Dr. Abdul Waheed S.I, POP


22-B, Sector 2, Khayaban-i-SirSyed, Rawalpindi

Mobile: 03015018817 Res: (0 51) 4830080


Ph.D. thesis research work in Experimental Neutron Physics at the Accelerators (1975), Edinburgh University, U.K..

Research Fellow at Tandem Accelerator Lab, University of Uppsala, Sweden (1980).

44 years of R&D work experience in Experimental Nuclear Physics.

Technical Manager PAEC December 93 to September 2001.

Director PAEC (Chief Scientist) September 2001 to August 2005. Extension in Service as Director August 2003 to August 2005.

Advisor/Consultant in PAEC/NESCOM August 2005 to August 2008.

Awarded Sitara-i-Imtiaz (2006) and Pride of Performance (1999).

64 International Research Publications in Journals of well repute.

Impact Factor 73.443

Participatedinthe installation and commissioning of Accelerators at GCU, Lahore and NCP (NESCOM), Islamabad in 2007 and supervised various projects.

Presently Advisor in Physics Department, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad


  • Academic Roll of Honours in, 1963, 1964 and 1965 from GovernmentCollege, Lahore
  • Merit Scholarship 1964

Areas of Expertise and Competency

  • Experimental Accelerator Physics( Neutron/Nuclear Physics)
  • Instrumentation for neutron scattering spectroscopy
  • Experimental plasma physics
  • Optical fiber communication
Research Publications
  • Professional International Referred Journals 64
  • Conferences Proceedings and non Referred Journals 18
  • Total Impact Factor 73.443
  • Internal reports480
  • One M.Phil and two Ph.D. students at Physics Department, Quaid-i-Azam University(QAU), Islamabad during 1999, 2008 and 2009.
Life Membership
  • Pakistan Physics Society
  • Pakistan Institute of Physics
  • Pakistan Nuclear Society
International Conferences
  • Participated in International Conferences on Physics at ICTP, Trieste, Italy in January 1978, 1980 and 1986.
  • Participated in a number of Summer Colleges on Physics and Contemporary Needs at Nathiagali from 1976.
  • Participated in National Conferences on Plasma Physics at GCU, Lahore and QAU, Islamabad.

University of Edinburgh, U.K.

Ph.D.Experimental Nuclear Physics1975

Thesis: “Fast Neutron Scattering”

University of Edinburgh, U.K.

P.G.DIP “Nuclear Instrumentation” 1972

Government College Lahore

M.Sc. (Pb)

2nd Position in the PunjabUniversity 1965

Government College Lahore


2nd posittion in the PunjabUniversity 1964

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Islamabad
R&D Work, Radiation Physics Lab, Physics Department
  • Advisor from 7.2.2009 to till date.
  • Established the Radiation Physics Lab in the Physics Department,Islamabad.
  • Installed and Commissioned the following Spectrometers:
  • NaI (Tl) gamma ray spectrometer. PC based MCA software was commissioned for the spectroscopy work.
  • HP(Ge) gamma ray spectrometer. PC based MCA software was commissioned for the gamma ray spectroscopy work.
  • Neutron Spectrometer. Designed and developed systems for Neutron Scattering and Neutron Activation Analysis work of the M.S and Ph.D. students.
  • Alpha Particle Spectrometer. The system was installed and commissioned for the spectroscopy experiments.
  • Alpha particle spectroscopy R&D work of radon gas from uranium ore.
  • Supervised and conducted Nuclear Physics Experiments of M.S. students and established various facilities. Presently supervising and conducting Nuclear Physics Experiments of B.S. (Physics) students (BPH-6A).
  • Co-supervised threeM.S andPh.D. students and supervising four Research Associates.
  • Four research publications in 2010-2011.
  • Also looking after the Project Work as Project Manager.
Professional Experience

Tandem Accelerator Lab, NationalCenter for Physics, QAU, Islamabad (NESCOM) Aug 07 to Aug 08


Worked on the installations and commissioning of the 2MV accelerator at GCU Lahore in 2007.

  • Worked on the installation and commissioning of the 5MVaccelerator at NationalCenter for Physics, QAU, Islamabad.
  • Supervised and established different labs for R&D work at the TandemAccelerator for M.Phil.,Ph.D.candidates.

Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission

AdvisorAug 05 to Aug 07

Worked on design and development of different electronicsequipment for instrumentation and supervised different projects.

DirectorSept 01 to Aug 05

Apart from my technical work as Chief Scientist, I was responsible to do my duties with full administrative, procurement and financial powers as the Director.

