Monday 16 June 2014 5.30pm – 7pm State Library of South Australia

Welcome: Susan welcomed new member, Michael Mills who has replaced Alexis Tindall as representative for Museums Australia. She also welcomed back David Albano for HTASA.

Present: Susan Marsden, Annmarie Reid, Annette Mills, Greg Slattery, Wilf Prest, Richard Venus, Jenny Stock, Geoffrey Bishop, Melanie Oppenheimer, Heidi Ing, Lauren Gobbett, Adrian Rudzinski, David Albano, Michael Mills, Hugh Magarey

Apologies: Margaret Anderson, Kiera Lindsey, Sue Coppin, Norman Etherington

1.  Minutes of previous meetings

a.  Confirm: General Committee minutes (17 March 2014) Confirmed by Geoffrey Bishop and seconded by Jenny Stock with a spelling correction to be made on page 2.

b.  Note: Executive meeting minutes (5 May 2014)

2. Business arising from the Minutes

a. Changes in HCSA Committee membership were noted; welcome back to David Albano who has returned from sick leave and thanks to Elspeth Grant who represented HTASA in his absence; welcome to Michael Mills who is to replace Alexis Tindall from Museums Australia. Susan thanked Alexis for her service to HCSA. We also note that Mirna Heruc is the new President of Museums Australia.

3. HCSA Advocacy and advice

a.  Email letter sent to all newly elected State MPs describing the work of HCSA and telling them about the upcoming awards. Several responded; Peter Treloar, Member for Flinders has joined HCSA. Several others have made nominations for the HCSA Awards.

b.  Closure of SA Archives Centre (Leigh St), move of State Records of SA & National Archives to State Library – HCSA proposal to restore Mortlock Wing as South Australiana Research Centre. SM explained her response as HCSA President (21/5, 6/6, 12/6, correspondence). SM and Heidi Ing met with Alan Smith and raised their concerns. Refer to the distributed President’s Report for further details re what was discussed with Alan Smith. Member responses received from National Trust, History Teachers, Friends of SA Archives, Professional Historians Association, Historical Society of SA (SM addressed meeting 6 June). Committee discussed what might happen next. Issues regarding access and the preservation of rare or fragile records were raised again. Discussion also ensued about the location of the National Archives to facilitate easy access by all users. It was decided that Susan will meet with relevant Ministers and Heidi Ing will accompany her. Members are encouraged to send Susan any further feedback they may have from their own group or organisation. We await Smith’s report on the SLSA review of its buildings and spaces, which is due late 2014.

c.  Proposed meetings with Ministers Hunter, Snelling, Brock (Regions) & Shadow Ministers Stephen Wade (Arts), Michelle Lensink (Environment). SM to continue to meet with all of above when they respond to her letters. GS to set up a meeting with Brock’s office through a regional historical group and SM to attend.

d.  RAH Heritage Collection – Margaret Anderson has responded to enquiries and assured the HCSA that the collection will be procured by HistorySA if needed.

e.  SM noted that Wilf Prest has taken up membership the Register Committee, a standing committee of the SA Heritage Council, and Alison McKinnon is a new member of the Council (see forthcoming President’s Newsletter.)

4.  Events

a.  29 and 30 May 2014: ‘About time’ women’s films and speakers with Flinders Library – thanks to co-organisers & speakers including council member Melanie Oppenheimer. Both events were very successful. SM thanked Annmarie Reid, Annette Mills and Greg Slattery for their significant contribution on the night and in the lead up to the event.

b.  17 July: HCSA Awards presentation: Government House. Members are reminded to RSVP to the Protocol Officer, not to HCSA. Judging has taken place, and winners will be announced on the night. It was felt that the ceremony should be held again at SLSA in 2015 as Government House protocols demand considerable effort (by SM and AR this year) to prepare detailed guestlist and have meant that several people have missed out on invitations, due to tight restrictions on numbers and on invitations being non-transferable.

c.  Annual Lectures by Ron Gibbs - 28 August in Clare, co-hosts Clare Regional History Group and Clare Library. 29 August in Adelaide at SLSA (Hetzel Theatre). CAL funding bid successful. Planning with Clare group continues.

