Wednesday 6 May 2009

Simon Broadhurst Chairperson / Sarah Callaghan
Hazel Gilhooley Vice-Chairperson / Veronica Macnaughton
Julie Roberts Secretary / Lorna Doyle
Claire Graham / Julie Thomson
Anne Burke / Angie Townsend
Mark Roberts / John Caldwell
Libby Howie / Maria Siggins
Susan Dalglish / Canon McMullan
Su Boyle / Sandra Gray
Lorraine Cusack / Stephanie Gilhooly
Diane Gray
Audrey Peter

1. Welcome

Simon welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Minutes & Actions arising/carried forward from last meeting

·  Advertising Parent Council

Photos for Noticeboard.

Action: Carry forward to next session.

·  Library Update

Anne B confirmed that the library would now be set up in the room that is currently used for the Support Base. She is hoping to have the furniture moved over the holidays. The Junior Library package has been purchased to record the books. Anne will take further advice from Library Services on how to set up the room.

Action: Update from Anne B at next meeting

·  School Playground Project

It was agreed that the project would be planned and considered in the new session. Anne B suggested that it might be worthwhile to get the Manager of Ground Services to attend one of our meetings to give us some information and guidelines. Julie also suggested that we contact the Parent Council at the Burgh school who have just completed Phase 1 of their playground improvements.

Action: Carry forward to next session.


3. Summer Fair/Treasurer’s Report

Simon thanked all those who helped at the Summer Fair. With special thanks to Mr Bonnar who, as ever, pulled out all the stops to help us. Despite the chilly, windy weather it was a great success raising £1500. An Annual Event now perhaps.

Susan then gave an update on the accounts:

Balance at June 2008 - £1600.33

Balance at June 2009 - £3157.15

Recent expenditure has included ice-cream on sports day and £5.50 per P7 Pupil for their leaving gift. Susan also mentioned that a donation was still to be given to the Church for the use of the Church Hall.

Simon asked that everyone think about ideas for fundraising for next year and to consider specific fundraising events (eg. Funds from Xmas Fair for Playground project). He also reiterated that the PC would be happy to work in partnership with the teachers and their classes on any fundraising activities they are planning or if they require any funding from the PC for topics they are working on.

4. Update from Meeting at Gillies College

All Chairpersons from the Schools in the diocese were invited to a meeting at Gillies College. Simon attended on our behalf. The meeting was to promote Catholicism in school via Parent Councils (working in partnership with the school). Simon explained that he felt it was a worthwhile meeting and the diocese was hoping for it to be an ongoing event. A general discussion took place about catholic schools and Anne B explained a bit about how the teachers were being guided in promoting ‘values’ within the school.

5. The Piper Project

An Email was passed from ELC on the Piper Project which is a project that was undertaken by Currie High School to become an ‘Eco School’. Their initiative now is to set up Parent Council Eco Groups within the Currie Community. The document is fairly lengthy and detailed so Julie to pass it our on Email.

Action: Julie to forward Email

6. Election of Parent Reps & Office Bearers

As advised at the last meeting, the review/election of the parent reps and office bearers would be done at this meeting so everyone is in place for the new school session.

Lorna Doyle, Angie Townsend and Sarah Callaghan had all advised that they would be stepping down from their Parent Rep roles. Simon thanked them for their hard work and contribution over the last 2 years.

All other Parent Reps agreed to remain only leaving gaps to be filled in Nursery, P1 and P6. Julie will issue a note to Parents in these classes asking for volunteers.

Susan Dalglish and Stephanie Gilhooly stepped down as the Staff Reps. Again, Simon expressed his thanks to Susan D for the staff’s work and vital input over the past two years. At this point, Anne B advised that the staff reps for the new session would be Claire Pottie and Claire Capaldi.

Simon advised that he still has another year to run as Chairperson. Susan B advised that she would continue as Treasurer for another year. No volunteers came forward to take on the Secretary role so Julie R agreed to stay on for another year.

A discussion then took place about organising a cheese and wine open evening to promote the Parent Council and share successes from this year and aims/objectives for the coming year. Anne B suggested that perhaps something could be done in conjunction with the CFE evenings. However, Anne B has still to discuss and agree this with her staff. Lorraine explained some of the activities and ideas they have tried at her school.

Action: Julie to issue note for new Parent Reps

7. AOB

·  Budgets & Staffing

Anne B gave an overview of the budget for the coming year which will be finalised in September. Efficiency savings made are £769.00 + £8595.00 from last year totalling £9364.00.

Anne also advised that she would be employing a Support for Learning Teacher this year and was delighted to announce that Mrs Ramage will be taking on this role.

There will be 8 classes again this year plus the Nursery. Teacher allocation is yet to be finalised but will be communicated as soon as possible.

·  Report Cards

Anne advised that the Report Cards would be issued tomorrow.

·  Football Success

Claire advised that both football teams had done really well in a recent tournament and the girl’s team had won the cup. A brilliant achievement for this new team and their coaches (Miss Rosie and Mr Bonnar!). It was suggested that the PC could buy medals for the girls to mark their achievement. Claire will check with Colin and then let Susan B know.

Action: Claire to find out about medals for girls football team.

Close – Simon thanked everyone for coming and wished everyone a happy, restful holiday. The meeting was then closed.