Application for Selection Review

Before submitting this form, please read the following information carefully.

  1. Tango Netball Club appoints Selectors and Convenors for each grade based on their experience and expertise. The Club has the confidence these Selectors and Convenors will honestly and fairly assess the players and place them in teams accordingly.
  2. There is no preconceived team selection prior to the commencement of trials as there are always new players to the Club and players coming into higher divisions due to age qualifications.
  3. During the selection process, selectors must assess each player individually and collectively, taking notice of such attributes as their netball skills, agility, decision making, court awareness and their readiness to compete at a higher level.
  4. Also taken into account is the number of players entering new divisions as they age.
  5. Whilst assessing all players the Selectors must judge the best fit for each team they are selecting and for the Club as a whole, to ensure all court positions are filled in each team and each team has the flexibility to cover injury, illness or other legitimate absences.
  6. When comparing winter seasons it should be remembered that althoughTango select teams in ranking order (ie. Junior 1, Junior 2 etc), after grading and regrading by Adelaide Metropolitan Netball Division& South Australian Districts Netball Association , these teams very often play in grades above their Tango ranking with two teams from the one Club in one grade (ie. Junior 1 (1), Junior 1 (2) with Junior 1 (2) being the Tango Junior 2 team).
  7. At every trial, each player is guaranteed two matches, one each in their first two position preferences.
  8. Due to the large number of centre court area players it is necessary for the goal third players to play more than their allocation in order to give the centre court players their allocated two games.
  9. It is stressed participation in Summer Competition is not a consideration in the selection of Winter Competition teams as there is such a difference in standards and the number of participants.

Name of Player Applying for Review: ______

Grade Selected for current Season: ______

Comments in support of application for review: ______




Please condense your comments to the space provided above. Do not attach any correspondence to this application. This application formalises the Application for Review.

No further correspondence will be entered into.

Signature: ______

Senior Player / Guardian of Under Age Player

Print Name: ______

This application will be forwarded to the match committee to arrange a selection review of the player under application. You will be advised when all reviews and player movements have been completed.