Video Grade Sheet

Group Members

  1. ______2. ______
  1. ______4. ______

Video Criteria / Possible Points / Points Earned
Concept:Team has a clear picture of what they are trying to achieve. Members can describe what they are trying to do and generally how his/her work will contribute to the final product. / 20
Storyboard:Storyboard is complete with sketches for each scene, detailed notes on titles, transitions, special effects, sound, etc. Storyboard reflects outstanding planning and organization for the visuals in the video. / 50
Script:Script is complete and it is clear what each actor will say and do. Entries and exits are scripted, as are important movements. Script is quite professional. / 20
Sound Setup:The team has made every attempt to anticipate and filter out unwanted ambient noise in the recording. / 20
Time of Video: Video should reveal content in no less than 2:00 minutes and no more than 4 minutes (bloopers do not count) / 20
Quality of Video: Video footage is of high quality--non-shaky video is used throughout the taping. / 20
Video Content: Video portrays the meaning of the program area in a positive manner, revealing some of the activities and areas of knowledge the student will learn / 50
Time-Management: Routinely uses time well throughout the project to ensure things get done on time. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's procrastination. / 20
Text and Titles: headings, titles, credits, or other kinds of text that enhance the meaning of the video / 20
Still Images: Used to contrast the video movement and to reveal details of the program area not captured on the video portion. / 20
Sounds, Sound Effects, Music, and Voiceovers:Included at least 2 different sounds in the video beyond the voices of the actors. Try to minimize the distractions in the voices of the subjects. / 20
Transitions: Include at least 2 transitions in the movie. These should be placed between movements of the camera. Other transitions can be added for effect to the movie. / 20
Credits: Make sure all group members’ names are included in the video along with the role the person played in creating the video. / 20
Teamwork: Each team member worked together in the group to accomplish a finished video / 20
Overall Video: Final video product has a professional look and delivers a positive message of the program area that informs the viewing audience of the program area / 60
Total Points / 400
