Meeting Notes, ‘ST IVES IN BLOOM’

held at The Golden Lion

at 7.30pm on 12th January 2015

Present: Marney Hall (Chairman)

Colin Saunderson (Treasurer)

Hattie Grimwade (Secretary)

Pam Edey(St Ives Town Council)

Linda Croucher (Garden Club)

Jude Ongeri (Resident)

Jill Burt (Holt Island)

Robin Bletsoe (HRAA/Garden Club)

Peter Baker (Civic Society)

1. Apologies for absence were received from Moreen Wells, HayleyWeightman, John Kennedy.
2. Matters arising:
  • Notes on the meeting held on 8th December 2014 were approved as correct with one amendment – item 6 sponsorship opportunities should have said Town Retail Group rather than SITI.
  • Ryan Fuller had emailed to say that he represented SITI on the committee. Pam Edey offered to talk to members of the Town Retail Group about the St Ives in Bloom plans for the coming year.
  • Hattie was asked to put the rota for weeding the Park and Ride beds once planted onto a doodle poll, so that committee members could easily sign up to volunteer.
  • Waitrose has had St Ives in Bloom featured as part of its community matters scheme, and Hattie was asked to write and thank them. We have sent a follow up email to Huntingdon Garden and Leisure, but no response as yet.
  • The possibility of a summer event (such as scarecrows)in schools and shops was reviewed, and there was discussion about whether schools would want to be involved near the end of term and whether shops would be able to add another major event to their year. Pam will add this to her discussions with the Town Retail Group.
  • Jill reported that she has been in touch with Gilly Vose of the Norris Museum about the possibility of incorporating nest boxes for swifts into their new build. Sheis going to check height of suitable buildings with bird experts, and has another meeting with Gilly this week.
  • The Amenities Committee in December was cancelled, so further plans for volunteering in the cemeteries have had to be put on hold.
  • It was agreed that The Golden Lion should be the venue for future meetings.
3. Preliminary discussion of route for judges:
Members of the Committee had brought along ideas about where both the committee’s and the judges’ attention should be directed this year, in the light of the judges’ report at Kings Lynn last year.
There was general agreement that there should be greater focus on the river, the meadows, and the many ‘water-related’ features of St Ives, and that the judges’ route should include a tour by boat from the Old Riverport, via Wilhorn Meadow and then past Holt Island to Nobles Field. Many members offered to discuss possible co-presentations with schools or businesses, but it was decided that the route should be agreed in principle before approaching non-committee members. A draft itinerary isattached at the end of these minutes(appendix i) – PLEASE COMMENT!
4. Plan display of war memorial planters:
It was agreed that Marney should plant up the existing 4 planters for winter display, and Colin said that the new budget would be able to fund an extra 4 planters for the summer display. (He is hopeful that we will receive the increased budget he has applied for from the Council.) Colin kindly agreed to collect the planters from Hattie for planting up by the end of the month.
5. Promotions and publicity report:
Pam reported that members of the Council had met with the editorial team of the Hunts Post, which now has a new content editor Stephen Waite. He had advised that when we have events to publicise, we should send them to reporterHywel Barrett at least 10 days in advance, following up with an email and telephone call. Helen Drake (photographer)can come and record suitable events. The council is concerned to have astandardised format on all publicity, and Hattie should send the article about the Park and Ride events to Sue Rawlinson (Town council secretary) for approval by Ian Jackson (Deputy Mayor), before sending it on to the Hunts Post.
There followed some discussion of the opportunity missed in publicising Mick George’s donation of money and topsoil. Marney was able to give Hattie contact details for the Financial Director at Mick George, and Hattie will get in touch to try include their photos in the article for the Hunts Post.
6. Draft letter to businesses in the town:
The draft letter to shops in the town was amended, and the final copy is attached (appendix ii). Jill is going to find out about having ‘SIIB sponsor stickers’ printed. Peter mentioned that there are over 300 businesses in town, so it was decided that committee members should visit only the shops to begin with. Letters for shops in a specific area of town will be given to volunteer committee members at the next meeting.
7. Set dates for ivy clearance in cemeteries in February:
Dates for ivy clearance will be set after the next meeting of the Amenities Committee on 28th January. Colin asked that permission should be sought at the same meeting for us to put up sparrow next boxes in Broadleas Cemetery, as he has been advised that the garage would be a good place.
8. Any other business:
  • Marney brought the award certificates to the meeting. Hattie will get them framed and ask if they can be displayed in The Corn Exchange.
  • Marney distributed examples of marks and winning portfolios from a ‘gold award’ village, and there was some discussion about improving the format of our portfolio this year, using these as models.
  • Peter reported that within the Civic Society publicity he has included information about the Flower and Produce Show, and that he could do the same for St Ives in Bloom events.
Monday 9thFebruary at 7.30pm – The Golden Lion. / Action

