
Learner Name
Assessor Name
Tamzie Hollands & Christine Ely
Centre Name
OCN London Training
Course Name
Developing Your Assessment Skills
Unit Name
Developing Assessment Skills
Unit code
Course run id (RAC No.)
Course Dates
Course delivery
All assessed work to be submitted by
Learner Declaration
Through the completion of this workbook, I acknowledge that this is my own independent work/investigation, except where specified otherwise. All other sources are referenced and detailed in a bibliography. The work submitted has not been previously accepted in substance for any other award and has been submitted in accordance to the specified requirements. I confirm that I have not/will not share my work with other learners.


OCN London Workbook – Unit – Developing Assessment Skills

Contents / Page
Introduction / 3
The Course / 3
Accreditation / 3
Assessment tasks and assessment process / 4
Feedback complaints and appeals / 4
Plagiarism / 5
Tutor contact details / 5
Course Outline / 6
Contract / 7
Unit / 8
Assessment Task A (AT A) / 10
Assessment Task B (AT B) / 12
Assessment Task C (AT C) / 16
Assessment Task D (AT D) / 21
Assessment Task E (AT E) / 24
Assessment Task F (AT F) / 25
Assessment Task G (AT G) / 26
Glossary of Terms / 27
About this Publication / 29
Accreditation / 30


OCN London Workbook – Unit – Developing Assessment Skills


This course is designed to develop your skills as a practicing assessor. Devising and delivering appropriate assessments is a key activity in ensuring standards are maintained and learners get the awards they deserve. Your job is to ensure the assessment of unit based credit is fair, accurate and consistent. We hope the course will enable you to achieve this.

This is an accredited course and consists of two day of course work and a set of assessments. On the course you will meet and work with colleagues from other OCN London centres; and also people outside the OCN London network. The course work provide you with learning opportunities designed around the learning outcomes set out in the unit standard for this course. These are in Appendix 1.

The assessments are designed to enable you to reinforce your learning and to demonstrate that you have achieved the learning outcomes.

The course

This is a practical and theoretical course. It aims to teach you practical skills and to give you opportunities to practice such skills in class. It is based on active learning principles through which ideas and information within the group can be shared, and learners are encouraged to learn by doing practical activities.


A learner is able to achieve 3 credits at level 3 from undertaking the assessments successfully. Accreditation recognises and rewards learning, and provides you and future employers with sound evidence of your skills. OCN London requires its centres to use assessors that are suitably trained. Successful completion of this course provides evidence of such training.

Assessment tasks and assessment process

We have devised a set of assessment tasks to test your learning. The tasks contain guidance from us about what you need to do. They cover all the assessment criteria (AC) described in Appendix 1. A learner must achieve against all AC to obtain the three credits. The tasks are set out in Appendix 3.

We aim to keep paper to a minimum. You should produce all evidence electronically and submit to the OCN London e Portfolio system.

·  All emails should have as their subject ‘DYAS May 2017 Assessment’.

·  Evidence will take the form of documents uploaded to an e Portfolio system (these are the same as the contexts of this workbook; you are required simply to login and complete the tasks at your convenience).

·  Please name your documents according to the Task numbers eg for assessment task A i it should be named ATA i followed by your name.

·  Tutors will provide feedback to learners via email on the e Portfolio site Learners will receive an email advising them that their work has been assessed and whether these are now complete or require further work. The latter will only occur if it is felt the AC have not been fully met. Pass grades are subject to confirmation by verifiers.

·  Learners’ evidence and assessor feedback will be stored in your personal e portfolio, created by OCN London. There is one portfolio per learner. You will be given access to your e-portfolio prior to submitting your first task. You can access it at any point after that.

·  Deadline for final assessment submission is July 5h 2017- unless an extension is required.

·  OCN London has appointed Ed Craven as internal verifier for this course.

·  The plan is to have assessment decisions internally and externally verified by the end of August 2017.

Feedback complaints and appeals

There will be a formal evaluation at the end of the course to obtain feedback from you about the course. However, we welcome feedback, so please feel free to voice your thoughts at any time.

If you have complaints about how the course is being delivered, please speak to one of the tutors in the first instance. If this does not resolve the issue, OCN London has a clear complaints procedure which will be explained to you at this point.

