2014 Fall Region Meeting Script

Pre Session music: Peppy music

Voice #1: Welcome to the Region _____ Fall Meeting. The opening session is about begin. Please take your seats…..


Region President: Good afternoon everyone, I’m so happy you are here with us today! Welcome to the 2014 Fall Region Meeting. Please rise for the flag presentation.

Color guard and/ or national anthem

Thank you- please remain standing for the opening ceremony found on your program.

President: (Gives a rap with gavel, signaling the officers and members to stand and say,) We are members of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Our mission is to promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education.

Officers: Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner, and community leader, members develop skills for life through character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.

Members: As we work towards the accomplishment of our goals, we learn cooperation, take responsibility, develop leadership, and give service.

President: The Region _____ fall region meeting of the Minnesota Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is now in session. Please remain standing as we recite our national creed.

All Officers and Members: We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America,

We face the future with warm courage and high hope.

For we have the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious values.

For we are the builder of homes.

Homes for America’s future,

Homes where living will be the expression of everything that is good and fair,

Homes where truth and love, and security, and faith will be realities not dreams.

We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.

We face the future with warm courage and high hope.

President: You may be seated. We are able to have State Officers with us today. Please welcome (State Officer #1) to bring us greetings from the State Executive Council.

State officer speech # 1- Short Speech

Vice President: Each of the State Officers has a state leadership project. Here to tell us a little more about FCCLA is (State Officer #2).

State officer speech # 2- Short Speech

President: Thank you. State Officers have been working to get Minnesota FCCLA off to a great start this 2014- 2015 School Year. One of the very first jobs of a state officer team is to create the Minnesota FCCLA State Theme. So let’s take a moment and learn about the state theme!

Option 1:

Play State Theme Video

Option 2:

Power Point and Script

Option 3:

Act out the script “live”. Note: You will need to assign parts and rehearse this.

President: Wearing a Hawaiian lei

“Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind.” Lilo said this in the popular Disney movie “Lilo and Stitch.” It’s what Lilo and Family, Career and Community Leaders of America have in common. Nothing is more important than family. Family is FCCLA’s central focus. Hi I’m ______your region _____ President.

Vice President: Holding a clock

In the 2011 film Hugo, about an orphan boy in the 1930’s that lives in a train station and fixes clocks. The young boy learns from an old man “If you lose your purpose, it’s like you’re broken.” Did you know thatFCCLA has 8 clear purposes? The purposes help guide members to be leaders in their families, careers and communities. Hi I’m ______your region ____ Vice President.

Secretary: Holding a MN FCCLA Competitive Events Handbook

Have you seen “Napoleon Dynamite”? In that movie Napoleon thinks girls like boys with nun chuck skills, bow hunting skills and computer hacking skills. In FCCLA we know employers like you to have skills. Did you know that MN FCCLA is offering new Skill events. Check out Culinary Food Art, Fashion Sketch and Early Childhood Challenge and compete in them at state conference this year. See the MN FCCLA Competitive Events Handbook for more information! Hi, I’m ______your region _____ Secretary.

Treasurer: FCCLA at the Table Pamphlet or a Cell Phone

Julia Roberts, Hollywood actress said “I love to cook, and I love to have all my family around the table.” In a 2011 Fox interview, Julia Roberts said if she wasn’t an actress she would have like to have been a Family and Consumer Science teacher. I would bet that if Julia Roberts was a member of FCCLA she would participate in the new National initiative “FCCLA at the Table”, it’s all about making a healthy meal and eating it with your family. Take picture on Instagram and share it with National FCCLA. Hi, I’m ______your region _____ Treasurer.

JHC: Holding a Gavel

In the movie “Dead Poet Society” the teacher tells his students that “No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” I believe that no one knows that more than our legislators. Did you know that MN FCCLA has an event where you could meet your own legislator and shadow another legislator on Thursday, February 26th? This is a great event that allows members to tell our legislators all about the hard work we do for our school and communities. Hi, I’m ______your region _____ Junior High Council Member.