St Ives in Bloom, c/o Town Hall, Market Hill, St Ives PE27 5AL


(We only have 2½ hrs allocated for judging, with some extra time for park, cemeteries and school visits. It might not be possible to fit in all the activities, as time is so tight.)

Time / Place / Activity / Alternative
1 / 10.00 / Corn Exchange / Presentation in Tony Burgess Room if possible / 1
10.30 / Market Hill to Bus Station, Cromwell Mews / Look at street displays and hanging baskets, including displays in any empty premises / 2
3 / 10.45 / Priory Road and Wellington St / More attractive route to quay? / 3
4 / 11.00 / Quay and Bridge Street / View Old Riverport flowers and information displays and disabled access pier / 4
5 / 11.10 / Wilhorn Meadow, Holt Island, Nobles field / Travel by boat to understand the central part the river plays in St Ives / 5
6 / 11.40 / The Waits / Look at local authority displays. Pick up car. / 6
7 / 11.50 / Tenterleas –
if time / View community garden.
8 / 12.00 / Sailing club / Look at sailing club and boating area. / 7
9 / 12.15 / Park and Ride / View planters in Park and Ride area, and hear about ongoing plans. / 8
10 / 12.30 / Farm Club / Tour of Farm Club, have lunch. / 9
11 / 1.10 / Eastfields School – if time / Talk to children and TAs about gardening club
12 / 1.30 / Wheatfields School / View sensory garden and talk to children and TAs about gardening club / 10
13 / 2.00 / Burleigh Hill Farm – if time / View farming with ecology in mind
14 / 2.15 / Hill Rise Park / View activities available for young people, pictures of areas with bulbs in the spring, carnival, dog walking area / 11
15 / 2.50 / Thicket and forest school – if time / View forest school area – pictures in portfolio and at Norris Museum
16 / 3.00 / Westwood Road Cemetery / View new management plan of cemetery and nature reserve area. / 12
17 / 3.30 / Broad Leas Cemetery / View new management plan of cemetery and nest boxes, new planting. / 13
18 / 4.00 / Norris Museum / View plans for museum development, tea and refreshments. Holt Island volunteers from the Ivo to show display of Family Fun Day, Eco Ivo Day. / 14


February 2015

Dear Manager

As you may know, St Ives won a silver gilt medal last year in the Anglia in Bloom competition, of which we are very proud. However, we are aiming to improve to a gold award when the judges come to visit the town in July 2015, and are hoping to involve businesses in the town in making the flower beds and hanging baskets even more spectacular.

We are wondering whether you would be interested in supporting St Ives in Bloom in its bid to improve the flower displays and general environment around town. We are producing “St Ives in Bloom” signs for the windows of shops and businesses who support us with a donation of £20 or more, and will include the names on our list of sponsors in our publicity.

We are sure that this would be the sort of contribution to the community that you could be proud of and that your customers would be interested in. Details of ways to make a contribution to St Ives in Bloom are at the bottom of this letter, and a member of the Committee will be calling back shortly to hear your thoughts on the proposal.

Thank you so much for your time,

The St Ives in Bloom Committee