8th of September 2015
Present: Cllr. M Vobe (Chairman)
Councillors: K Bland, P Campbell, P Caswell, Mrs J Johnson, Mrs A Roberts, M Smith, M Vobe
2 members of the public, Rev Pam Swift, and PCSO W Stanley.
The Chairman welcomed PCSO Stanley who reported 5 incidents of anti-social behaviour including the use of off-road motor bikes for which a male person had been summoned to court, 4 burglaries including 2 garage breaks, a theft of jewellery from a property in Wellfield Road, and theft of climbing equipment and clothing from Nevisport at Bents Garden Centre. There had been 2 attempted burglaries at the Cooperative Store on Common Lane Culcheth. She reported 14 incidents of theft including theft of number plates, a trailer, 2 drive offs from Greyhound Service Station, 3 incidents of shoplifting, 2 at Bents Garden Centre and 1 from the Coop.
She confirmed that cars for use by PCSO’s were available about 75% of the time, and that PCSO’s were now being trained to issue litter penalties.
She noted that local burglaries had not been mentioned to Neighbourhood Watch volunteers, and that it would be useful with regard to number plate thefts if a description of the vehicle was circulated. She also reported that a Sergeant had been appointed with responsibility for the Rural Watch Scheme.
The Chairman thanked PCSO Stanley for the report.
8.1 Opening
The Chairman welcomed members of the public and asked Rev. Swift to bless the meeting.
8.1.1 Code of Conduct – Declaration of Interests
No declarations were recorded at this stage.
8.1.2 Localism Act 2011 – Dispensations.
There had been no requests for dispensations.
8.2 Apologies for inability to be present
Apologies had been received on behalf of Cllrs. Mrs H Campbell, and Mrs J Grime.
8.3 Minutes of Meeting Number 7
Resolution 42/15
The members approved the minutes of the meeting held on 14th of July 2015 as a true record.
8.4 Matters Arising
Item 7.6.2 (1) – members noted that the re-submitted grant application to the Police and Crime Commissioner for Speed Signs had been rejected.
Item 7.6.2 – members noted that half-yearly financial updates will be made available to the public.
Public meeting item 2- members noted that the car park company serving Warrington Hospital had now ceased operating.
All other items covered by the agenda.
8.5 Borough Councillor’s Report
Members noted the following from the meeting held on the 7th September:
It was approved in principle that the Borough Council would take a share of Syrian refugees.
Motions carried:
1. That a task group would be set up to assess the impact of Fracking in the Borough.
2. To call on the government to amend the anomaly that children can be in foster care to age 21 whilst those in care homes were not supported beyond the age of 18.
3. To call on the government to review the decision to cancel the electrification of Trans Pennine rail routes.
The Boundary Commission had published draft recommendations that suggested no changes for the Parish. It was agreed that a note should be sent to confirm the Parish Councils support of the recommendations as they affect the Parish. The Clerk
Members noted that the barrier to Withington Avenue ginnel had been removed to allow greater access and that its entrance at Culcheth Hall Drive had been properly drained.
Members noted that meetings with the Police and Crime Commissioner had taken place to discuss Policing changes. The Police are still adamant that calling all foot patrols to joint briefings is the most effective method of communication, and that the impact on working practise is minimal. It had been pointed out that timings of journeys had been carried out during the summer months when the impact of Schools on travel is at its lowest. This situation will be kept under review. They are actively looking for local bases for PCSO’s.
Members noted a complaint that the Borough Council had decided to name the housing development at the ex-M&S site in Glazebury as “Glazebury Mill Close” following a consultation. It was thought that this was totally inappropriate as there had never been a mill on the site and it would be confused with the nearby Millbrook Close. It was also apparent that the local community, including the Parish Council, had not been consulted. It was agreed that councillors concerns should be forwarded to the Chief Executive of the Borough Council with a request for a review and a more appropriate naming of the development. The Clerk
8.6 Reports from Sub-Committees
8.6.1 Finance Sub-Committee
The members approved the minutes of the meeting held on 11th August.
Resolution 43/15
Members noted and approved the annual audit statement. They noted comments from both the Internal and External audit and approved the following actions:
1. Bank Statements submitted must be complete with yearend transactions. It was agreed that temporary statements would be requested if needed.
2. Comments and recommendations should be comprehensively recorded in Parish Council minutes. It was agreed that full details of recommendations and actions from both the Internal and External audits would be recorded.
3. A concern regarding the inclusion of £12,000.00 worth of assets (£9,000.00 for the Teens Shelter, and £3,000.00 for the Mobile Speed sign) not shown in the annual account. It was agreed that only additions/deletions actually purchased by the Parish Council within the relevant financial year will be recorded at full value.
8.6.2 Parish Land and Environment Sub-Committee
The members noted the minutes of the meeting held on 28th July and approved the minutes of the meeting held on the 25th August.
Members noted that Churches Together were keen to join with the Parish Council to encourage greater involvement in the Glazebury Christmas Lights Switch on.
They also noted that Culcheth Post Office would be closed from 29th September to 16th October for refurbishment.
8.6.3 Law and Order Sub-Committee
The members approved the minutes of the meeting held on 28th July.
8.6.4 Planning Sub-Committee
The members noted the minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd August and approved the minutes of the meeting held on the 31st August.
Members noted that planning application 2015/26242 regarding public access via the northern entrance to Bents Garden Centre had been withdrawn.
They also noted that SHLAA comments had been submitted and acknowledged.
Members approved comments on outstanding planning applications as follows:
2015/26380 – 127 Twiss Green Lane – objection
2015/26418 – 28 Stonyhurst Crescent – objection
2015/26472 – 23 Broseley Lane – no objection
2015/26465 – 48 Birchall Avenue – no objection.
8.6.5 Victorian Day
Members noted reports from meetings held on the 28th of July and 25th August.
Members noted that the proposed meeting with Lymm Parish Council would be held shortly.
8.7 Applications for Financial Assistance
No applications received.
8.8 Accounts for Payment
Resolution 44/15
That accounts totalling £3386.82p for September be approved for payment.
8.9. Chairman’s Communications
Members noted:
1. That the Chairman had attended a successful presentation event for the first “Culcheth and Glazebury in Bloom” competition.
2. Brighten up Culcheth – letter from a resident. Members agreed that this should be passed to the Environment sub-committee for consideration.
3. Invitations to the public and councillors to a briefing on the proposed Kenyon Solar Farm.
8.10 Date and Venue of Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting would be held at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 13th of October 2015 at Culcheth Centre.
The meeting was closed and opened to the public.
Members noted concerns regarding:
The location of the bus stop at Culcheth High School, incomplete road markings at the Greyhound Traffic Island, and the odour from Diggle Green Recycling Centre.
They also noted other applications for Solar Farms in the area, a complaint that the recent highway works at Holcroft Lane had not addressed the problem of overgown kerbs and pavements, and concern about the state of repair of some of the Council owned garages in the area.
Members noted a request that the Parish Council make an active contribution to the Syrian refugee situation. Members agreed that it would be more productive to support any initiatives proposed by the Borough Council.
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