Peer Ed. Team #1: Wearing a wizard hat

The great Dumbledore of the “Harry Potter” movies once said “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.” Truer words couldn’t be said about bullying. It’s hard to stand up to a bully and even harder when it is your friend. This year at the MN FCCLA November Summit you can learn tools to help you have a great school atmosphere. Ask your advisor how you can attend November Summit this year. Hi I’m ______a member of the Minnesota FCCLA Peer Education Team.

Peer Ed. Team # 2: Chef’s Hat

In the movie “Julie and Julia”, the story of how Julia Child’s and her cooking profession is portrayed by Actress Meryl Streep. Being a chef has really become a popular career. There are a lot of cooking shows on televison now too. It’s no wonder that people are interested in learning more about this career.

In FCCLA STAR Events and Skill events you could learn how to do a recipe rehab, make family meals in “FCCLA@ the Table”, do Culinary Food Art, and learn Math in Culinary Management. Just to name a few new Competitive event categories.

Learn more about these different competitions in FCCLA during the November 10th Career Day. Hi I’m ______a member of the MN Peer Ed. Team.


Region Secretary: We would like each chapter to send a representative to the stage area and line up for roll call. Please have a chapter representative bring up (your roll call item.) When you come up, please state your chapter name, how many members you have attending, and what you are donating.

Region President: More than 16 million kids in America struggle with hunger. So “Share Our Strength” created the “No Kid Hungry” campaign in hopes to end childhood hunger. FCCLA has been honored to partner with “Share Our Strength” as our National Outreach Project since 2011. This is the last year FCCLA chapters across the country will be raising money for “Share Our Strength.” So we as a region officer team would like to challenge each chapter in our region to raise $100 for “Share Our Strength” this year.

Region Vice President: This year Minnesota FCCLA is introducing a new “tool” for chapter officers and advisers. It is called the 2014- 2015 Chapter Checklist. FCCLA members attending Local Officer Training will learn how this new checklist will help your chapter complete projects this year! This document is also located on the MN FCCLA website

Region Treasurer: Our regional account helps support the involvement of officers at Dynamic Leadership I- FCCLA Leadership Camp and Dynamic Leadership II- November Summit. Region Officers are also offered a small stipend to attend National Conference. The region treasury also contributes to region meeting costs. The regional account has a balance of ______prior to this meeting.

Region JHC: The region will be meeting next year at our Mid-Winter Region Meeting. This meeting is scheduled for ______at ______. Mid-winter region meeting is where we conduct our region STAR Event Competition and it’s right around the corner, so start working on your STAR Events!


Region President: Now we are going to do an audience participation activity. We want to highlight some of this year’s competitive events. STAND if you think this is a competitive event category. SIT if you think if it’s a title of a Weird Al Song.

  1. “Just Like Rachael Ray”, Stand if you think it is a name of a STAR Event and Sit if you think it is a “Weird Al Song”

Pause- and allow students to either stand or remain seated

If you are standing that is correct. “Just Like Rachael Ray” is a demonstration event where members plan and prepare a healthy meal.

  1. Ok- Here’s the second one. “Buy me a Condo”, Stand if you think it is a name of a STAR Event and Sit if you think it is a “Weird Al Song”

Pause- and allow students to either stand or remain seated

If you are sitting, that is correct. This is a “Weird Al” song. However if you are interested in saving money and wanting to purchase a condo, you could compete in the “Life Event Planning” National STAR Event

  1. “Grape fruit diet”, Stand if you think it is a name of a STAR Event and Sit if you think it is a “Weird Al Song”

Pause- and allow students to either stand or remain seated

If you are sitting that is correct! This is a “Weird Al” song. However, if you are interested in doing a STAR Event on the grape fruit diet you can enter the “Taking Care of Your Self”- Illustrated Talk.

