Table A1: Proportion of Malnourished Children by age and sex
Age / Malnourished (%) - Overall95% Confidence Interval / Males
95% Confidence Interval / Females
95% Confidence Interval / p-value*
0≤age<1 / 35.6(33.6-37.6)
28.9(24.9-33.2) / 37.0(34.2-39.8)
31.8(26.0-38.1) / 34.1(31.4-37.0)
25.9(20.5-32.1) / 0.1494
1≤age<2 / 38.9(34.6-43.4) / 40.8(34.4-47.5) / 37.1(31.3-43.3) / 0.4065
2≤age<3 / 37.0(32.5-41.7) / 39.9(33.6-46.5) / 33.8(27.6-40.6) / 0.1820
3≤age<4 / 38.4(33.9-43.2) / 40.5(34.1-47.1) / 36.1(29.6-43.1) / 0.3468
4≤age<5 / 34.8(30.6-39.3) / 32.4(26.6-38.6) / 37.4(31.2-44.1) / 0.2452
p-value** / 0.0085 / 0.0719 / 0.0488
*p-value shows the difference in prevalence between males and females in each Age category
**p-value shows the difference in prevalence across age categories overall and for each group
***Total shows the overall prevalence of malnutrition across all age groups
Table A2: Proportion of Stunted Children across some social and demographic groups
Characteristic / Sample / Stunted (%)95% Confidence Interval / p-value*
TOTAL / 2379 / 27.5(25.1-28.7)
0≤age<1 / 497 / 9.5(7.1-12.6) / <0.0001
1≤age<2 / 511 / 29.8(25.9-34.1)
Age in years / 2≤age<3 / 459 / 33.4(29.1-38.0)
3≤age<4 / 432 / 34.3(29.9-39.0)
4≤age<5 / 480 / 31.0(26.9-35.4)
Gender / Male
Female / 1193
1186 / 28.9(26.4-31.6)
26.0(23.5-28.6) / 0.1064
Had an / Yes / 994 / 28.9(26.1-31.9) / 0.1792
Illness / No / 1379 / 26.4 (24.1-28.9)
Duration of / At least 18 months / 1465 / 23.0(20.9-25.3) / <0.0001
Breastfeeding / More than 18 months / 833 / 35.3(31.9-38.8)
Pipe-borne / 745 / 23.3(20.5-26.4) / 0.0001
Source of / Mineral Water / 107 / 17.4(11.5-25.1)
Drinking water / Well/Borehole / 1141 / 30.6(27.8-33.6)
Surface/Natural / 353 / 32.8(27.9-38.3)
Other Sources / 17 / 26.3(11.4-48.6)
Poor / 1313 / 33.8(31.0-36.6) / <0.0001
Financial Status / Middle Class / 382 / 28.0(23.8-32.6)
Rich / 684 / 18.1(15.5-21.0)
Mother's / No education / 906 / 29.6(26.4-33.0) / 0.0004
Education / Primary / 556 / 31.6(27.8-35.7)
Secondary / 864 / 24.3(21.6-27.1)
Higher / 50 / 12.3(5.4-24.7)
Mother is / Yes / 176 / 32.0(25.0-40.0) / 0.1804
Malnourished / No / 2187 / 27.1(25.2-29.0)
Not working / 226 / 31.3(25.4-37.8) / <0.0001
Mother's / Agriculture / 970 / 33.0(29.8-36.3)
Occupation / Manual
Clerical/Services / 202
930 / 24.8(19.0-31.5)
Professional/managerial / 40 / 18.5(9.1-33.4)
Locality / Urban
Rural / 791
1588 / 20.2(17.6-23.1)
