MPSC WIC MIS System OP 3 Synchronization Application


Detailed Functional Design Document

OP 3 Synchronization Application

Revision Date: May 22, 2017

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Document Revisions

Revision Date / Updated By / Requested By / Description of Revision
8/2/2013 / Ciber Team / MPSC / Amendment 7 Updates
4/29/2014 / Ciber Team / MPSC / Release 3.07 Updates
5/22/17 / CDP Team / MP User Group / Cover page, header, and footer mods for new M&E contractor

Table of Contents

1 Synchronization Introduction 4

1.1 Configuration 4

1.2 Data Upload 5

1.3 Snapshot Generation 5

1.4 Data Download 5

1.5 Statewide Data Downloading 6

1.6 Monitoring 6

1.7 Starting the Synchronization Application 6

2 Synchronization Application 7

2.1 Synchronization Menu Bar 8

2.1.1 File Menu Options 9

2.1.2 Actions Menu Options 9

2.2 Synchronization Screen 12

2.3 Log Details Pop-up 17

2.4 View Previous Log Pop-up 18

3 NDT Download Only Utility 19

May 22, 2017 Table of Contents Page 3 of 21

MPSC WIC MIS System OP 3 Synchronization Application

1  Synchronization Introduction

The MPSC WIC system can be run with the users connected directly to the central database or, at clinics without Internet access, users can operate in disconnected mode. For the latter option, clinic computers connect to a local database that has been downloaded with a subset of statewide data from the central database.

Users directly connected to the central database are considered to be in connected mode. Users not connected to the central database that are using a local database are considered to be in disconnected mode.

The following factors guided the decisions for what functions are available in disconnected clinics:

·  Limiting the amount of data to be downloaded to just essential information to keep the synchronization process as short as possible.

·  Limiting the functional profile to the business operations performed at clinics since these represent the remote user community (i.e. no vendor management, operations, finance, most of system administration, and reporting).

·  Considering functions that require the full capabilities of the central database (e.g. Reporting Services)

This DFDD explains the synchronization functionality and processes relative to data synchronization for users who operate in disconnected mode. It describes the processes used to download data from the central database and to synchronize disconnected clinic data with the central database after working in disconnected mode. The synchronization process also incorporates application updates so that disconnected users have the most current version of the MPSC WIC application once they synchronize.

1.1  Configuration

Before performing synchronization for the first time a computer must be configured as a clinic server. This is initiated by logging on in connected mode (i.e., to the central server) and attempting a synchronization. The synch client application detects that the computer is not yet a clinic server and prompts the user to contact the helpdesk for an authorization code and then steps them through the setup process.

Where a clinic server is used daily, an end user typically performs a “Full” synchronization at the end of each day. In this case, data is uploaded, batch processing takes place, and then a new database is downloaded. Where the clinic server is not used the next day, the user may choose to select an “Upload-Only” synchronization at the end of the day and then either a “Full” or “Download-Only” synchronization just before the clinic server is used again.

Each of the steps above must occur in the specified sequence. In order to maintain data integrity, specific times are identified to perform the required steps in the process.

For clinics operating in disconnected mode, synchronization with the central server should be started each day after business hours have ended and before the end user leaves for the day. Users must take the clinic server to an Internet-enabled location to initiate the synchronization process. Updates from all clinic servers are submitted until a pre-specified time, usually after peak online production hours.

1.2  Data Upload

Once the user has started the synchronization process, the system first authenticates the clinic server to the central database. During this process, data specific to the device requesting the synchronization process is sent to the central database, and the system is provided with basic data about the clinic server that allows it to process the database updates and also to download the specific data subset required. This process is technical in nature and transparent to the end user.

Once the clinic server has been identified to the central database, the upload process is started immediately. This process takes all data records that have been changed on the clinic server database, and updates the central server with the changes. It is important to note that only changed records are updated. As a general business rule, data uploaded from disconnected databases is used to update the central database, regardless of whether a specific record has been changed by another source since the time of download. This direction is based on the fact that separation of duties and role/security assignments should be set up to limit the ability for multiple people outside of a clinic to be updating the same data. Since the clinics are viewed as the ‘owners’ of their data, clinic uploads from disconnected databases are considered the most accurate data source.

As noted above, data uploads can only be performed during specified periods of time. If an end user misses the upload window he/she can synchronize their data during the next day’s synchronization window. While there is no inherent limit on how long a clinic server can operate without synchronizing, it is recommended that disconnected users initiate a full synchronization at the end of each day and allow the process to run through the night (assuming the disconnected server is used the following day, otherwise an Upload Only synchronization is recommended). This is recommended because:

·  Uploading changes made at a disconnected clinic makes the most current data available to the rest of the users in the local agency and state office.

·  Uploading changes ensures that the data from the day is backed up.

·  Downloading the most up-to-date copy of the central database, which is generated overnight, allows for end users to be using the most current data during operations the following day if working at a disconnected clinic.

1.3  Snapshot Generation

After the uploads are completed and batch processing for the night has also completed, the system creates new subsets of data after all uploads and nightly processing are completed. This step is required to create the updated databases used during the download process. This step is accomplished via the Synchronization Preprocess, which is described in further detail in the Operations Batch Processes DFDD.

1.4  Data Download

This is the step that downloads refreshed databases, data tables, and application components to the clinic server. It begins when the current date and time is equal to the pre-defined download window. When the download window is reached, the Synchronization Application starts processing the download steps. Working from a list of files determined during the authentication process, the clinic server is updated with a new database, which is then loaded with updated data. In addition, any new application components are downloaded.