TechnicalManager (Chief Scientific Officer)Dec 93 to Nov 01

Research and Development work

  • Neutron/Nuclear Physics
  • Three N-16 Channels (indigenous products) were developed and installed at the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant. These channels were based on my innovation of using plastic scintillation detector with the photomultiplier tube at the Nuclear Power Plant. The electronics and the scintillation detector were developed to cater very high N-16 gamma ray dose from the nuclear power plant. These channels are the essential requirement to access power of the nuclear power plant and its safe running. The system, installed for the first time in nuclear power plants history, has been running successfully since 1997.
  • Plasma Physics
  • Plasma Physics Lab was established and equipped with the latest technology diagnostic equipments.
  • Small, miniature type Plasma Focus Devices were developed and also Electro-Optical systems were developed from their diagnostic point of view.
  • R&D work was carried out in Plasma Physics under the collaborative programmes at Physics Departments, QAU, Islamabad and GCU, Lahore.
  • Instrumentation
  • 4π neutron detector was developed to measure neutron flux from the reactor.
  • Failed Fuel Detection System, based on neutron detection, was developed and installed at the reactor whichis an indigenous product and in use very successfully and efficiently.
  • Optical Fiber Communication
  • Fiber optics communication system was developed for the transmission ofradiation signals.

Principal Scientific OfficerDec 80 to Nov 93

Research and Development work in Neutron/Nuclear Physics

Research FellowAug 79 to Aug 80

Fast Neutron Capture Studies fromPb(n,)Pb at Tandem Accelerator, University of Uppsala, Sweden.

Senior Scientific OfficerMay 75 to Nov 80

R & D work on 14.7 MeV neutron scattering cross-section measurements and analysis using the Neutron Generator at PINSTECH.

PhD Research Work (University of Edinburgh U.K)Sept 71 to May 75

  • Experimental Neutron Physics
  • Thesis title ‘Fast Neutron Scattering’
  • The thesis experimental research work was carried out at 400KV and 3MV Accelerators.
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Nuclear Instrumentation/Electronics.

Scientific OfficerJune 66 to Sept 71

Research and Development work on neutron scattering cross-section measurements with 14.7 MeV NeutronGenerator at Atomic Energy Center, Lahore.

Personal Profile

Father’s Name Abdul Haq

Date of Birth August 10, 1943

NIC No. 37405-0280931-7

Work in Progress at CIIT

The summary of R& Dwork that is being carried out is:

  • Gamma Ray Spectroscopy of environmental samples.
  • Establishment of Neutron Physics Experimental facilities for R&D work of M.S/Ph.D. students
  • Neutron scattering.
  • Neutron Activation Analysis.

The studies will yield a good number of international publications. This will also go beyond research and development with the technological advances and training of Research Associates in Nuclear Physics. This would also benefit the scientific, business and industrial communities in the country.

Journals Name / Journal’s Impact Factor
(2008) / No. of Publications in the Journal / Total Impact Factor
Physics of Plasmas / 2.325 / 1 / 2.325
Phy. Rev / 3.302 / 1 / 3.302
J.Phys. G.Nucl.Phys / 3.485 / 1 / 3.485
Nucl. Instr. And Method / 1.114 / 4 / 4.456
Nucl. Phys. A / 3.096 / 2 / 6.192
Plasma Sources Science Technology / 0.317 / 10 / 3.17
Mod. Phys. Lett. B / 0.4 / 4 / 1.6
Applied Physics Letters / 3.596 / 2 / 7.192
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science / 1.025 / 2 / 2.05
Journal of Fusion Energy / 0.296 / 7 / 2.072
Phys. Lett A / 1.711 / 4 / 6.844
Plasma Devices and Operations / 0.786 / 3 / 2.358
Eur. Phy. J. Applied Phys / 0.778 / 3 / 2.334
J. Appl. Phys / 2.171 / 2 / 4.342
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids / 0.415 / 1 / 0.415
Vacuum / 3.377 / 2 / 6.754
J. Vac. Sci. Technol / 1.278 / 1 / 1.278
Plasma Chem Plasma Process / 1.747 / 2 / 3.494
Europhys. Lett / 2.206 / 1 / 2.206
Rev. Sci. Inst / 1.384 / 1 / 1.384
Chinese Journal of Phys / 0.165 / 1 / 0.165
Chinese Phy Lett / 0.812 / 1 / 0.812
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion / 3.07 / 1 / 3.07
Radiation Protection Dosimetry / 0.707 / 1 / 0.707
Environ Monit Assess / 1.436 / 1 / 1.436
The Nucleus / ----- / 2 / -----
SolidState Nuclear Track Detectors / ----- / 1 / ------
Proceeding of International Conferences / ------/ 2 / ------
Total / 64 / 73.443


  1. An associated particle system to provide a polarized neutron beam from the H2 (d,n) He3 reaction.

Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 128 (1975) 505-513.

