Facilities Reqests / QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE


For any Facilities related requests, start at the Facilities home page to fill out a Facilities Work Request. You can also check the status of your requests.

Note: Critical situations are those that have or may cause property damage or personal injury. Call Facilities Help directly in such cases. x2000 (206-770-2000)

Create a Work Request

Start your request by going to the GWR Facilities site from the Commons.

  1. Click the buttonto get to the Facilities Work Requestportal.Here you can start a new request or search for one in progress.

  1. Click Create Work Request.

A form displays; use the Description field to provide as much detail as possible. (Fields in maroon font are required.) The request’s priority will be assigned automatically based on your selections.

Note: You can change the requestor’s name if you wish.

  1. Click the AddRequestbutton to submit the request.

A message with the new work request number displays.

The request is complete. You will receive a confirmation email.

TIP: Keep your confirmation email so you can search by the Request # later if necessary.

Change Requestor and Contact Information

The name, phone and email information of the person creating the request is filled inautomatically. You can change this information using the Search icon while completing the request before submitting it.

To change the name

  • Enter the first three letters of the person’s first or last name and then click the Search icon for a list of matching names. For a faster search, enter as much of the full last name as possible.

Priority Codes

Critical / CRITICAL * / 2 HOURS / 15 MINUTES
1 / P1 - 2 HOUR / 2 HOURS / 2 HOURS
2 / P2 - Same Day / 8 HOURS / 4-8 HOURS
3 / P3 - 24 HOUR / 24 HOURS / 24 HOURS
4 / P4 - 48 HOUR / 48 HOURS / 24 HOURS
5 / P5 - 3 DAYS / 3 DAYS / 3 DAYS
6 / P6 - 21 DAYS / 21 DAYS / 10 DAYS
* Critical items are those tasks that have or may cause property damage or personal injury.

Search for a Work Request

You can check the status of your work requests by using the Search feature. Go to the Facilities Work Request portal and select Track Work Request Status.

The best practice is to search by the Work Request #provided in your confirmation emailor by the requestor’s name.

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