Agribusiness Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

December 3, 2013~ 4:15- 5:45

South Central College- E123

Members Present- Brian Williams, Jim Zwaschka, Brad Schloesser, Bruce White, Don Hermanson,Pete Neigebauer, Lowell Tangen, Mark Wehe, Megan Roberts, Jim Gibson, Kevin Schultz, Martin Mohr


  • Brad welcomed everyone to the meeting and each member introduced themselves and the organization they represented.

60-120 Credit Wavier

  • Don filled in the group of where the 60/120 waiver is and where the process is. Talked about how we need to drop our liberal arts for the AAS program to keep the program at 72 credits
  • Jim talked about looking at different states about credits for the 5 state
  • Jim.G asked if this has to be in record
  • Don talked about we went through the loops and we still haven’t meant the requirements and we need to change the Liberal Arts credits. We need 15 credits Liberal Arts for three of our programs to keep it at 72 credits
  • Question were asked from committee to double check to make sure they still get an AAS Degree
  • Martin asked the difference between 60 to 72 credits and why we are staying at 72. The reason is for cost
  • The plus is that students can take more credits that they might be more interested in
  • Brad talked about MnWest, Ridgewater on how they are all 72 credits in there agribusiness programs
  • Jim G. asked about the 12 credits on what does that mean. Megan explained that they are internship credits
  • Brian asked if credits do transfer if they go on to a River Falls. Don explained on how they take 90% credits on and that River Falls is pretty pleased on how it works and that the UofM is also a good college to transfer to
  • Lowell asked about credits on internship if that does transfer. Brad stated that most 4 year colleges are 3-4 credits that a student completes for internship programs.
  • Brian asked if students get the option if they are transferring to a college do they have an option not to take internship. Ag team has not looked into that
  • Looked at MnTC Goal Area 1 for an AAS Degree
  • Lowell said that communication is a good factor for their company and he wants his employee to be good at communication
  • Kevin also agreed that communication is an important skill for employees in their organization and that communication is important in the industry.
  • Martin said that you can’t overdue the global classes and Brian said that you can always use this information in your life
  • Brian asked about PESO students on if they have liberal arts classes. Don explained on it’s a hit and miss on how the students are
  • Martin asked if they are going to have options to choose from the Goal Area. Bruce explained that they have to pick up 15 credits in three goal areas
  • Jim. Z stated that some companies will pay back there schooling if they take certain Goal Area courses
  • Lowell asked if you are reducing the credits are they going to be taking any courses or in Agriculture courses. Brad response was in Agriculture
  • Lowell Tangen moved to make the liberal arts requirement 15 credits from current 18 credit requirement and Martin Mohr seconded the motionVote was taken and passed on a voice vote.
  • Brad talked about VESTA program (Viticulture Enology Science Technology Alliance
  • Lowell talked about how many people starting grape vines
  • Jim. G asked if there will be land for the college to grow some grapes. Brad responded not as of right now
  • Martin asked if there are going to be any courses offer for Food Science Safety courses. Brad explained it will be with the VESTA grant.

Grant Proposal

  • Megan talked about the Food Safety grant. It is more directed on Agriculture then food side. Many faculty participated in submitted this grant and working with CBI
  • Next step if we get this grant is working with nursing, culinary arts, CBI, Microbiology
  • Brian asked if this is something we can working with other industry and Megan responded yes
  • Brad stated that a company asked him that he would like the reminder every 6 months to remind them on safety as after 6 months people forget the safety practice or change of people and that supports frequent safety education.
  • Lowell stated that you need/have to have the learning on safety

Center of Ag Update

  • Brad talked about work plan was submitted in late June. A lot of networking with industry partners. Funding in July to support FBM, making sure our programs are the right size, and to visit with High schools
  • Jim. G asked about the job description

PAS Update

  • Jim. Z talked about students getting ready for state conference in Marshall at SMSU on Feb. 5&6, 2014 and National PAS Conference will be in St. Cloud, March 12-15, 2014
  • Looking for judges for state and nationals
  • Brian judged PAS before and he enjoyed it

Ag Symposium Update

  • Don stated it is the 6th annual and talked about the key speakers
  • Brad stated that they are going to have a different panel on just focus on students and then one on audience and then come together
  • Over 450 attendees last year and hoping to have more than last year
  • Martin asked who is in the audience. Students, farmers, employers

National Pork Board Project

  • Pete explained that the project started in the beginning of the year. Pete and Jim worked on online courses
  • In charge of 5 courses online
  • Pork Board wanted pictures, catalog
  • Spring will have 2 more courses added
  • Breeding stock classes range from Texas, North Carolina, Ohio, and some local
  • Martin asked if they are supervisor- Pete explained that are going to managers but also depends on what courses he is teaching
  • Jim. G asked if it is live. Pete stated that he tries to do both, online and also calls in on some of the courses and have the students call in
  • Kevin asked if he still has responsibility with SCC. Pete is still with SCC as a full-time Faculty member
  • 47 students are paying tuition through South Central College and 20 of those are Agribusiness students
  • Kevin asked do you see it growing-


  • Brian asked if there any other programs that you are going to add- Don stated VESTA and microbiology
  • Adjunct instructor for Spring semester for 12 weeks
  • 3 hours Monday
  • Lecture Tuesday
  • 3 hours Wednesday
  • December 12, 2013 is the Rural Legislative Forum hosted at SCC.

Minutes recorded by – Shelly Wendinger, Administrative Assistant, Center of Agriculture.