R. B Galloway and A. Waheed

  1. A polarimeter for studying the elastic scattering of polarized fast neutrons.

Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 128 (1975) 515-522

R. B Galloway and A. Waheed

  1. A method for absolute neutron detection efficiency of NE 213 liquid scintillation detector.

The Nucleus Vol. 15, Nos. 3,4(1978) 3-8

A.Waheed, K.Gul, M. Ahmed, S.M. Saleem and N.A. Khan

  1. Polarization of 16 MeV neutrons due to elastic scattering.

Phy.Rev. C19, (1979)268-271.

R.B Galloway and A. Waheed

  1. The differential cross-section and polarization for the elastic scattering of 2.9 MeV neutrons by Fe, Cu, I, Hg and Pb.

Nucl. Phys. A318 (1979) 173-204.

R.B Galloway and A. Waheed

  1. Inelastic scattering of 14.8 MeV neutrons from deutrons.

J.Phys. G.Nucl.Phys. Vol.5, No.8(1979)1107-1116.

K.Gul, A. Waheed, M. Ahmed, S.M. Saleem and Naeem A. Khan

  1. A new approach to measure reaction parameters in the 14.8 MeV neutron induced fission of Pu240 and Pu241.

SolidState Nuclear Track Detectors Page 905-914.

Edited by H. Francois et al, Pergamon Press Oxford and New York 1980.

N. A. Khan, H. A. Khan, K. Gul, R. A. Akbar, M. Anwar, A. Waheed,

G. Hussain, and M. S. Shaikh

  1. A new approach to measure reaction parameters in the 14.8 MeV neutron induced fission of Pu240 and Pu241.

Nucl. Instr. And Method 173 (1980) 137-142.

N. A. Khan, H. A. Khan, K. Gul, R. A. Akbar, M. Anwar, A. Waheed,

G. Hussain, and M. S. Shaikh

  1. 14.8 MeV neutron induced fission studies of Pu(239, 242, 244) and Am241.

Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 173 (1980) 163-168.

N. A. Khan, H. A. Khan, K. Gul, M. Anwar, G. Hussain, R. A. Akbar,

A. Waheed and M. S. Shaikh

  1. Study of the Pb 208(n,) Pb 209 reaction between 0.8 and 7.7 MeV.

Nucl. Phys. A382 (1982) 71-78.

S. Joly, G. Grenier, D. M. Drake, I. Bergqvist, D. K. Mc Daniels, A. Lindholm, L. Nilsson, N. Olsson, A. Waheed, R. Zorro, F. Rigaud

  1. Comparative study of ions, X-rays and neutrons emission in a low energy plasma focus.

Plasma Sources Science Technology 7(1998) 206 - 218, U.K

M. Zakaullah, Ijaz Akhtar, A. Waheed, Khalid Alamgir, Anwar Z. Shah, F. N. Beg and G. Murtaza

  1. Imaging of fusion reaction zone in plasma focus.

M. Zakaullah, Ijaz Akhtar, G. Murtaza and A. Waheed

Physics of Plasmas, Volume 6, Number 8, (1999) 3188-3193.

  1. Efficiency of plasma focus for argon K-series line radiation emission.

Plasma Sources Science & Tech. 9 (2000) 592-596.

Zakaullah M., K Alamgir, G. Murtaza and A. Waheed.

  1. A cost effective X-ray detector for plasma focus diagnostics.

Mod. Phys. Lett. B. 14 (2000) 563-570.

Zakaullah M., Akhtar I, Mehmood S. F., Waheed A. and Murtaza G.

  1. Variation of deuterium plasma electron temperature with pressure and its correlation with neutron yield.

Proceeding Regional Conference on Plasma Research in 21st century

(May 7-12, 2000) BangkokThailand, 65-69.

ZakaullahM., Khalid Alamgir, Ather Rasool, Shafiq M., Murtaza G. and

Waheed A.

  1. Characteristics of X-rays from argon plasma focus.

Proceeding Regional Conference on Plasma Research in 21st century

(May 7-12, 2000) BangkokThailand, 70-74.

ZakaullahM., Khalid Alamgir, Ather Rasool, Shafiq M., Murtaza G. and

Waheed A.

  1. Enhanced copper K-alpha radiation from a low energy plasma focus.

Applied Physics Letters 78 (2001) 877-879.

Zakaullah M.,Alamgir A., Shafiq M., Hassan S. M., Sharif M. and Waheed A.