31.9(29.5-34.3) / <0.0001
*p-value shows the difference in prevalence across the various groups within each category
Table A3: Proportion of underweight children across different social and demographic subgroups
Characteristic / Sample / Underweight (%)95% confidence Interval / p-value*
TOTAL / 2379 / 13.8(12.5-15.3)
0≤age<1 / 497 / 12.2(9.4-15.6) / 0.0154
1≤age<2 / 511 / 17.2(14.0-20.9)
Age in years / 2≤age<3 / 459 / 14.1(11.1-17.8)
3≤age<4 / 432 / 15.5(12.3-19.3)
4≤age<5 / 480 / 10.1(7.6-13.3)
Gender / Male
Female / 1193
1186 / 15.5(13.5-17.7)
12.1(10.3-14.1) / 0.0153
Had an / Yes / 994 / 16.4(14.1-18.9) / 0.0029
Illness / No / 1379 / 12.0(10.4-13.9)
Duration of / At least 18 months / 1465 / 12.8(11.2-14.6) / 0.0711
Breastfeeding / More than 18 months / 833 / 15.6(13.1-18.4)
Pipe-borne / 745 / 11.9(9.9-14.4) / 0.0003
Source of / Mineral Water / 107 / 4.5(1.8-10.0)
Drinking water / Well/Borehole / 1141 / 16.0 (13.8-18.4)
Surface/Natural / 353 / 16.8(13.1-21.5)
Other Sources / 17 / 2.8(0.02-21.3)
Poor / 1313 / 18.0(15.9-20.4) / <0.0001
Financial Status / Middle Class / 382 / 12.4(9.5-16.1)
Rich / 684 / 8.5(6.7-10.7)
Mother's / No education / 906 / 17.2(14.7-20.2) / 0.0002
Education / Primary / 556 / 13.7(11.0-16.9)
Secondary / 864 / 11.6(9.7-13.9)
Higher / 50 / 5.4(1.4-16.1)
Mother is / Yes / 176 / 21.1(15.2-28.4) / 0.0050
Malnourished / No / 2187 / 13.2(11.8-14.7)
Not working / 226 / 16.6(12.2-22.3) / <0.0001
Agriculture / 970 / 19.4(16.9-22.3)
Mother's / Manual / 202 / 8.1(4.8-13.0)
Occupation / Clerical/Services / 930 / 10.1(8.3-12.2)
Professional/managerial / 40 / 5.8(1.3-18.2)
Locality / Urban
Rural / 791
1588 / 10.5(8.6-12.8)
15.8(14.0-17.8) / 0.0003
*p-value shows the difference in prevalence across the various groups within each category
Table A4: Proportion of wasted children across the various social and demographic subgroups
Characteristic / Sample / Proportion Wasted / p-value*TOTAL / 2379 / 8.9(7.8-10.2)
0≤age<1 / 497 / 20.1(16.7-24.2) / <0.0001
1≤age<2 / 511 / 11.5(8.9-14.8)
Age in years / 2≤age<3 / 459 / 4.0(2.5-6.4)
3≤age<4 / 432 / 4.3(2.7-6.8)
4≤age<5 / 480 / 3.8(2.3-6.0)
Gender / Male
Female / 1193
1186 / 9.7(8.1-11.6)
8.1(6.6-9.8) / 0.1544
Had an / Yes / 994 / 10.1(8.4-12.3) / 0.0805
Illness / No / 1379 / 8.0(6.7-9.7)
Duration of / At least 18 months / 1465 / 11.2(9.6-12.9) / 0.0001
Breastfeeding / More than 18 months / 833 / 5.0(3.6-6.9)
Pipe-borne / 745 / 7.0(5.4-9.1) / 0.0951
