Project Scope

Table of Contents

1.0Project Scope Description3

2.0 Customer Requirements3

3.0 Statement of Work4

4.0 Project Deliverables5

5.0 Timeline6

6.0 Acceptance Criteria6

7.0 Work Breakdown Structure7

8.0 Project Boundaries8

9.0 Project Assumptions8

10.0 Initial Defined Risks and Constraints9

Project Scope

Name / Credly Digital Badging
Description / Digital Badging Project for Emporia State University
Sponsor / Information Technology
Project Managers / Rob Gibson
Anna Catterson
Project Team Resources / Labor (90%)
Print and online resources (10%)
1.0 Project SCOPE Description
Digital badging is an emerging area in education commonly referred to as alternative credentialing and micro-degrees. More people are finding new ways—outside of traditional postsecondary degree programs—to show employers they possess the skills and knowledge needed for a constantly changing workplace. ESU students will be able to earn a variety of badges related to activities in which they participate, including Healthy Hornet, athletics events, Student Government, Honors, Kansas Leadership, etc. Academically, students can earn badges for such things as service learning, block courses, field experiences, student exchange projects, etc. These types of activities are not always captured and celebrated in a common degree transcript. Badges are small graphic tokens that include accompanying badge criteria called a Badge Assertion. These Assertionsincludes public facing information regarding the badge criteria, the issuer, the date of issuance, etc. Credly is the product we’ve identified that will be the easiest to manage and provide the features that will integrate with our existing product portfolio. Initial estimates for the Credly Project are:
  • 50% increase in usage over CampusLabsCollegiateLink in the first 12 months.
  • 50% increase in in usage over CanvaBadgesin the first 12 months.
Immediate integration with Digication
Gary Wyatt / One year Pilot program for Honors Program.
Mirah Dow / One year Pilot Program forInformation, Technology, and Scientific Literacy Certificate
Mike Wise / One year Pilot program for Health Hornets
Terri Summey / One year Pilot program for White Library
Melissa Reed
Heather Caswell / One year Pilot program for Elementary Education
Roger Caswell / One year Pilot program for The Jones Institute
Anna Catterson
Rob Gibson / One year Pilot program for IDT
Nikki Metz / One year Pilot program for the Student Ambassadors
Mike Butler / One year pilot program for HPER
Gaile Stephens / One year pilot program for Music
This vision includes the following key objectives:
  • Increase students’ use of alternative/micro-credentialing application for non/co-curricular activities. Improve their job searching strategies. Digital Badging will allow addition of digital certificates and micro-credentials to student’s resumes and social media applications in order to demonstrate accomplishments attained outside of their academic courses. Emerging job search services such as Burning Glass scour the Internet in search of digital credentials relative to an employer’s needs.
  • Increase students’ use of alternative credentialing application for curricular activities. Improve their job searching strategies. Digital Badging will allow addition of digital certificates and micro-credentials to student’s resumes and social media applications in order to demonstrate accomplishments attained during completing coursework. These might be specific accomplishments for the discipline, such pre-service teaching.
  • Provide new option for faculty and staff professional credentialing. Digital Badging will allow the addition of digital certificates and micro-credentials to faculty and staff resumes and social media applications in order to demonstrate accomplishments attained in the course of fulfilling their occupations. These might include compliancy training, professional development, etc.
Project Scope
Analysis Phase
Pilot Program Launched /
  • Badging environmental scan

