“Nixon and the Watergate Scandal” Outline


I.Nixon’s Policies Target Middle America

  1. What did Nixon believe that the “silent majority” wanted from government? (599)
  1. What did he call for in his 1971 state of the union address? (599)
  1. What did he propose to reduce the power of the federal government? (599)
  1. What major new federal agencies were created under Nixon? (599)
  1. How did he attempt to undo Lyndon B. Johnson’s war on poverty? (599)
  1. What did he propose creating instead? (599)
  1. What ended up happening to this proposal? (599)
  1. How did federal spending on welfare programs change during Nixon’s presidency? (599)
  1. What happened to the U.S. economy during the late 1960s and early 1970s? (599)
  1. What did economists call these conditions? (599)
  1. Why was inflation such a problem by the late 1960s? (599)
  1. Why were more Americans losing their jobs in the early 1970s? (599)
  1. Why did the price of oil go up so much in 1973? (600)
  1. What organization decides the price of foreign oil? (600)
  1. Why did the Arab Oil Embargo hurt Americans so much? (600)
  1. How did Nixon try to fight stagflation? (600)
  1. How come this did not work? (600)
  1. Nixon Follows a Southern Strategy
  2. What was the goal of Nixon’s “southern strategy”? (600)
  1. What kinds of judges did Nixon try to appoint? (600)
  1. How come they were not approved by the Senate? (600)
  1. What did federal courts order schools that resisted desegregation to do in 1971? (600)
  1. What did Nixon do because of this? (600)
  1. What was Nixon’s 1969 Philadelphia Plan? (600-601)
  1. What kind of program was this? (601)
  1. What kinds of approval ratings did Nixon have by the 1972 election? (601)
  1. How did Nixon position himself in the 1972 campaign? (601)
  1. How did Nixon portray his opponents? (601)
  1. How large a victory did Nixon win in 1972? (601)
  1. Why was his victory unique? (601)
  1. The Watergate Scandal Brings Nixon Down
  2. What happened at the Democratic Party headquarters in Washington D.C. in June 1972? (601)
  1. What kind of attention did this incident get in the media at first? (601)
  1. Why did this break-in become a major scandal by 1973? (601)
  1. What did this lead to? (601)
  1. How did Nixon respond to all allegations arising from the Watergate break-ins? (601)
  1. What two reporters helped reveal the Watergate scandal to the public? (601-602)
  1. Where did they get their information? (602)
  1. What did Nixon claim in spite of all their evidence? (602)
  1. Why did Vice President Spiro Agnew resign in 1973? (603)
  1. Who became the Vice President because of this? (603)
  1. What did the public find out about Nixon that same year? (603)
  1. Did Nixon give these tapes to the special prosecutor investigating the case? (604)
  1. What did he claim? (604)
  1. What did the Supreme Court decide about Nixon’s actions in the 1974 case United States v. Nixon? (604)
  1. What did investigators learn when they listened to the White House tapes? (604)
  1. What did the House of Representatives’ Judiciary Committee decide to do because of the tapes? (604)
  1. What did the Judiciary committee accuse Nixon of doing? (604)
  1. What did Nixon decide to do because of this? (604)
  1. How else had Nixon abused presidential power during his presidency according to subsequent investigations? (604)
  1. How did the Watergate scandal affect public faith in the government? (605)
  1. What did Congress try to do because of this? (605)