Source of / Mineral Water / 107 / 8.4(4.5-14.9)
Drinking water / Well/Borehole / 1141 / 9.9(8.2-12.0)
Surface/Natural / 353 / 11.1(8.0-15.1)
Other Sources / 17 / 2.8(0.02-21.3)
Poor / 1313 / 10.1(8.4-12.0) / 0.0097
Financial Status / Middle Class / 382 / 10.3(7.7-13.8)
Rich / 684 / 6.5(4.9-8.5)
Mother's / No education / 906 / 11.5(9.4-14.0) / 0.0039
Education / Primary / 556 / 7.6(5.6-10.2)
Secondary / 864 / 7.9(6.3-9.9)
Higher / 50 / 2.6(0.3-12.2)
Mother is / Yes / 176 / 17.0(11.7-23.9) / 0.0002
Malnourished / No / 2187 / 8.3(7.2-9.6)
Not working / 226 / 9.9(6.5-14.8) / 0.2582
Mother's / Agriculture / 970 / 10.1(8.1-12.3)
Occupation / Manual
Clerical/Services / 202
930 / 8.5(5.1-13.5)
Professional/managerial / 40 / 2.0(0.08-12.9)
Locality / Urban
Rural / 791
1588 / 8.1(6.4-10.1)
9.4(8.0-11.1) / 0.2728
*p-value shows the difference in prevalence across the various groups within each category
Table A5: Prevalence of stunting, underweight and wasting across the different financial statuscategories within regions
RegionTotal (95% CI) / Characteristic
Financial Status / Sample size (%) / Stunted / Underweight / Wasting
(95% Confidence Interval) / (95% Confidence Interval) / (95% Confidence Interval)
Western / Poor / 90 (41.5) / 26.23 (17.78, 36.74) / 11.17 (5.79, 19.99) / 7.54 (3.30, 15.59)
Middle Class / 42 (19.4) / 34.51 (21.06, 50.75) / 6.55 (1.59, 19.71) / 1.39 (0.004, 12.53)
Rich / 85 (39.1) / 24.33 (15.93, 35.09) / 10.71 (5.32, 19.79) / 6.42 (2.50, 14.52)
Central / Poor / 91 (42.7) / 40.37 (30.35, 51.22) / 21.15 (13.55, 31.25) / 10.62 (5.41, 19.30)
Middle Class / 65 (30.5) / 30.89 (20.32, 43.74) / 20.96 (12.22, 33.20) / 18.29 (10.16, 30.24)
Rich / 57 (26.8) / 32.77 (21.29, 46.56) / 10.65 (4.44, 22.31) / 12.01 (5.32, 23.93)
Greater Accra / Poor / 15 (5.6) / 60.68 (33.40, 83.06) / 18.79 (4.70, 47.47) / 6.26 (0.27, 33.57)
Middle Class / 19 (7.1) / 23.85 (8.57, 49.08) / - / -
Rich / 233 (87.3) / 10.73 (7.20, 15.61) / 6.33 (3.69, 10.47) / 6.32 (3.69, 10.47)
Volta / Poor / 120 (56.9) / 27.33 (19.79, 36.34) / 11.14 (6.36, 18.50) / 5.22 (2.19, 11.30)
Middle Class / 47 (22.3) / 30.19 (18.11, 45.50) / 14.95 (6.72, 28.99) / 4.19 (0.72, 15.65)
Rich / 44 (20.8) / 16.01 (7.20, 30.88) / 12.95 (5.21, 27.33) / 8.38 (2.55, 21.78)
Eastern / Poor / 80 (41.9) / 43.21 (32.32, 54.76) / 13.39 (7.12, 23.29) / 9.73 (4.54, 18.96)
Middle Class / 57 (29.8) / 32.38 (20.94, 46.20) / 7.32 (2.44, 18.22) / 3.76 (0.71, 13.51)
