On motion ofMr. ,seconded byMr. ,the following resolution was offered:
A resolution accepting the lowest responsible bid of C. Bud Taulli Construction, Inc.,under Bid Proposal No.50-109554for a two (2) year contract for rental of Heavy Equipment (Part 1) at the bid tabulation price of $ 1,327,745.25. Maximum expenditures for this contract will not exceed $2,000,000.00 for the two(2) years. The term of this contract will commence 08/10/2014or at the issuance of the Notice to Proceedand end 08/09/2016. Compensation shall not exceed this amount by a factor of more than 10% without amendment to the contract authorized by resolution of the Council. (Parishwide)
WHEREAS,there was one (1) bid received for Proposal No. 50-109554; and
WHEREAS, the current contract with C. Bud Taulli Construction, Inc., during theperiod from 08/10/12 to 08/09/14, the expenditures totaled $ 1,190,449.00 (thru 5/7/14); and
WHEREAS, maximum expendituresshall not exceed $2,000,000.00 for the two (2) year period.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Jefferson Parish Council of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, acting as governing authority of the Department of Drainageof said Parish:
SECTION 1: That the lowest responsible bid ofC. Bud Taulli Construction, Inc. under Bid Proposal No. 50-109554 for a two (2) year contract for rental of Heavy Equipment (Part I) for the Department of Drainage, at the bid tabulation price of $1,327,745.25, be and is hereby accepted.
SECTION 2: That the Department of Drainage be permitted to use the services of C. Bud Taulli Construction, Inc. for rental of Heavy Equipment (Part 1) service, in the interim for a period not longer than 60 dayswhich shall commence on 08/10/14or until the date the contract is executed, whichever occurs first.
SECTION 3: That the costs of the above is to be charged to Account No. 7443 of the Department of Drainage.
SECTION 4: That this contract will not exceed a maximum of $2,000,000.00for the two (2)years, without further approval by the Jefferson Parish Council in the form of a resolution duly adopted. Compensation shall not exceed this amount by a factor of more than 10% without amendment to the contract authorized by resolution of the Council.
SECTION 5: That the Council Chairman or, in his absence, the Vice-Chairman be and is authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to give full force and effect to this resolution.
The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:
The resolution was declared to be adopted on this the11thday of June, 2014.