  1. Correlation of plasma electron temperature with neutron emission in a low energy plasma focus.

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 29 (2001) 62-68.

Zakaullah M., Khalid Alamgir, Ather Rasool, Shafiq M., Murtaza G. and

Waheed A.

  1. Improved temperature measurement in a plasma focus by means of a cobalt filter.

Plasma Sources Science & Tech. 10 (2001) in 295-301.

Zakaullah M., Alamgir A., Shafiq M., Hasan S. M., Murtaza G.

and Waheed A.

  1. High efficiency neutron detector for low neutron flux measurement.

J.Fusion Energy 19(2000 ,© 2001)91-92

A. Waheed, Aquil-ur-Rehman and M Zakaullah

  1. Low energy plasma focus as a tailored X-ray source.

Journal of Fusion Energy vol19 (2000©2002) 143-157

Zakaullah M., Alamgir K., Shafiq M., Sharif M., Waheed A. and Murtaza G.

  1. Soft X-ray emission in the (1.0-1.5 Kev) window with nitrogen filling in a low energy plasma focus.

Mod. Phys. Lett 16 B (2002) 309-318

Shafiq M., Sartaj, Hussain S, Sharif M., Zakaullah M., Waheed A., Murtaza G. and Ahmad R.

  1. A simple technique to record X-ray fluence anisotropy of a source.

Journal of Fusion Energy 20. (2001,© 2002) 69-73

M.Shafiq , M.Sharif , Sartaj, M.Zakaullah, A.Waheed and G.Murtaza

  1. Characteristics of X-rays from plasma focus operated with neon gas.

Plasma Sources Sci Technol. 11(2002) 377-382.

Zakaullah M., Alamgir K., Shafiq M., Hassan S. M., Sharif M. and

Waheed A.

  1. Study of molybdenum K-series line radiation emission from a low energy plasma focus.

M.Shafiq, S.Hussain, M.Sharif, M.Zakaullah and A.Waheed

Phys. Lett 302A (2002) 23-27

  1. Scope of plasma focus with argon as a soft X-ray source.

M.Zakaullah, K.Alamgir, M.Shafiq, S. Hussain, G.Murtaza and A.Waheed.

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 30(2002) 2089-2094.