Rich / 54 (28.3) / 31.77 (20.11, 46.04) / 3.05 (0.41, 12.97) / 5.43 (1.38, 16.23)
Ashanti / Poor / 177 (38.6) / 35.67 (28.72, 43.25) / 16.82 (11.79, 23.33) / 11.26 (7.17, 17.09)
Middle Class / 83 (18.2) / 23.78 (15.41, 34.63) / 8.68 (3.90, 17.44) / 14.87 (8.32, 24.76)
Rich / 198 (43.2) / 19.48 (14.35, 25.83) / 9.45 (5.91, 14.63) / 5.61 (2.98, 10.05)
Brong Ahafo / Poor / 134 (54.9) / 31.24 (23.68, 39.90) / 20.84 (14.51, 28.88) / 5.82 (2.70, 11.62)
Middle Class / 43 (17.6) / 26.44 (14.72, 42.32) / 6.39 (1.55, 19.32) / 5.38 (1.11, 17.99)
Rich / 67 (27.5) / 6.15 (2.04, 15.53) / 4.48 (1.17, 13.33) / 4.42 (1.14, 13.25)
Northern / Poor / 273 (77.6) / 32.57 (27.12, 38.53) / 20.29 (15.78, 25.65) / 13.09 (9.43, 17.81)
Middle Class / 49 (13.9) / 22.54 (12.33, 37.07) / 25.75 (14.76, 40.50) / 22.67 (12.42, 37.22)
Rich / 30 (8.5) / 23.78 (10.97, 43.11) / 16.02 (5.93, 34.67) / 5.98 (0.92, 22.55)
Upper East / Poor / 98 (87.5) / 36.82 (27.45, 47.24) / 27.69 (19.34, 37.83) / 11.77 (6.40, 20.26)
Middle Class / 3 (2.7) / 44.90 (8.61, 87.17) / 28.00 (0.98, 84.40) / -
Rich / 11 (9.8) / 33.96 (11.07, 66.19) / 23.95 (5.78, 57.44) / 9.98 (0.68, 43.55)
Upper West / Poor / 51 (82.3) / 28.76 (17.34, 43.40) / 8.31 (0.00, 56.68) / 13.89 (6.24, 27.13)
Middle Class / 6 (9.7) / 9.04 (0.005, 57.33) / 14.39 (6.58, 27.71) / 8.31 (0.00, 56.68)
Rich / 5 (8.0) / - / - / 6.58 (0.00, 61.51)
Table A6: Prevalence of stunting, underweight and wasting by maternal educationacross regions
RegionTotal (95% CI) / Characteristic
Education / Sample size (%) / Stunted / Underweight / Wasting
(95% Confidence Interval) / (95% Confidence Interval) / (95% Confidence Interval)
Western / No education / 52 (24.3) / 25.70(15.05, 39.94) / 14.34 (6.63, 27.40) / 4.38 (0.88, 15.03)
Primary / 65 (30.4) / 23.23 (14.05, 35.59) / 10.32 (4.53, 20.95) / 10.52 (4.65, 21.18)
Secondary / 91 (42.5) / 27.79 (19.15, 38.34) / 7.09 (3.02, 14.98) / 4.00 (1.21, 10.99)
Higher / 6 (2.8) / 84.89 (37.17, 99.45) / 20.72 (1.70, 67.29) / -
Central / No education / 46 (21.7) / 32.45 (19.79, 48.05) / 20.42 (10.44, 35.39) / 24.88 (13.78, 40.21)
Primary / 81 (38.2) / 44.57 (33.68, 55.98) / 16.78 (9.72, 27.05) / 11.86 (6.06, 21.39)
Secondary / 81 (38.2) / 29.85 (20.47, 41.15) / 19.51 (11.87, 30.08) / 9.04 (4.11, 17.99)
Higher / 4 (1.9) / - / - / -
Greater Accra / No education / 36 (13.5) / 21.82 (10.42, 39.18) / 13.83 (5.18, 30.25) / 14.36 (5.51, 30.87)
