Los Angeles Unified School District




Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I. Call to order: 2:20 pm, by Mr. Kevin Glynn, Chairperson.

II. Roll Call/Minutes: 13 Members present, quorum established

√ / Dr. Helena Yoon-Fontamillas (Pr.) / √ / Melida Haye (OC) / √ / Maribel Hernandez (S-11th)
√ / Kevin Glynn (T) / √ / Ana Valencia (OC) / √ / Jonathan Mancillas (S – 11th)
√ / Miguel Perez (T) / Lori Ward (C) / √ / Jazmine Carroll (S – 11th)
√ / Edna Esguerra (T) / √ / Joyce Kleifield (C) / Nathali Miranda (S – 11th)
Michael Sturdevant (T) / Marshelle Espy (P) / √ / Dontay Brown (S-11th) ALT
√ / Jeffrey Knepper (T) / √ / Sonia Rivas (P)

(Pr= Principal; T=Teacher; OC=Out of Classroom; C=Community; P=Parent; S=Student)

Guests: Brian Lee; Melissa Gooden; Diane Rabinowitz; Andrea Axelman; Sherrie Quinn; Didi Gotzeva; Oxsana Pivnenko

Minutes: Reviewed by members, unanimously approved.

III. Recommendations from ELAC: Ms. Axelman presented the recommendation that teachers make themselves available for 15 mins after school for students to have a chance to clarify assignments, lessons, etc. This was requested because sometimes EL students just need that extra one-on-one with the teacher for clear understanding. Dr. Yoon noted that many teachers already did this and that students should check with teachers for availability. Some were available before school, during lunch, and at nutrition. It was agreed that teachers should clearly communicate to students when they are available, like having consistent “office hours”. Diane Rabinowitz indicated that there are software programs being vetted, such as “Remind.com” that facilitate student/teacher/home communication. Student representative, Maribel Hernandez shared that they had such a system in middle school and she found it very helpful. Melida Haye referred to a free, interactive website called Gaggle. It was agreed that the key for teachers was to be available on a consistent and predictable basis. Since a response to ELAC is needed within 90 days, Joyce Kleifield moved that teachers make themselves available on a regular basis for students to meet with them individually for clarification and extra help and that those times be posted on the teacher’s individual websites and in the classroom. Seconded by Ana Valencia. Kevin Glynn agreed to confirm whether or not there was anything in the Union rules on this topic. He brought up the concern about teachers who drive far and are anxious to leave to avoid traffic.

VOTE RESULT: 11 in favor; 1 opposed; 1 abstained – MOTION CARRIED

Diane Rabinowitz indicated that on January 6th there would be a one hour PD training session showing teachers how to set up and manage their individual websites.

IV. Review of PIP: Brian Lee handed out copies of the Parent Involvement Policy and clarrified that it more than satisfied state and federal requirements. Kevin Glynn asked if we had data to monitor parent involvement. Mr. Lee stated that over the the last five years LA High has become the “go to” model school for parent involvement, and that we monitored the number of parents attending meetings, workshops, training sessions, etc. Dr. Yoon mentioned that she was especially interested in helping parents build their capacity to advocate for their students. Edna Esguerra mentioned her concern with the small number of parents showing up for parent conferences. Dr. Yoon suggested that we needed to “up our game” and messaging at all levels to make it more compelling and interesting for parents to attend. She presented an effective tool that a few teachers are using - student lead conferences. Jonathan Mancillas shared that leadership is getting more involved and creating fun events to encourage parents to attend school functions and conferences. Joyce Kleifield moved to accept the PIP as presented. Motion seconded. During discussion Jazmine Carroll asked if we have the funds to support parent involvement and was assured that we did. Motion passed unanimously.

V. Old Business

A.  SPSA Subcommittee Update: Initial meeting took place December 1st. Melida Haye provided an explanation of the Single Plan for Student Achievement and how the committee will be reviewing it. Ms. Haye and Ms. Axelman are in the process of acquiring the data needed and will be meeting on January 5th, 6th and 7th. A whole committee meeting will take place on January 13, 2016 at 3:20 pm in the Library for final updates. It is due by first week of February.

B.  School profile – not addressed

VI. New Business

A.  Review of student data for SPSA: Dr. Yoon explained that she will meet with Ms. Rabinowitz and they will have info at the next SSC meeting.

B.  Community of Practice Grant Update: Info only, has nothing to do with this council, no voting required.

C.  Budget Update:

a. Title 1: Mr. Lee presented and requested that $2,000 of the money that was approved for IMA last month be allocated for general supply and $3,000 for field trips. Ms. Kleifield stated that she thought the IMA funds were the purview of the Leadership Council. Dr. Yoon clarified that Title 1 IMA funds are different than general IMA funds (Leadership Council) and that SSC did hold purview over them. Melida Haye moved to allocate $2,000. of Title 1 IMA funds to general funds and $3,000 to field trips. Second by Ms. Esguerra. VOTE: Unanimously approved.

b. SIG: Dr. Yoon provided a brief update and indicated that we still had money to allocate this year and next year, mostly on professional development. Based on her classroom observations and teacher requests she asked the council to approve hiring Bev Meyer as a teaching consultant. Ms. Meyer has been volunteering much of her time over the past two years and she would like her to continue to collaborate and partner with individual teachers helping with unit planning especially geared toward social justice; human rights; drama; theater, oral presentation and speech. But she will also focus on cross curricular planning and integration of the arts into common core. Ms. Meyer’s background was discussed and teachers and coaches provided very positive testimonials to her work with them. It was agreed that Dr. Yoon would come back with the specific PD strategies provided by Ms. Meyer and cost. It was moved and seconded to bring Bev Meyer into the SIG program for PD, pending details. VOTE: Motion carried with one abstention.

c. QEIA: Ana Valencia confirmed that LAHS will not be receiving additional funding. We do have money carried over that has to be spent by June 1, 2016. Student enrollment increased so we were allocated an additional counselor position. Out of QEIA last year we purchased two counsellors we can norm one position. SSC needs to approve the correction of a double rostered teaching position, which can be done now by converting the additional counselor position to a teacher position. We need more campus aides – requesting for spring only – a temporary solution. Dr. Yoon moved to convert counselor position to teacher position and with remaining funds purchase a campus aide position for the spring. Seconded. Students were asked how safe they felt the campus was. Biggest concern was with after-school supervision. Yoon announced that any issues they should call School Police at 213.625.6631. VOTE: passed unanimously

VII. Announcements: Dr. Yoon announced parent-sponsored breakfast for teachers on Friday, Dec. 18, 7:00 am

VIII. Public Comments: None

IX. Adjournment: 3:45 PM