  1. “Food Innovations”, Stand if you think it is a name of a STAR Event and Sit if you think it is a “Weird Al Song”

Pause- and allow students to either stand or remain seated

If you are standing you are correct! Although this sounds like a “Weird Al” Song this is in fact a National STAR Event. In food innovations members create an original food prototype, test their food product through focus groups and develop a marketing strategy.

  1. “Mission Statement”, Stand if you think it is a name of a STAR Event and Sit if you think it is a “Weird Al Song”

Pause- and allow students to either stand or remain seated

You need to be seated for this one. This is a “Weird Al” song! It sounds similar to the Creed Speak Competitive Event. This is an event that has members recite the FCCLA creed and prepare a speech about what the creed means to them in their daily life.

Thank you for participating in our audience participation activity!


Region Vice President: We have a special guest here today. Please welcome, (guest speaker and topic).

Speaker presents

Thank you ______, for coming today. I know we all learned a lot!

Region President: Announce roundtable workshop and “LOT” training plans and give a 15 minute break before roundtables begin.

LOT Training and Round Table Begin


Region President: Hello everyone, I hope you all had fun participating in the “Local Officer Training” and the various round tables. I think we should give a round of applause to those who presented today, they did a fabulous job! We are going to go ahead and get started with this next session.

Region Vice President: Directors, Producers, Writers and Actors all work together to create a movie. Just like members and advisers work hard serving their schools and communities. But did you know that some of the most famous celebrities in the world give service in some of the same areas FCCLA promotes with National Programs?

For Instance. The very funny Ellen Degeneres, the talk show host urged congress to support legislation to improve nutrition for the “America’s Children Act” to help schools serve up healthier food options for students. This fits with the FCCLA National Program Student Body.

Region Secretary: Will.i.am of the “Black Eyed Peas” created the “i.am.home Fund” to help prevent struggling families in the United States from losing their homes. He also created the “i.am Scholarship Fund” to bring education opportunities to young people in need of financial assistance. I AM sure that Will.i.am would support our work in the Families First and Financial Fitness National Programs.

Region Treasurer: Pharrell Williams has produced music for both the “Despicable Me” and “Man of Steel” movies. He also created the “From One Hand to AnOTHER” Foundation (FOHTA) to help every community with underserved youth build community centers that devote learning experiences and provide exposure to different technologies, arts and resources, to help youth succeed in their future. I think Pharrell Williams work with communities relates closely to FCCLA’s Leadership Service in Action Program.

Region JHC: Ever since her mother shot her father in self-defense when she was just 15 years old, Charlize Theron has been an advocate against gun violence. Charlize Theron the academy award winning actress and star of such movies “Monster” and “Snow White and Huntsman”has spoken publicly against domestic and gun violence and serves as a “Messenger of Peace” to the United Nations.

Region President: The Minnesota FCCLA Executive Council has inspired us through the “Lights, Camera, Action”, state theme. We encourage your chapter members to write their own stories, shine like a star and most importantly, take action to improve the lives of its members!

Region Vice President: We would now like you to complete the evaluation form for this meeting. Please fill it out and hand it to an usher.

Region President: We will now conclude the fall region meeting with the Closing Ceremony. We are challenged to accept the responsibility of making today’s decisions that affect tomorrow’s world. Please stand as we repeat our national creed.

Members and Officers:

We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America

We face the future with warm courage and high hope

For we have the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious values.

For we are the builder of homes,

Homes for America’s future,

Homes where living will be the expression of everything that is good and fair.

Homes where truth, and love and security and faith will be realities, not dreams.

We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America

We face the future with warm courage and high hope.

President: This meeting is now adjourned. Give a rap with the gavel

Thank you for coming today everyone, I look forward to seeing some of you at November Leadership Summit, and all of you at Mid-Winter and State Conference! Have a safe trip home, let’s have a great FCCLA year!