  • Identify Badging best practices

  • Badging presentations and feedback collection

Design Phase
  • Design Badging program

  • Solicit campus pilot participants

  • Determine pilot scope

  • TBD

Implementation Phase
  • Implement pilot program

  • Data collection

Readiness Phase
  • Ensure badging meets campus criteria/standards

  • Ensure badging application is integrated into Canvas

  • Design pilot badges

  • Develop campus awareness campaign

  • TBD

  • Initiate campus pilot rollout

  • Collect formative data

  • Collect summative data

  • Present efficacy findings to Provost Council

Estimated project labor cost:Indirect
Name / Description
Data Collection / Collect data prior to, during, and following pilot. Present data findings.
Badge Constellations / Develop badges constellations relative to each pilot participant
Badge Assertions / Develop badge assertion pages relative to each pilot participant.
Badge Development / Work with Marketing to design badges for pilot program
Design Promotional Materials / Launch marketing materials and mailers
Create Badge Reports / Develop monthly Badge reports.
5.0 Project TIMELINE
Project Phase / Deliverable / Start
Date / End
Date / Total Hours
Analysis Phase / Badging environmental scan
Identify Badging best practices
Badging presentations and feedback collection (Campus) / Feb 2016 / March 2016 / 40
Design Phase / Design Badging program
Solicit campus pilot participants
Determine pilot scope / March 2016 / March 2016 / 40
Implementation Phase / Initiate pilot program
Implement data collection / April 2016 / May 2016 / 60
Readiness Phase / Ensure badging meets campus criteria/standards
Ensure badging application is integrated into Canvas
Design pilot badges
Develop campus awareness campaign / May 2016 / May 2016 / 60
Rollout / Initiate campus pilot rollout
Collect formative data
Collect summative data
Present efficacy findings to Provost Council / May 2016 / May 2017 / 500
TOTAL / 700
6.0 Acceptance Criteria
Name / Description
Badge Sponsors / Key Performance Indicator: Meets anticipated utilization/adoption
Badge Pilot Participants / Key Performance Indicator: Meets anticipated utilization/adoption
Campus Stakeholders / Key Performance Indicator: Cost/Benefit Analysis
Students / Key Performance Indicator: Meets anticipated job search utility both prior to and following graduation

7.0 Work breakdown structure

Item / Task Type / Description of Task / Responsibility / Deliverable
1 / Main Task / Initiate Credly Contract / Rob / Signed contract
1.1 / Sub-task / Product review / IT Leadership / Approved Review
1.2 / Sub-task / Security Audit / Ryan / Approved Review
2 / Main Task / Develop Custom Portal / Learning Tech
2.1 / Sub-task / Create vanity URL / Admin Solutions / Custom domain name
2.2 / Sub-task / Create branding / Marketing/LT / Custom portal that conforms to university standards
2.3 / Sub-task / Develop badge domains / Learning Tech / Badge domains for each pilot group.
3 / Main Task / Train Pilot Testers
3.1 / Sub-task / Train each pilot participant / Learning Tech / Completed training
3.2 / Sub-task / Develop training videos for students / Learning Tech / Completed video for the project
4 / Main Task / Develop Badge Identities
4.1 / Sub-task / Create badges for each pilot group / Approved badges
5 / Main Task / Develop Assertion Pages
5.1 / Sub-task / Create evidence page for each badge / Learning Tech / Approved assertion page for each pilot badge
6 / Main Task / Collect Initial Data
6.1 / Sub-task / Gather entry characteristic data from students / Learning Tech / Data collected.
7 / Main Task / Design Badges / Learning Tech
7.1 / Sub-task / Design badges for pilot constellations / Learning Tech/Marketing / Completed badges
8 / Main Task / Gain Kickoff Approval from Stakeholders
8.1 / Sub-task / Present evidence regarding deliverables to Deans, Directors, VPs. / Approval to proceed with pilot.
9 / Main Task / Launch Program
9.1 / Sub-task / Develop promotional materials / IT/Marketing / Campaign deliverables
9.2 / Sub-task / Collect formative feedback / Learning Tech / Ongoing data collection, reporting, feedback
10 / Main Task / Program Pilot Ends
10.1 / Sub-task / Collect data to determine feasibility of continuing. / Learning Tech / Data collection, reporting, feedback.
7.0 Project BOUNDARIES
Resource Boundaries
  • External labor - Graphics development
  • Internal labor- Portal development and vanity URL

Delivery Boundaries
  • Promotion and awareness campaigns

Environmental Boundaries
  • None

Budgetary Boundaries
  • $5,000 threshold

Functional Boundaries
  • Must meet specified functional criteria in a variety of campus areas.

Resource Assumptions
  • IT will be able to install and use this product with Canvas
  • IT will be able to create the portal and the vanity URL

Delivery Assumptions
  • Portal will conform to University Marketing standards.
  • Support will be available to students and pilot participants 24/7/365
  • Product will integrate with social media applications natively.

Environmental Assumptions
  • None

Budgetary Assumptions
  • IT will fund the project beyond the pilot if deemed successful.

Functional Assumptions
  • Credly will conform to industry standard “uptime” and meet security assessment standards.

9.0 Risks & Constraints
Risk / Likelihood of Occurrence / Severity
Degree of Impact / Responsibility / Mitigation/Response Plan
Product is underutilized / Low / Low / Project Sponsors / Meet with Pilot Participants to discuss mitigation strategy.
Product is over utilized / Moderate / Moderate / Project Sponsors / Meet with Pilot Participants to discuss mitigation strategy.
Product fails to meet industry performance standards / Low / High / Project Sponsors / Initiate contact with Credly