Primary / 54 (20.2) / 19.49 (10.43, 32.92) / 3.35 (0.52, 13.32) / 3.31 (0.50, 13.27)
Secondary / 159 (59.6) / 12.68(8.13, 19.10) / 6.77 (3.58, 12.15) / 5.48 (2.67, 10.57)
Higher / 18 (6.7) / - / - / -
Volta / No education / 58 (27.6) / 30.75 (19.65, 44.40) / 13.95 (6.67, 26.12) / 6.34 (1.93, 16.84)
Primary / 56 (26.7) / 27.73 (17.04, 41.48) / 12.50 (5.61, 24.62) / 4.60 (1.05, 14.73)
Secondary / 91 (43.3) / 21.59 (13.94, 31.68) / 11.05 (5.73, 19.76) / 6.17 (2.45, 13.79)
Higher / 5 (2.4) / 16.44 (0.52, 66.78) / 16.44 (0.52, 66.78) / -
Eastern / No education / 26 (13.7) / 22.96 (9.72,43.86) / 4.56 (0.36, 22.44) / 8.59 (1.72, 27.61)
Primary / 57 (30.0) / 34.50 (22.77, 48.30) / 10.48 (4.33, 22.08) / 7.45 (2.52, 18.34)
Secondary / 102 (53.7) / 43.22 (33.58, 53.39) / 9.09 (4.56, 16.83) / 6.16 (2.59, 13.21)
Higher / 5 (2.6) / - / - / -
Ashanti / No education / 71 (15.5) / 34.28 (23.67, 46.60) / 12.51 (6.19, 23.02) / 12.08 (5.89, 22.52)
Primary / 112 (24.5) / 31.92 (23.61, 41.50) / 13.91 (8.34, 22.04) / 6.68 (3.05, 13.45)
Secondary / 268 (58.5) / 22.88 (18.09, 28.47) / 11.64 (8.18, 16.24) / 10.18 (6.95, 14.59)
Higher / 7 (1.5) / - / - / -
Brong Ahafo / No education / 82 (33.3) / 28.23 (19.10, 39.43) / 10.78 (5.31, 20.07) / 1.07 (0.04, 7.32)
Primary / 52 (21.2) / 27.39 (16.32, 41.83) / 17.27 (8.63, 30.85) / 3.03 (0.38, 13.26)
Secondary / 109 (44.3) / 18.63 (12.06, 27.48) / 14.72 (8.91, 23.10) / 8.52 (4,26, 15.84)
Higher / 3 (1.2) / - / - / 52.90 (11.58, 90.69)
Northern / No education / 283 (80.6) / 27.62 (22.58, 33.29) / 20.47 (16.02, 25.74) / 15.04 (11.19, 19.86)
Primary / 39 (11.1) / 47.14 (31.34, 63.49) / 16.05 (6.86, 31.92) / 3.03 (0.24, 15.69)
Secondary / 25 (7.1) / 41.01 (22.74, 61.86) / 33.71 (17.10, 55.02) / 19.16 (7.17, 40.20)
Higher / 4 (1.1) / - / - / -
Upper East / No education / 78 (69.6) / 38.95 (28.30, 50.69) / 27.31 (18.12, 38.78) / 10.80 (5.21, 20.39)
Primary / 23 (20.5) / 32.41 (15.43, 54.97) / 33.48 (16.20, 56.00) / 15.03 (4.43, 36.70)
Secondary / 9 (8.1) / 28.91 (6.52, 66.39) / 8.65 (0.16, 47.96) / 8.65 (0.16, 47.96)
Higher / 2 (1.8) / 35.33 (2.23, 89.02) / 35.33 (2.23, 89.02) / -
Upper West / No education / 36 (58.1) / 31.51 (17.74, 49.10) / 12.69 (4.56, 28.75) / 8.45 (2.26, 23.60)
Primary / 16 (25.8) / 16.97 (4.01, 44.90) / 16.04 (3.58, 43.91) / 22.69 (6.89, 50.75)
Secondary / 9 (14.5) / 11.13 (0.52, 50.31) / 7.56 (0.06, 46.68) / 14.15 (1.17, 53.27)
Higher / 1 (1.6) / - / - / -