If you feel that assessment decisions are inadequate, please speak to the tutor who has assessed your work. If this does not resolve the matter, OCN London has a clear appeals process which will be explained to you at this point.


If you submit an assignment that contains work that is not your own, without indicating this to the OCN London assessor (i.e. acknowledging the sources used), you are committing ‘plagiarism’ and this is an offence. This might occur in an assignment when:

• when you choose to use a phrase or sentence that you have come across

• word-for-word copying direct from a text

• paraphrasing words contained in a text very closely

• simply using text downloaded from the internet

• borrowing statistics or factual information from another person or source

• copying or downloading figures, photographs, pictures or

citing or acknowledging your sources

• copying from the notes of a fellow or previous course student

• copying from your own notes or a text that contains direct quotations.

Although you are encouraged to show the results of your reading by referring to and quoting from relevant sources of information, copying from such sources without acknowledgement is deemed to be plagiarism and will not be accepted by OCN London. This means that you must make it clear which words and ideas are yours and which have come from elsewhere, through the use of quotation marks as well as in-text citations (as applicable).

As part of this course, you will be encouraged to collaborate with but submitted work copied from or written jointly with others is not acceptable. Therefore you will be asked to acknowledge a statement to confirm that all assessment work you have submitted is your own and that you have not colluded.

Tutor contact details

Christine Ely:

Tamzie Hollands:


20 Jan 2017 One Day fast track


Welcome/Ice Breaker

Course overview /personal aims

Course Assessment strategy

Devising assessment strategies

Practical application -

Using the sample units

Designing effective ASSESSMENT TASKS

Issues in assessment design –level and credit

Designing assessment tasks (group work)

Pre-verification of tasks (individual exercise)


Common issues in poor assessment.

Judging assessed portfolios (group work)

Preparing an action plan and assessment briefing

FEEDBACK TO learners

How to give good feedback


Conflicts – Assessors /IV


Preparing portfolios

Review of course/Evaluation of course: oral and written

4.00 CLOSE


Your progress and achievement on the course will be continually assessed. You will be required to produce evidence that demonstrates you have achieved the requirements of the unit’s assessment criteria (AC). Your tutors will assess your work and provide you with feedback in the ‘feedback’ section of this workbook.

Following assessment by your tutor, your portfolio may then be submitted for internal verification, to check the tutor’s assessment decisions. These are provisional assessment decisions and may be changed at this time. You will only receive confirmation that you have achieved the AC and awarded the unit after an External Verifier, has verified samples of assessed work towards the end of, or following the end of, the course.

If the tutor assesses your work and decides you have not met the assessment criteria you should be given the opportunity to re-submit your work, time permitting. Your tutor should provide detailed guidance relating to any work you need to re-submit.

You have the right to be assessed fairly and the right to appeal against your assessment decision. ‘OCN London Training’ has a policy on this issue that can be requested from your tutor.

OCN London Training’ also implements a policy on assessment malpractice. Assessment malpractice is deemed to be any actions or any practice that threatens theintegrity of assessment and certification. This includes cheating and copying. It is important you click the button below to confirm that you are the learner named on the front of this portfolio and that you declare that all the assessed work submitted as your for this course is your own work. Deliberately cheating at assessment is fraud and could have serious consequences.

Learner Declaration

Click on the check box to confirm these two statements when you have completed the work;

I am the person named as the ‘learner’ on the cover of this workbook

I declare that the work presented by me is all my own work.


OCN London Workbook – Unit – Developing Assessment Skills

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Unit Title: Developing Assessment Skills /
Level: / Three /
Credit Value: / 3 /
Unit Code: / GB8/3/LR /

