OTC e-Bulletin - January 2007.

Re-distributable to your friends in the trails community!

Ontario Trails Council – Niagara Professional Development Planning Underway

The planning for the Ontario Trails Council “Trails Summit 2007” workshops is underway. Through the generous support of the Niagara region the OTC has booked the Hilton Fallsview Hotel and Conference Centre as its venue. We have secured the very affordable $99.00 double occupancy room rate,(booking form here) and we are holding our professional development and issue resolution sessions during the work week. For more information check 2007.htm

Ontario Government continues to announcefunding GRANTS

During the week of January 8, 2007 the Provincial Government announced two significant developments-

Ontario Government's Investment Keeping Ontario Activecommunity organizations are encouraged to apply for Grants to Increase Rates of Physical Activity the Ontario government is planning to invest $5 million into the highly successful Communities in Action Fund (CIAF) program, Health Promotion Minister Jim Watson announced….as well as… Ontario Government Invests $4 Million in Orillia Recreation the government is providing $4 million to Orillia's MURF (multi-use recreational facilities) project as part of the province's $190 million economic stimulus plan, announced Minister Watson.

“Celebrate Ontario” is a new $2.5 million Festival and Event Enhancement Initiative that will support the growth and enhancement of existing regionally-based signature festivals and events. The Initiative will provide up to $100,000 for new programming enhancements with additional funding provided to support the marketing and promotion of this new enhancement”. See

OTC Projects move forward

Did you know that the OTC is continuing to implement three Ontario Trails Strategy, “Trails for Life” program grants. We have begun work on the content of the Centralized Website(sample)and a survey is going out today asking the trails community for input and content on the site. We are continuing to work on the trails business sustainability plan, the Trillium Trails Network. We have completed a submission for Professional Development and Training and a Project to determine a Trails Risk Profile for insurers.

Attention all Members- New Member: Municipality of Red Lake

Did you know that a full and complete documentation of the actions of your Board and Executive are available on-line? If you lost your membership access code, please contact Suzanne at the OTC office and she’ll forward you your code. View our on-line reports to the Ministry of Finance, the latest in newsletters, governance development and volunteer capacity building.

Our monthly e-newsletter,"Parks, Greenways, Trails, Great Places to Walk & Bike & Read"is a way of sharing information related to Walking and Cycling as activities, and about UrbanParks, Trails,Public Spaces, Greenways asGreatPlaces, and their positiveimpact on our E.A.R.T.H.: Environment, Activity (economic), Recreation, Transportation, and Health!
On the other hand, if you want to add any one to this mailing list, just tell them to fill out the form on the initial page of our web site: / Geocache Hike and Seek
Rainbow Routes Association has partnered with Ramakko’s and the City of Greater Sudbury for this annual fundraising event.
Saturday, May 26th, 2007, at 9am to 4:30 pm Put a team together, dust off your GPS unit and come on out to be physically active. This one-day event takes place at Adanac Ski Hill. Registration for a team of four (family, friends, co-workers) is $70. Individual price is $20 and for a Group. Lunch provided. Reserve by May 12th at 1800-461-1144.

This e-bulletin contains links to services, surveys, reports and trail information being implemented, adapted or commented on by the OTC. (Control-Click Blue text for more information, directions, reports etc.), and is supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.