Instructional Services

2011–2012 Catalog Production Timeline

City/Mesa/Miramar Colleges

(Revised 9/22/10 – jbm)


Date /




Jan 18 (T) / Systems Support Analyst / Email 2011–2012 working catalog PDF with all of college and Student Services changes to date to Student Services Technician for review by Vice Chancellor, Student Services
Jan 21 (F) / Systems Support Analyst / Deliver divider page photo layouts to Information Officers


Date /




Mar10 (Th) / Faculty / Last CIC* meeting to have curriculum approved for insertion in 2011-2012 college catalogs
Mar 11 (F) / VP’s Instruction and Student Services; Asst. Chancellor, Student Services / Deliver FINAL ADDITIONS, CHANGES, AND CORRECTIONS (including curriculum) for inclusion in 2011-2012 college catalogs.
Mar 14 (M) / Information Officers / Deliver photos/images for divider pages to Systems Support Analyst
Production Continued
Date /




Apr 8 (F) / Systems Support Analyst / Update sign-off pages with help of secretaries to VPs of Instruction
Apr 12 (T) /

Systems Support Analyst

/ Deliver hard copy of the first draft of the catalog proofs to VP’s Instruction and Asst. Chancellor/VP’s Student Services
Apr 18- Apr 23
(M-F) / Spring Break
Apr 19 (T) /

Bookstore Supervisors

/ Provide Systems Support Analyst with total sales quantities of 2010-2011 college catalogs for the purpose of updating the catalog quantity printing formula.
Apr 25 (M) / VP’s Instruction and Student Services; Asst. Chancellor, Student Services / Deliver revised first draft of catalog proof to Systems Support Analyst.
May 11 (W) / Systems Support Analyst / Deliver second draft of catalog proof to VP’s Instruction
May 17 (T) / Design Perspective, Inc. / Deliver final catalog cover art to Systems Support Analyst
May 17 (T) / Commercial Printer
Customer Service Rep. / Pick up cover art/negatives from Systems Support Analyst
May 24 (T) / Commercial Printer
Customer Service Rep. / Deliver cover bluelines and matchprint/digital proof to Systems Support Analyst
Production Continued
Date / Responsibility / Activity
May 24 (T) / VP’s Instruction / Deliver revised second draft of catalog proof to Systems Support Analyst
May 27 (F) / Commercial Printer
Customer Service Rep. / Pick up cover bluelines from Systems Support Analyst
May 30 (M) / Memorial Day
Jun 15 (W) / Commercial Printer
Customer Service Rep. / Pick up text camera-ready art from Systems Support Analyst
Jun 15 (W) Tentatively / Systems Support Analyst / Make early hard copy of catalogs available to Evaluators
Jun 20 (M) / Commercial Printer
Customer Service Rep. / Deliver text bluelines to Systems Support Analyst
Jun 22 (W) / Commercial Printer
Customer Service Rep.. / Pick up text bluelines for from Systems Support Analyst
Jun 22 (W) / Systems Support Analyst / Tell Duplicating how much money to deposit to cover the postage cost of mailing the catalogs.
Jun 23 (Th) / Designated Staff
(City:Lou H.; Mesa: Cheri S.; Miramar: Edith P.) / Submit mailing label files to Systems Support Analyst for mass mailing of college catalogs
Jun 24 (F) / Systems Support Analyst / Convert catalogs to Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
June 29 (W) / District Web Master / Make available college catalog PDF files to District Webmaster
July 14 (Th) / Systems Support Analyst / Deliver Printed Catalogs to Rich at District Public Information Office
Jul 15 (F) / Commercial Printer
Customer Service Rep. / Prints, binds, and delivers Mesa college catalog
Production Continued
Date / Responsibility / Activity
Jul 15 (F) / Commercial Printer
Customer Service Rep. / Prints, binds, and delivers City college catalog
Jul 15 (F) / Commercial Printer
Customer Service Rep. / Prints, binds, and delivers Miramar college catalog


Date /




Jul 15 (F) / Systems Support Analyst / Deliver catalog postscript files, and finished hard copy catalogs to Career Guidance Foundation
Jul 15 (F) / Systems Support Analyst / Make available college catalog PDFs to college webmasters.
Jul 18 (M) / Administrative Technician / Verify mass mailing of catalogs with mailing house
Jul 18 (M) / Administrative Technician / Conduct internal distribution to District Offices
Copy files and make new directories

Deliveries: 10 a.m. Pick Up: 4 p.m. unless otherwise agreed

This timeline may be subject to minor changes mutually agreeable to the District and to the contractor, but final delivery dates are firm. In the event the District fails to meet production timelines, the delivery dates may be adjusted through negotiation between the District and the contractor.

G:\Shared\IS\Timelines\2011\CAT2010-2011 Page 1 of 4 Revised 9/22/10