This unit has 6 learning outcomes

The learner will: / The learner can:
1.  Understand the purpose of assessment. / 1.1.  Define the terms ‘assessment’ and ‘the internal verification of assessment’.
1.2.  Explain the purpose of assessment for
a) the learner
b) the organisation delivering the accredited training
c) society as a whole
2.  Understand how to plan assessment to meet requirements of the assessment system and learner needs. / 2.1.  Devise appropriate assessment strategies for three different scenarios.
2.2.  Create effective assessment tasks for four assessment criteria which are valid, fair and at an appropriate level.
2.3.  Explain the strengths and weaknesses of assessment tasks in relation to four difference scenarios.
3.  Understand how to make sound assessment decisions based on learner evidence. / 3.1.  Assess three examples of learner evidence for its validity, authenticity and sufficiency.
3.2.  Explain activity which could constitute malpractice in relation to evidence
a) by learners (two examples) and
b) by tutors (two examples)
4.  Be able to ensure that learners are fully aware of the process and outcomes of assessment. / 4.1.  Demonstrate how to brief learners effectively about the requirements of the assessment process.
4.2.  Give effective feedback to learners about submitted evidence in a constructive and accurate manner.
5.  Be able to develop and maintain effective records of assessment. / 5.1.  Develop a system for recording and storing assessment decisions using either paper-based or electronic methods.
5.2.  Design a suitable structure for a learner’s evidence portfolio.
6.  Be able to work effectively with others to improve the quality of assessment. / 6.1.  Explain the role of the internal verifier in assessment.
6.2.  Explain how two potential areas of conflict between assessor and internal verifier might best be managed.
6.3.  Explain the purpose of standardisation and the role of the assessor in it.

Assessment Information Grid Guidance:

The grid below gives details of the assessment activities to be used with the unit attached.

Please refer to the OCN London Assessment Definitions document for definitions of each activity and the expectations for assessment practice and evidence for verification.

P = Prescribed
R = Recommended / This assessment method must be used to assess all or part of the unit.
This assessment method would be suitable to assess all or part of the unit.
O = Optional
N/S = Not suitable / This assessment method could be used to assess all or part of the unit.
This assessment method would not be suitable for this unit.
A.C = Assessment Criteria / These are the criteria that must be assessed through this prescribed method.
P/O / A.C / P/O / A.C
Case Study / R / Project / N/S
Written question & answer/test/exam / O / Role play/simulation / P / 4.1
Essay / O / Practical demonstration / O
Report / O / Group discussion / O
Oral question and answer / O / Performance/exhibition / N/S
Written description / R / Production of artefact / N/S
Reflective log/diary / N/S / Practice file / O


OCN London Workbook – Unit – Developing Assessment Skills

The learner will: / The learner can: / Task
1.  Understand the purpose of assessment. / 1.1.  Define the terms ‘assessment’ and ‘the internal verification of assessment’.
1.2.  Explain the purpose of assessment for
a) the learner
b) the organisation delivering the accredited training
c) society as a whole / A for 1.1, &1.2
2.  Understand how to plan assessment to meet requirements of the assessment system and learner needs. / 2.1.  Devise appropriate assessment strategies for three different scenarios.
2.2.  Create effective assessment tasks for four assessment criteria which are valid, fair and at an appropriate level.
2.3.  Explain the strengths and weaknesses of assessment tasks in relation to four difference scenarios. / B for 2.1, 2.2, &2.3
3.  Understand how to make sound assessment decisions based on learner evidence. / 3.1.  Assess three examples of learner evidence for its validity, authenticity and sufficiency.
3.2.  Explain activity which could constitute malpractice in relation to evidence
a) by learners (two examples) and
b) by tutors (two examples) / C for 3.1
E for 3.2 a&b
4.  Be able to ensure that learners are fully aware of the process and outcomes of assessment. / 4.1.  Demonstrate how to brief learners effectively about the requirements of the assessment process.
4.2.  Give effective feedback to learners about submitted evidence in a constructive and accurate manner. / F for 4.1
D for 4.2
5.  Be able to develop and maintain effective records of assessment. / 5.1.  Develop a system for recording and storing assessment decisions using both paper-based and electronic methods.
5.2.  Design a suitable structure for a learner’s evidence portfolio. / C for 5.1
D for 5.2
6.  Be able to work effectively with others to improve the quality of assessment. / 6.1.  Explain the role of the internal verifier in assessment.
6.2.  Explain how two potential areas of conflict between assessor and internal verifier might best be managed.
6.3.  Explain the purpose of standardisation and the role of the assessor in it. / A for 6.1
G for 6.2 &6.3

Assessment Task A (AT A)