5.  Awards and prizes

a.  Awards – SM to give report (22 nominations in 4 categories, including new category, Regional History; judging by SM, John Bannon & Carol Fort, on 2 June). SM felt that the description of each award needs to be reworked for 2015. For example, the description of who might be an ‘emerging historian’ needs to be thought through more carefully. HCSA has decided to present certificates to all nominees in 2014, in recognition of their outstanding work.

b.  Wakefield Prize: publicity for 2014. Members from the university sector are also reminded to encourage entrants for the Wakefield Prize, due in December. Melanie Oppenheimer suggested that the Wakefield winner also be presented with their prize at the award ceremony in 2015; all agreed that this was a good idea.

6.  Website/Communications

a.  Website: Annette Mills reported that all is working well with the new website.

b.  Twitter: Lauren Gobbett is tweeting to a strong following of more than 420 people and numbers are growing weekly, but History SA is concerned about our name. Lauren has addressed their concerns in writing. Heidi Ing reminded the committee that it is common practice to have only one letter different in the handle [name] on Twitter, and that it is necessary to keep that handle to fewer than 10 letters; it should therefore not be necessary for us to change our handle. All agreed that it was not necessary to change our name.

7.  Membership Report

a.  Report: from SM’s husband Michael Szwarcbord has updated membership spreadsheet, & prepared long list of potential members on a database. AR has emailed all on this list and new members are beginning to sign up. Printed letters will be sent out shortly by Michael and SM and direct personal contact may be made later in the year by a committee member. SM emphasised that this list is for committee members only and spoke about the privacy issues arising from the possible distribution of the names and addresses. Members were reminded that the list is for their information only and is not to be passed on to their organisation or to any third party.

b.  All committee members are requested to help with concerted membership push in June/July, using names from Michael’s database. Note: some current council members did not renew 2013/4 and are strongly encouraged to do so for the next financial year.

8.  President’s Report – events co-arranging, awards organising & assessment, help with e-news, advocacy, advice, correspondence. SM is completing a detailed President’s Newsletter to be distributed via email next Monday, 23 June.

9.  Treasurer’s Report

a.  Report: $4892 in the general account, which included CAL funding amount of $2,000. The only new outgoing expenses are to Annmarie Reid and Annette Mills for purchases made for the film night. Membership money will boost this amount in the new financial year.

b.  Cultural gifts registration – feedback from W Prest, R Venus and G Slattery. Materials from History Council of NSW were received by Wilf and have been passed on to RV and GS who will now follow up our application.

10.  Correspondence

AR reported that over 126 emails have been sent since 5 May, with regard to the Clare event, Government House award ceremony, membership, members’ events and the award nominations. Over twenty letters were received with regard to the awards. More than 20 membership renewals were received in the same time period.

11.  Any Other Business

Annmarie Reid will not be able to attend the 21 July Executive meeting as she will be interstate. A minute taker will be needed for that meeting.

Jenny Stock will send a proxy to the next General Committee meeting.

Nominations for the 2014-2015 Committee will need to be sent to HCSA by 29 July, to be considered for the AGM. Susan to follow up and organise with Annmarie’s help.

12. Date of next meetings AND for remainder of 2014

Executive: 21/7, 20/10

Times & venues 5.30–7.00 pm, State Library of SA

Council (General committee): 25/8 [before AGM on 29/8], 24/11

Times & venues: 5.30–7.30 pm, History SA Board room, Torrens Parade Ground

12th AGM - Friday 29 August 2014 - 4.45–5.30 pm (before Annual Lecture), venue Hetzel Theatre (Institute Building, State Library of SA, corner Kintore Ave & North Tce)

Meeting dates combined in 2014 (executive members attend all):



[29/8 AGM]



Meeting closed at 6.40pm