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Time Allowed:3Hours M.M.100

General Instruction:

i) Answer all the questions.

ii) Question no 1 TO 10 short answer questions of two marks each. Answer to each of these should 30 to 40 words..

iii) Question 11 to 20 contains 4 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceeds 100 words.

iv) Questions 21 to 25 long answer questions of 6 marks each. Answer to each of these should 200 words.

1)  Discuss briefly the Platonic concept of justice? (2)

2)  What is the Positivist of the theory of law? (2)

3)  What is the meaning if Human rights (2)

4)  Write four dimensions of law? (2)

5)  Define dharma as a concept (2)

6)  What do u mean by separatism tendencies ? (2)

7)  Give two electoral reforms made be election commissioner? (2)

8)  What do you understand by Comparative Politics (2)

9)  Differentiate between Interest group and pressure group (2)

10)  India is a Welfare state prove with examples (2)

11)  Law and morality is closely related to each other . Explain . (4)

12)  What are the reasons for economic inequality .(4)

13)  Describe the various kinds of Violence found in Indian society (4)

14)  Write about National Policy for empowerment of woman 2001 (4)

15)  What are the reasons behind Illiteracy in India .what’s its impact on Indian Democracy (4)

16)  What are the individual’s view about state’s activity? (4)

17)  What are the main tenants of Socialism (4)

18)  Rights Implies Duties ..explain the statement (4)

19)  What is the main points of Congress I. Manifesto during recent elections (4)

20)  What is the role of planning commission in India ? (4)

21)  Fascism as an Ideology was a failure. Discuss the rise of the ideology and its weaknesses. (8)


Liberty and Equality are closely related to ease other show its relation (8)

22) Define Public Opinion? Name the agencies make a sound public opinion and what is importance of public opinion in Democracy (8)


What are main features of Indian Foreign Policy (8)

23) What are the aims and objectives of U N ? What role has India played in UN.(8)


Evaluate the relationship between India and Pakistan since our Independence . (8)

24) What do u mean by election commission and what are the functions of an election

Commissioner (8)


What is the role of Opposition in Parliamentary democracy (8)

25) What is defections and what step has taken by the government to check the defections?


What is Non-alignment movement? Who were the main leaders? India the role in

Non alignment movement ? (8)

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