Nombre: ______

Reflexive or Not?

Read the following statements, and decide if they are reflexive or not. Check the appropriate column. Write the verb in Spanish on the right.

Reflexive / Not Reflexive / Verb
The nurse washes her hands.
My dad wakes me up at 10 am.
Mario takes off his tie.
My mom takes off my sister’s shoes.
Carla lays down on the couch.
My name is Carlos (I call myself Carlos).
I put my dog on the bed.
I wake up early.
The nurse washes the patient’s face.
The model puts on make-up.
Juan shaves his face.
I look at Ms. López.
I call Carlos on the phone.
Juan takes a bath.
I fall asleep.
The make-up artist puts make-up on the model.
I look at myself in the mirror.
The barber shaves Juan’s face.
My mom gives my baby sister a bath.

Nombre: ______

Reflexive or Not? ANSWERS

Read the following statements, and decide if they are reflexive or not. Check the appropriate column. Write the verb in Spanish on the right.

Reflexive / Not Reflexive / Verb
The nurse washes her hands. / X / Lavarse
My dad wakes me up at 10 am. / X / Despertar
Mario takes off his tie. / X / Quitarse
My mom takes off my sister’s shoes. / X / Quitar
Carla lays down on the couch. / X / Acostarse
My name is Carlos (I call myself Carlos). / X / Llamarse
I put my dog on the bed. / X / Poner
I wake up early. / X / Despertarse
The nurse washes the patient’s face. / X / Lavar
The model puts on make-up. / X / Maquillarse
Juan shaves his face. / X / Afeitarse
I look at Ms. López. / X / Mirar
I call Carlos on the phone. / X / Llamar
Juan takes a bath. / X / Bañarse
I fall asleep. / X / Dormirse
The make-up artist puts make-up on the model. / X / Poner
I look at myself in the mirror. / X / Mirarse
The barber shaves Juan’s face. / X / Afeitar
My mom gives my baby sister a bath. / X / Bañar