project
FACULTY ADVISOR – Please read and sign
I certify that I have read this grant application, that all information in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
APPLICANT – Please read and sign
I (applicant) verify that all the information contained within this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Department/Unit Head
Associate Dean






For Administrative Use Only

AVP Academic and Research - UBCO Research Services to confirm entry of application into ORSIL












For students applying for the Irving K. Barber School award only
BUDGET – Attach maximum one page (12 point font) – Budget Justification
Allowable expenses: materials, supplies, travel costs, copying costs, software.
Estimated Amount
  1. Supplies and expenses

  1. Equipment

  1. Research related travel and subsistence costs

  1. Other (specify)

  1. Total

Application Submission
* Application must include official transcript(s) or if from UBC O (or OUC) a copy of your transcript(s) to be considered complete. Original of the application is required. When fully completed and signed, the original application (including any required attachments) must be submitted by 4:00 pm on the deadline day to:
Barber School – Associate Dean’s office
4nd floor, ASC 413
Attention: Undergraduate Student Award – Irving K. Barber School Arts & Sciences
Late applications will NOT be accepted.
The application must contain original signatures – photocopies and facsimiles will NOT be accepted.
January 31st (if this date falls on a weekend the deadline will move to the first working day that follows)

Summary Information:

Value of Awards: Each award will consist of a $6,500 stipend for a full 16-week period during the summer session; and up to $1,500 to cover expenses associated with the research project.

Eligibility:Any undergraduate student currently enrolled full time in the Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences that satisfies the following conditions may apply for this award.

  • Must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or an international student with a valid study permit for the full summer work term;
  • Must be legally entitled to work in Canada;
  • Have successfully completed a minimum of 75 credits toward your degree by the time of receiving the award;
  • Intend to return to UBC Okanagan as a full-time undergraduate student in the semester directly following the completion of the research project.

Non Eligible:

  • Students supported by other awards or who receive work stipends through summer research assistantships, are not eligible to hold an Undergraduate Research Award.

Adjudication: Grant applications will be assessed by a committee of the Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences. The committee will make recommendations to the Dean, who will make the final decisions. It is expected that the competition results will be announced by March 1st.

Purpose: The purpose of the undergraduate research award program is to encourage undergraduate students enrolled in the Irving K. Barber School of Arts & Sciences to pursue innovative and original research as part of their learning experience while at UBC Okanagan. The awards are primarily aimed at students in their third year of study.

Criteria: In evaluating applications, the selection committee will consider the following two criteria, applying equal weight to each category:

A. Quality of proposed research:

  • Originality and innovation
  • Merit of research and potential impact on the field
  • Strength of research design and overall feasibility of proposed research
  • Interdisciplinary elements (not mandatory, but strongly encouraged)
  • Clarity, presentation and logic of proposal

B. Researcher’s abilities, qualifications, and potential for growth:

  • Personal initiative and working autonomy (as separate from supervisor)
  • Ability to think critically and analytically
  • Ability to apply skills and knowledge
  • Determination and ability to complete projects in timely fashion
  • Communication skills and ability
  • Past academic achievement
  • Relevant academic training and experience
  • Other relevant experiences and accomplishments

Research proposals should be self-contained, and conceived and designed by the student. Students may seek advice from their supervisors; however, the research description must be written by the students themselves.

Grant Administration: Individual P/G’s (research accounts) will be established for each grant-holder through their faculty advisor. Expenditures against this P/G will be processed through the grant-holder’s Faculty/unit office.

Signatures: All applications must have the signature of the applicant, Department/Unit Head (for faculties with departments) and Associate DeanStrategic Planning and Research.

Conditions: The students’ research experience will be supplemented by seminars in which students will meet with other URA recipients and faculty to discuss their research projects. Upon completion of projects, students will also be required to participate in a symposium showcasing undergraduate student research at UBC Okanagan.

Application Procedure: Students wishing to apply must be associated with a faculty member in the Irving K. Barber School of Arts & Sciences. This faculty member must agree to be the primary supervisor. If more than one faculty member is involved in the supervision of the project, the name(s) of the collaborating faculty member(s) must be listed in the cover page. Interdisciplinary proposals are strongly encouraged and will receive preference in the rankings. Only one application per student per year will be accepted. Students should fill out the application and submit it with all necessary attachments to their chosen supervisor a week prior to the deadline. To ensure confidentiality, the faculty member will complete the application and pass it on for signatures and submission.

Each application must contain a cover page (Part I), a full description of your proposed research project (Part II) filled out by the applicant, a statement of support filled out by your Supervisor (Part III), and a budget, along with signatures and transcripts.

Students are eligible for one award while attending UBC Okanagan.

Expense Claims: All expense claims must be submitted to your faculty member before year end.


Formatted November 2010