Chorus Handbook 2016-2017

Dear 6th grade chorus parents and students,

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! I amthrilled that you have chosen to participate in chorus this year. The choral program at Stone Hill Middle School will provide students with a challenging and rewarding experience in music.

Parents, please take time to review this handbook with your child. This handbook will be available online throughout the year. Once you have reviewed the handbook and calendar together, there are two steps: complete the electronic chorus contract ( and fill out the attire form that is included in the back of this packet.

Included in this document is a calendar listing all of the rehearsals and concerts for the year. Please mark in all of your grade’s rehearsal and concert dates on your personal calendars and agendas. By completing the electronic choral contract, you are agreeing to participate in the mandatory after-school rehearsals and concerts listed in the calendar. I will notify students and parents well in advance of any schedule changes, should they occur.

I encourage students and parents to contact us with any questions or concerns as they arise. Email is the most efficient way to reach me (). Additionally, our school’s chorus webpage ( contains important class information such as study guides, event memos, and an updated calendar of events. Iwill be updating the webpage frequently so be sure to check it often.

I look forward to an exciting year of music!


Ms. Walters


1. Try your best.

2. Be respectful.

3. No gum!


  • A sharpened pencil with an eraser is needed for every class. Please, no pens!
  • A pocket folder containing notebook paper, which will be kept in class.


SHMS is a BYOT school, and occasionally we will use devices in chorus for assignments, recordings, and other uses. Internet-accessible student devices can be brought to class, but should remain off and out of sight until the teacher tells you that you can use it. In the event of misuse, the teacher may revoke device privileges.


Each student:

  • Will respect themselves, their classmates, their teachers, our space and materials, and the music. Remember: Respecting All Yields Success!
  • Follow rehearsal and classroom procedures, which include:
  • Arriving on time with class materials, picking up assigned folder, and sitting in their assigned chair.
  • Following any instructions written on the board at the start of class.
  • Visiting the restroom if necessary before coming to class.
  • Being an active participator and listener during rehearsal.
  • No eating, drinking, or chewing gum during class, rehearsals, and performances.
  • Demonstrating proper use of the class water fountain.

Note: If a student cannot sing for an extended period of time due to illness, dental work, etc., they are required to bring a parent/guardian note to class and inform the teacher before class begins.


  1. Student will be given a verbal warning.
  2. Student will be relocated to a different part of the classroom to improve focus.
  3. Parents will be contacted.
  4. Student will receive lunch detention.
  5. If the behavior continues, student will receive an office referral. Serious infractions (harassment, destructive behavior, etc.) will result in an immediate office referral.


A student’s quarterly grade will be determined by summative assessments, or assessments of learning. These grades will be in the form of written activities and performance-based activities, including after-school rehearsals and concerts. Active participation in class will ensure that students are well prepared for these assessments. Formative assessments, or assessments for learning, will also be used. These assessments will not be calculated into a student’s average, but will help Ms. Walters to determine the progress being made so that she may plan instruction accordingly. A quarterly musicianship and technique grade will reflect the progress that students are making in developing independent musicianship within the ensemble setting.


Concert Attendance Policy: Concerts are the culmination of many hours of hard work. They are a vital part of the course objectives and the grading policy. Therefore, attendance at concerts and after school rehearsals is mandatory. Concert and rehearsal dates are announced well in advance with the expectation that medical appointments, soccer practices, piano lessons, etc. will not be a source of schedule conflicts. Excused absences from an after school rehearsal will be granted only in extreme circumstances (illness, family emergency, religious observance). In cases where a true emergency arises and a student is unable to attend a rehearsal or concert, he or she will complete an alternate assignment within two weeks of the concert date.

Missed Rehearsals and Concerts: Makeup assignments will be given for missed rehearsals and concerts. Students with excused absences have the option of making up all possible points, while students with unexcused absences have the option of making up a maximum of 80% of the points. Students who miss rehearsals (excused or unexcused) may or may not be allowed to perform at the concert and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Concert Attire: Students will purchase a green SHMS Chorus polo shirt. Students will need to provide their own black dress pants, black socks, and black dress shoes. No sandals or sneakers, please. Students who arrive to concerts wearing incorrect attire may not be allowed to perform. If you have any difficulty getting the required concert attire, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can work out a solution before the performance date.


Select Chorus

Stone Hill will have a Select Chorus again this year. This is an auditioned ensemble that is open to students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. We will be working on more challenging repertoire and will perform at the District Choral Assessment, at the Music in the Parks Festival at Hershey Park, and other performances. Rehearsals will usually be held on Thursdays after school until the late bell at 4:23 p.m., but there may be rehearsals on other days as well. Please review the packet of information about the Select Chorus found outside Ms. Luebke’s room (Choral 1). Once you have determined whether or not you would like to audition, you may sign up for the audition time that works best for you. Auditions will be held before and after school from Sept. 12-16. No after school activity buses will be available for these auditions. Please arrange for rides home!

ACDA National Honor Choirs

The ACDA National Honor Choir is a prestigious group that will rehearse and perform in Minneapolis, MN from March 1-11, 2017. If you are interested in auditioning, an application and $30 application fee must be completed and submitted to Ms. Walters. Ms. Walters will then work with you to record your audition track, which she will submit online by Sept. 30th. The deadline is quickly approaching, so if you are interested, talk to Ms. Walters.

A Cappella Workshop

The 6th annual A Cappella Workshop will be held at Rock Ridge High School on Saturday, January 7th. This event does not require an audition. Students in middle and high school from all over Loudoun County will join together to sing different kinds of music without accompaniment. We will have guest clinicians, door prizes, and perform in a concert at the end of the day. The registration will be available online. More information will be distributed to students and parents later in the year.

All-Virginia Honor Choirs

The All-Virginia Middle School Honor Choir is a wonderful opportunity for the most talented singers in the state of Virginia. This year, the choir will meet from April 27th-29th, 2017 in Blacksburg, VA. More information about the audition process will be available soon. If you are interested, please talk to Ms. Walters.

*To acknowledge that you have read and understood the handbook, complete the survey at or scan the QR code below: