2006 Events Committee Annual Plan

Project Committee Responsibilities

The Events Committee consists of:

Sarah Gainey-Events Champion

Brinkley Prescott – NAAEE Conference Chair

NAAEE Conference Committee Members:

Amy Kay Kerber, Nate Meyer, Kevin Zak, Dawn Cameron, Dawn Flinn, Carol McElroy, Nalani McCutcheon, Kathy Kinzig, Ami Thompson, April Rust, Teri Heyer, Alyssa Hawkins, Nicki Mattson, Clare Croteau, and Andrea Lorek Strauss

Amy Rager & Su Beran – MAEE 07 Conference Co-chairs

MAEE 07 Conference Committee Members:

Jeff Lederman, Anne Dybsetter, Chrystal Dunker, Julie Kingsley, Pat Benson, Sandy Gunderson, Steve Henry

Marcie Oltman – MAEE Environmental Ethics Representative

Responsibility / Activity / Tasks / Time frame / Responsible person(s) / Major Tasks from Action Plans
MAEE Yearly Conference / 1. Lead 07 conference committee and establish subcommittees / a. Plan and leadregular meetings for conference committee members / As needed, starting again in June 06 / Amy Rager, Su Beran
b. Set agendas and coordinate meeting logistics (meeting place, conference calls, etc…) / As needed, starting again in June 06 / Amy Rager,Su Beran
c. Communicate with MAEE board / Quarterly at board meetings / Amy Rager, Su Beran
d. Recruit conference committee members / As needed / Amy Rager, Su Beran, Sarah Gainey
2. Organize key components of the conference / a. Delegate following responsibilities to committee
1. Site selection and finalize contracts
2. Select and finalize keynote speakers
3. Send out RFP and select presentations
4. Design and publish registration brochure
5. Confirm field trip with MNA
6. Send out exhibitor confirmation form
7. Confirm sponsors
8. Send out conference scholarship forms
9. Organize silent auction
10. Put together participant packet
11. Coordinate jobs table at conference
12. Organize all concessions at conference / 1. July 06
2. Sept 06
3. July-Sept 06
4. Nov 06
5. Oct 06
6. December 06
7. June-Aug 06
8. Nov 06
9. n/a
10. n/a
11. n/a
12. na/ / Amy Rager, Su Beran and MAEE 07 conference committee
3. Maintain financial records /
  1. Develop 07 budget and request needed funds from MAEE board
/ Start June 06 / Amy Rager, Su Beran
  1. Coordinate payments and income
/ Monthly / Amy Rager, Su Beran, Marcie
4. Advertise and market conference with MAEE communications committee /
  1. Design and distribute promotional materials, including information brochure for NAAEE conference
/ By October 06 / Conference publicity chair, Amy R, Su
  1. Post information on conference on MAEE, SEEK, and other websites
/ By October 06 / Conference Publicity chair, Becky
  1. Distribute conference information to Media Contact Database
/ Oct 06 / Conference Publicity chair, Becky, Nate
5. Inform and involve MAEE membership about conference with MAEE membership committee / a. Send regular updates regarding conference in monthly email updates / Monthly after September 06 / Conference Publicity chair, Becky
b. Include conference information in membership renewals and new membership packets / Aug/Sept 06 letter / Becky (Karen)
6. Assess conference and recommend changes for next conference /
  1. Design, distribute, and collect evaluation from conference participants
/ n/a
  1. Formulate final report to be passed on to next year’s conference committee
/ n/a
  1. File all conference items in conference binder for MAEE office & next conf chair.
/ By end of conf / Amy R, Sarah
Begin 2008 MAEE Conference Activities. /
  1. Identify 08 Conference chair
  2. Identify 3-4 possible site options for 08 location, as identified in Long Range Conference Plan.
  3. Develop Conference 2008 budget needs and present to board.
/ By Dec 06
By Dec 06
By Dec 06 / Sarah & Board
08 Conf Chair
Host 2006 North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Conference / 1. Ensure consistent and accurate communication between NAAEE, MAEE, and local committees / a. MAEE weekly check-in calls / Weekly / Brinkley, Amy Kay, and Sarah
b. Report at MAEE board meetings on conference progress / Quarterly / Brinkley, Sarah
c. Participate in weekly NAAEE conference calls / Weekly / Brinkley
2. Coordinate all local committees /
  1. Identify chairs/co-chairs for each committee
/ By June 06 / Brinkley
  1. Check-in regularly with each committee for progress and concerns
/ Weekly / Brinkley
  1. Support committee activities as needed
/ As needed / Brinkley, Amy Kay, Sarah
d. Recruit conference committee members / As needed / Brinkley, Amy Kay
3. Represent MAEE on conference planning committee and program committee / a. Participate in committee conference calls / Ongoing / Brinkley, Amy Kay, Nate
b. Participate in National Conference subcommittees (ie. strands) / Ongoing / Brinkley, Mike Kennedy, Nate, Kevin Zak
c. Assist in design and distribution of registration brochure / Ongoing / Brinkley, Amy Kay
4. Fundraising efforts / a. Provide NAAEE leads on potential sources of funding for up to $50,000 / Ongoing / Amy Kay
b. Participate in or lead funder meetings / Ongoing / Amy Kay
5. Provide on-site support for conference during event /
  1. Participate in all conference activities
/ October 9-14, 2006 / MAEE board
  1. Host affiliates table and represent MAEE at affiliates workshop
/ October 9-11, 06 / TBD
  1. Network and have fun!
/ October 9-14, 2006 / MAEE board
6. Assess success of conference and recommend changes / a. Formulate conference final report to give to next local conference host and for MAEE binder / November 2006 / Brinkley, Amy Kay, Sarah
Events Committee Progress / 1. Update MAEE board on committee progress /
  1. Fill out ‘MAEE Committee Report Form’
/ Quarterly / Sarah
  1. Submit report for review and give oral report on committee progress at board meeting
/ Quarterly / Sarah
2. Update website with progress on events / a. Submit committee updates to webmaster / Monthly / Sarah
3. Communicate with other champions to determine workload and committee overlap / a. Discuss successes and issues at board meeting / Quarterly / Sarah, Nate, Karen
Other workshops, conference, meetings, etc… / Sponsor Midwest Environmental Ethics Conference May 6, 2006 / a. Provide a liaison to ethics conference committee / Jan 06 / Marcie
b. Help organize and advertise conference to MAEE membership and beyond. / Jan-May 06 / Marcie, Becky
c. Provide logistical support before, during, and after conference. / May 06 / Marcie
d. Write a conference synopsis for the MAEE summer newsletter. / May 06 / Marcie
e. Create a final conference summary for MAEE conference binder. / July 06 / Marcie, Sarah
f. Provide final conference report to board. / June Board Meeting / Marcie
Participate in Midwest Environmental Education Conference Group / a. Attend MEEC committee meetings / Twice yearly / Kevin
b. Promote MEEC to MAEE members and encourage participation / n/a / Kevin, Becky
c. Ensure state payback is taken care of / By June 06 / Kevin, Marcie
Sponsor Education Evaluation Course and Sponsorship
May 23-26, 2006 / a. Provide a committee member / Jan 06 / Amy Kay
b. Draft scholarship application and requirements / by March 06 / Amy Kay
c. Promote and collect scholarship applications / March-April 06 / Becky
d. Assess applications, select winners with PCA / April 06 / Amy Kay, April Rust
Membership requirements for MAEE events / Assess requirement or encouragement of MAEE membership for all MAEE supported events / a. Assess MAEE involvement in event planning time and finances. / As occurs / Sarah, Event Coordinator
b. Require MAEE membership for all MAEE hosted events. / At beginning of event planning / Event Coordinator
c. Determine if MAEE membership should be required or encouraged for MAEE sponsored events. / At beginning of event planning / Amy Kay, Sarah, Event Coordinator
Long Range Conference Planning / Provide direction on long range conference planning /
  1. Review adopted long range conference plan (June 2005).
/ Ongoing /
  1. Sarah, Amy R, Su