1.5  Statewide Data Downloading

For states with very small caseloads, the system allows the statewide data to be downloaded to support disconnected operations. The option is an all-or-nothing statewide setup for disconnected operations and does not support any mixed mode (i.e., some clinics download clinic only data while other clinics download all statewide data). This covers all clinics working in Disconnected mode or Connected clinics that are working in Network Down Time (NDT) mode. The state must ensure that the infrastructure contains the bandwidth and processing capacity to support statewide data downloading.

The ‘all-or-nothing’ option is controlled by the system parameter, System.StatewideDownloadOnly. It must be set to ‘Yes’ for the synchronization process to download the full state data for every Clinic or NDT server that is setup to receive the data.

1.6  Monitoring

The end user can continually monitor the status of the synchronization process through completion. However, the entire process is intended to be unattended and requires no user intervention.

1.7  Starting the Synchronization Application

The Synchronization Application is started by accessing the Operations functional area in the main application and selecting Synchronization from the navigation tree. This warning message is then displayed alerting the user that they have initiated the synchronization process and the main application will close:

If the user clicks “Yes”, the main application closes and, after a few seconds, the Synchronization Application is launched. If the user clicks No, the main application is redisplayed.

2  Synchronization Application

This screen allows the user to control when and what type of synchronization occurs at the clinic. The workstation must be connected to the Internet to use the Synchronization Application. The Synchronization Application is not part of the main application. It is a stand-alone program consisting of a single panel with its own menu bar, access from the Operations functional area of the main application.

Operations > Synchronization (started)

Operations > Synchronization (completed)

2.1  Synchronization Menu Bar

The Synchronization Menu Bar is visible at all times and is found at the top of the screen.

Control / Description /
File / Select File to display the File menu options. See the File Menu section for more information.
Type / Menu
Hot Key / NA
Actions / Select Actions to display the Actions menu options. See the Actions Menu section for more information.
Type / Menu
Hot Key / NA

2.1.1  File Menu Options

The File menu is visible at all times and contains these File functions:

Control / Description /
View Previous Log / Select View Previous Log to display the last log that occurred for this workstation. When this option is selected, the View Previous Log pop-up is displayed.
Type / Menu Item
Hot Key / NA
Exit / Select Exit to exit the application.
Type / Menu Item
Hot Key / NA

2.1.2  Actions Menu Options

The Actions menu is visible at all times and contains these Actions functions:

Control / Description /
About Synchronization / Select About Synchronization to display a pop-up that displays the name of the company that developed the Synchronization Application.
Type / Menu Item
Hot Key / NA
Display FFIDs / Select Display FFIDs to display the Available Forward Facing IDs pop-up. This pop-up displays information about the forward facing Family IDs, Member IDs, FI Numbers, and Error Log IDs that are available to the disconnected clinic.
Type / Menu Item
Hot Key / NA
Display Server Information / Select Display Server Information to display a pop-up that contains the Server Name and Database Name installed on the workstation.
Type / Menu Item
Hot Key / NA
Help Desk Options / Normally the download steps of the synchronization process wait until a pre-determined window in the very early A.M. of the following morning. The purpose for the download window is to spread out the execution of downloads over time to minimize contention at the database server. Select Help Desk Options to display the No Wait and No Multiple Connections (Bypass Sync Scheduler), No Wait (Bypass Sync Scheduler) option and the Restore WIC Database option.
No Wait and No Multiple Connections (Bypass Sync Scheduler) - In this option, the synch download for a clinic server is done singularly, downloading only one table at a time. Multiple connections are not used in this option. This is the best option to limit online web and database server traffic during the clinic day. When the No Wait and No Multiple Connections (Bypass Sync Scheduler) option is selected, the download steps ignore the download window and process immediately. This option does not stop downloads to multiple clinic servers.
No Wait (Bypass Sync Scheduler)
In this option, the synch download utilizes multi-threading techniques using multiple connections. This allows multiple tables to download simultaneously which can speed up the download process, but can also cause additional online web and database server traffic if used during the clinic day which could result in slower performance for multiple clinics. When the No Wait (Bypass Sync Scheduler) option is selected, the download steps ignore the download window and process immediately.
Note: If the user selects the No Wait and No Multiple Connections (Bypass Sync Scheduler) option or the No Wait (Bypass Sync Scheduler) option, the selected choice is displayed as a line of the Sync Log and can be viewed in the Sync Log Details grid of the System Administration – System-Wide Administration – Synchronization – Sync Log Viewer panel when the selected Show Message Type is Events or Both. The text displayed in the Sync Log Details grid has the same text as the selected option name.
Restore WIC Database
The existing WIC Database on the local server is automatically backed up at the beginning of the synchronization process. If the synchronization fails for some reason and another synchronization cannot be performed, clicking the Restore WIC Database option restores the WIC Database on the local server back to the contents that existed before the synchronization was started.
Please note: It is highly recommended that these options only be used at the request of Help Desk personnel.
Type / Menu Item
Hot Key / NA

2.2  Synchronization Screen

Control / Description /
Synchronization Type – Full / Selecting this radio button sets the next synchronization to do the upload steps and then the download steps. This is the default Synchronization Type value.
Type / Radio Button
Required / No
DB Column / NA
Synchronization Type – Upload Only / Selecting this radio button sets the next synchronization to do only the upload steps.