Town of Litchfield, New Hampshire – Recreation Commission

Minutes of Meeting on Tuesday, July 10, 2012, at Town Hall, 2 Liberty Way

I. Call to Order

Chairman Bryant called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

Roll Call

Commissioners present: John Bryant, Sandy Vance, Colleen Gamche, Keith Buxton, John Brunelle; Andy Collins arrived at 8:05pm

There being five Commission members present, Chairman Bryant declared a quorum in effect. A motion was made by Chairman Bryant to move the location of the meeting to Romano’s due to police activity at Town Hall. Motion passed unanimously.

II.  Consideration of Minutes of Previous Meeting - motion by Chairman Bryant to approve the minutes from 6/12/12 with the addition of the request from Litchfield Pickleball Association for permission to put removable fencing around the tennis courts at Darrah. Chairman Bryant was to contact the library regarding the fencing that they no longer use. . Motion seconded by Cmr. Gamache and passed 5-0-0.

III.  Public Input

A.  No public input

IV.  Facility and Field Requests

A.  Litchfield Softball requests earlier in the month pick-up for dumpster. Next pick up is scheduled for July 19th. They would like an earlier pick-up to accommodate tournaments. Cmr. Gamache will look into shifting the pick up schedule. She will speak to Terri Briand and Waste Management.

V. Communications

A. Brian Bean of TLC has been in touch with Cmr. Buxton. He has been advised to continue with his usual service for field maintenance.

B. Bill from services of contractor at Corning Field was given to Cmr. Allen by Litchfield Baseball.

VI.  Old Business

  1. New field update – Cmr. Buxton will tell GN Fencing to do 900 feet of fencing on the Fallon side. Retention pond fencing will be done by volunteers – Cmr. Buxton will coordinate a date with soccer and lacrosse families. Cmr. Buxton has a flag – we will need to buy a flag pole. Garden Club is ready to do the planting.
  2. Recreation survey – Jason Hock is compiling the survey results. 215 responses received. Cmr. Buxton will forward the results.
  3. RFP for field maintenance – still unsure of the terms of contract – fiscal year vs calendar year. RFP will possibly go out in August and we will vote on it in September to go into effect in January for 2 years. Extend Brian Bean’s services.
  4. Tennis court repaving – Lineberry Tennis plans to resurface late July now.. We need to have the surface cleaned – swept and blown off.
  5. Bandstand/Pavillion update – Kevin Lynch met with Manny Sousa of Sousa Homes. They will donate services to do the framing. We need to set the posts. Kevin will ask for the site prep to be done by town resident.


VIII.  New Business


IX.  Motion to adjourn made by Chairman Bryant at 9:15 pm. Motion seconded by Cmr. Vance and passed 6-0-0.

Minutes Submitted By: Sandy Vance, Litchfield Recreation Commission

Approved by Litchfield Recreation Commission on ______,
[x] as submitted -or- [ ] with corrections as indicated.

Officer Signature: ______Date:______

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