  1. Ensure 08 MAEE conference planning is in accordance with long range conference plan recommendations.
/ Fall 06 / Sarah, 08 Chair
  1. Consult full board if different needs from plan arise.
/ As needed / Sarah

Annual Plan Submitted By: Sarah Gainey Date: 5/17/06

Annual Plan Approved by Executive Committee: Yes Date: 6/2/06

2006 Events Committee Budget Worksheet

Account / Sub Account / Activity Description / Item / Amount
Taken from above (i.e. update membership database) / (i.e. photocopies: 30 pages @.05/page
7500 Professional Services / 7510: Contracted Services
Support Staff-Brinkley Prescott / Appx. $130/week X 52 weeks / 7000.00
Professional Services Subtotal / 7000.00
8100 Office Expenses / 8110: Office/Program Supplies / No exhibit fee. But make sure to let
NAAEE know you a booth
Miscellaneous office supplies for
Use during NAAEE / 300.00
8130: Telephone & Telecommunications / NAAEE conference calls / 10 Conference calls@ $15/ call / 150.00
Calls for 07 MAEE conference / 5 conference calls @ $15/ call / 75.00
8140: Postage, Shipping & Delivery / Mailing to MAEE members
Promoting NAAEE conference / 300.00
Mailing to MAEE members
Promoting 07 MAEE conference / 200.00
8170: Printing & Copying / 1 page NAAEE conference flyer / 150.00
1 page MAEE conference flyer / 50.00
8180: Books & Subscriptions
Office Expenses Subtotal / 1,225.00
8300 Travel & Meetings / 8310: Mileage / Committee meetings for NAAEE
Conference / 200.00
8320: Food & Beverage / Committee meetings for NAAEE
Conference / ??500.00
MAEE conference planning
Meetings / 75.00
8330: Lodging
8340: Registration Fees
Travel & Meetings / 775.00
8500: Business Expenses / 8530: Affiliation Dues
8570: Promotion & Advertising
i.e. exhibit fees
Business Expense Subtotal / 0.00
8600 Other Expenses / 8670: Organizational Expenses / Misc expenses for NAAEE
Conference / 400.00
Misc expenses for MAEE
Conference / 100.00
8680: Miscellaneous
Other Expenses Subtotal / 500.00
General/Exec Total / 9500.00

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