Project Proposal

The more information you can provide at the proposal stage, the easier it will be to assess the project and the smoother the production process will be. Don't be concerned if you cannot complete every box.
No production can be started until the necessary performance rights production licences have been obtained.
As this may take up to 3 months, leave plenty of time for this to be completed before auditions are called.


Project Title
Playwright / Deviser
Music/Lyrics by
Previously performed by
company/ies, when, where
Proposed by
your name/phone/email
Target audience
age, demographic
Suitability for children
Reasons why we should stage this
Mentoring opportunities the project could provide

Project Outline

comedy, drama, street theatre, improvised etc)
Brief synopsis
(place, time)
name, age, roles, relationships
Cast requirements
for each role: gender, age range, ethnicity, other skills (singer/dancer/musician etc) doubling, understudy required for child actors etc
Describe your vision (elevator pitch) for this project

Production Details

If you don't yet have a specific venue in mind, please indicate stage format required.

Proposed director name/phone/email
Proposed crew members
eg assistant director, stage manager, musical directorname/phone/email
Number of acts / scenes
Estimated running time in minutes
Number of interval(s) & length in minutes
Suitability as touring show
cabaret/concert/theatre restaurant/outdoors/festival
Stage requirements
size in metres x metres, height, raking, curtains
proposed dates/times
proposed dates/times
proposed dates/times
Proposed venue(s)
for reading/auditions/rehearsals/performances
Venue's licensed capacity (max)

Financial Summary

The committee/producer will determine a detailed production budget in consultation with the director. A sample production spreadsheet is available. Financials must be part of any rights application.

Suggested ticket prices / $ members/associates (highest discount)
$ adult
$ concessions
Average seats per performance
be conservative!
Other income sources
eg grants, merchandise, sponsors
Estimated total income / $
Estimated total expenses / $
Estimated Profit/Loss / $

Licensing and PermissionsNOTE: Permissions/licences MUST be obtained before audition dates or project is announced.

Playwright/Agent contact details
Have they already been approached?
Advance / royalties required / $
Number of Scripts / Copy Licenses needed
Production conditions specified
performance period/location restrictions, logo use, use/size/placement of playwright name in publicity
Other licensing permissions required including costs
eg music, APRA, images, film/sound clips
Venue & signage permissions & cost
eg signage or public land use approval, DA
Additional insurances required & cost
not covered by existing cover

Technical Requirements

Crew and asset requirements to stage this project

Production design
Stage management
Voice coach
Costume design
Stage crew
Carersif children in production
Front of house
Box office
Equipment hire

Comments on Proposal

Please add any other information here that you think is relevant to your project.

Review of Actual Production

(to be completed after production)

Actual ticket prices
(adult/child/member discount, average)
Actual seats sold
Other sources of income
(eg grants, merchandise, sponsors)
Actual total income / $
Actual total expenses / $
Actual Profit/Loss / $

Comments on Actual Production

Please add any other feedback about the actual production here, including suggestions for improvement.

Footprint TheatrePage 1 of 302/07/15