Design Pattern: Singleton Class:



* iSingleton</i class to assist with basic keyboard input operations. Only a single iInput</i object will ever be created. The iInput</i class clusters related input operations and will build one iScanner</i object to use with input.

* iScanner</i objects are big and complex; thus, this approach reduces the overhead associated with the repeated creation of iScanner</i objects.


* @author Rex Woollard

* @version Lab Assignment 1: iLord of the Rings</i


publicfinalclass Input {

/** Keyword istatic</i makes this a iclass</i oriented variable, rather than iobject</i oriented variable; only one instance of an iInput</i object will ever exist, and the instance is tracked by this reference variable. */

privatestatic Input referenceToSingleInputObject = null;

/** Object-oriented instance variable, but since only one iInput</i can ever be created, only one iScanner</i object will ever be created. */

private Scanner scannerKeyboard;

/** A iprivate</i constructor guarantees that no iInput</i object can be created from outside the iInput</i class; this is essential for the isingleton</i design pattern. */

private Input() {scannerKeyboard = new Scanner(; }

/** The istatic</i modifier means this method can be called without the existence of an iInput</i object; if no iInput</i object exists one will be created; if one already exists, it will be re-used. */

publicstatic Input getInstance() {

if (referenceToSingleInputObject == null)

referenceToSingleInputObject = new Input();


} // end static Input getInstance()


* Presents a prompt to the user and retrieves an iint</i value.

* @paramsPrompt reference to a iString</i object whose contents will be displayed to the user as a prompt.

* @returniint</i value input from keyboard


publicintgetInt(String sPrompt) {


while ( ! scannerKeyboard.hasNextInt()) { // peek into keyboard buffer to see if next token is a legitimate int

System.out.println("Number is required input.");


scannerKeyboard.nextLine(); // clear bad input data from the keyboard



} // end intgetInt(String sPrompt)


* Presents a prompt to the user and retrieves an iint</i value which is within the range of inLow</i to inHigh</i (inclusive).

* @paramsPrompt reference to a iString</i object whose contents will be displayed to the user as a prompt.

* @paramnLow lower boundary on the range of legitimate values

* @paramnHigh upper boundary on the range of legitimate values

* @returniint</i value input from keyboard


publicintgetInt(String sPrompt, intnLow, intnHigh) {


do {

System.out.printf("%s (%d-%d): ", sPrompt, nLow, nHigh);

while ( ! scannerKeyboard.hasNextInt()) { // peek into keyboard buffer to see if next token is a legitimate int

System.out.println("Number is required input.");


scannerKeyboard.nextLine(); // retrieves input to the next \r\n (line separator) and we choose to ignore the String that is created and returned


nInput = scannerKeyboard.nextInt();

if (nInput >= nLownInput <= nHigh) // int value is within range, thus it is valid . . . time to break out of loop


System.out.println("Value out of range. Try again.");

} while (true);


} // end intgetInt(String sPrompt, intnLow, intnHigh)


* Presents a prompt to the user and retrieves a ireference-to-String</i.

* @paramsPrompt reference to a iString</i object whose contents will be displayed to the user as a prompt.

* @returnireference-to-String</i object created by keyboard input


public String getString(String sPrompt) {


scannerKeyboard.useDelimiter("\r\n"); // Setting this delimiter ensures that we capture everything up to the <Enter> key. Without this, input stops at the next whitespace (space, tab, newline etc.).

String sInput =;

scannerKeyboard.reset(); // The preceding use of useDelimiter() changed the state of the Scanner object. reset() re-establishes the original state.


} // end String getString(String sPrompt)


* Presents a prompt to the user and retrieves a iboolean</i value.

* @paramsPrompt reference to a iString</i object whose contents will be displayed to the user as a prompt.

* @returniboolean</i value input from keyboard


publicbooleangetBoolean(String sPrompt) {



} // end booleangetBoolean(String sPrompt)

} // end class Input()