  1. Study of neutron emission in a low energy plasma focus with β-source– assisted breakdown.

M. Zakaullah, A. Waheed, Sarfraz Ahmed, Shaista Zeb and S.Hussain

Plasma Sources Sci Technol. 12(2003) 443-448

  1. X-Ray emission from a plasma focus with high – Z inserts at the anode tip.

M. Shafiq, S. Hussain, A. Waheedand M. Zakaullah

Plasma Sources Sci Technol. 12(2003) 199-204

  1. Characterization of Argon Plasma by use of Optical emission spectroscopy and Langmuir Probe Measurement.

A.Qayyum, M. Ikram, M. Zakaullah, A. Waheed, G.Murtaza et al

Modern Physics B Vol 17, No. 14(2003) 2749-2759

  1. X-Ray enhancement from plasma focus by inserting lead at the anode tip.

S.Hussain,M. Zakaullah,S. Ali, S. H. Bhatti and A.Waheed

Physics Lett. A 319(2003) 181-187

  1. Study of X-Ray emission from a compact diode operated by a high inductance capacitor discharge.

M.Z.Khan, S. Ahmed, M. Zakaullah, A. Waheed, E. Ahmad and G. Murtaza

Journal of Fusion Energy, Vol. 21,No.3/4 (2002©2003) 211-215

  1. Study of lateral spread of ions emitted from 2.3 KJ plasma focus with hydrogen and nitrogen gases.

R.Ahmad, M. Hussain, G. Murtaza, A. Waheed and M. Zakaullah

Journal of Fusion Energy, Vol. 21, No. ¾(2002©2003) 217-220

  1. Effect of plasma oxide surface coating of electrodes on impurity level and plasma parameters.

A.Qayyum, S. A. Shan, M. Zakaullah and A.Waheed

International Journal of Modern Phys. B vol18,No. 12 (2004) 1687-1696

  1. Plasma Focus as a high intensity flash X- ray source for biological radiography.

S. Hussain, S. Ahmad, M. Z. Shah, M. Zakaullah and A. Waheed

Journal of Fusion Energy Vol. 22, No. 3 (2003©2004) 195-200

  1. Study of the X-ray emission scaling law in a low energy plasma focus.

M. Sharif, S. Hussain, M. Zakaullah and A. Waheed

Plasma Sources Science and Technol. 13(2004) B-7-B13

  1. Generation of titanium K-radiation in a 1 KJ plasma focus.

M.Shafiq, A. A. Khan, S. Hussain, M.Sharif, R.Ahmad, S. H. Bhatti,

A. Waheed and M. Zakaullah

Plasma Devices and Operations 12 (2004) 305-312

  1. X –ray emission from a compact diode energized by capacitor discharge.

M. Zakaullah, S. Ahmad,S. Hussain, M. Afzal and A. Waheed.

Eur. Phy. J. Applied Phys 29, (2005) 91-97

  1. Plasma focus as a possible X-ray source for radiography.

S. Hussain, M. Shafiq, R. Ahmad, A. Waheed and M. Zakaullah

Plasma Sources Science and Technol. 14(2005) 61-69

  1. Study of Cu-K emission from compact diodes powered by capacitor discharge.

S. Ahmad, S. Hussain, H. U. Khan, M. Zakaullah and A. Waheed

Chinese Journal of Phys. Vol.43, No.1-I (2005) 86-94

  1. Optical emission spectroscopy of abnormal glow region in nitrogen plasma.

A.Qayyum, Shaista Zeb, Shujaat Ali, A. Waheed and M. Zakaullah

Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing vol. 25, No.5, (2005) 551-564

  1. Spectroscopic optimization of abnormal glow conditions for plasma ion nitriding.

A.Qayyum., R. Ahmad., A. Waheed and M. Zakaullah

Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 32 (2005) 45-52

  1. Diagnostic of nitrogen plasma by trace rare gas-optical emission spectroscopy.

A.Qayyum., S. Zeb., Naveed M. A., Ghauri S. A., A. Waheed and

M. Zakaullah.

J. Appl. Phys. 98 (2005) 103303 (1-9)

  1. Enhanced and reproducible neutron emission from a plasma focus with pre-ionization induced by depleted uranium (U238).

S. Ahmad, S S. Hussain, M. Sadiq, M. Shafiq, A. Waheed and

M. Zakaullah.

Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 48 (2006) 745-755.

  1. The effects of pre-ionization by a shunt resistor on the reproducibility of plasma focus X-ray emission.

S. Ahmad, M. Sadiq, M. Shafiq, A. Waheed, P. Lee and M. Zakaullah.

Plasma Sources Science & Technology 15 (2006) 314-321.

  1. The nitriding of aluminium by dense plasma focus.

M. Sadiq, S. Ahmad, A. Waheed and M. Zakaullah.

Plasma Sources Science & Technology, 15 (2006) 295-301.

  1. Enhancement of X-ray emission in the side on direction in a Mather- type plasma focus.

M.Sharif, S. Hussain, M. Zakaullah and A. Waheed.

Euro Phys. J. D 38 (2006) 337-341 .

  1. Co-deposition of titanium and iron nitrides on SS-321 by using plasma focus.

R. Ahmad, M. Hussan, G. Murtaza, J. I. Akhter, A. Qayyum, A. Waheed

and M. Zakaullah.

Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, Vol. 161 No.2 (2006) 121-129.

  1. Hydrogen Balmer- and Balmer  emission profiles in an abnormal glow region of hydrogen plasma.

A.Qayyum, R. Ahmad, S. A. Ghauri, A. Waheed and M. Zakaullah.

Vacuum 80 (2006) 574-580.

  1. Amorphization of silicon by ion irradiation in dense plasma focus.

M. Sadiq, M. Shafiq, A. Waheed, R. Ahmad and M. Zakaullah

Phys. Lett. A 352 (2006) 150-154.

  1. Measurement of plasma electron density and temperature from Stark-broadened H- and H- emission profiles.

A.Qayyum, R. Ahmad, S. A. Ghauri, A. Waheed and M. Zakaullah.

Plasma Devices and Operations 14 No.2 (2006) 99-109

  1. Optical emission spectroscopy of theactive species in nitrogen plasma.

A.Qayyum, S.Zeb,M.A. Naveed,A.S.Ghauri, A. Waheed and M. Zakaullah

Plasma Devices and Operations 14(2006) 61-70

  1. Catalytic action of  source on X-ray emission from plasma focus.

S. Ahmad, M. Sadiq, S. Hussain, M. Shafiq, M. Zakaullah and

A. Waheed.

Rev. Sci. Inst. 77 (2006) 013504 (1-8)

  1. Comparative studies of X-ray emission from a plasma focus with different metal inserts at the anode tip.

S. Hussain, S. Ahmad, M. Sharif, M. Sadiq, A. Waheed and

M. zakaullah.

Phys. Lett. A 349 (2006) 236-244.

  1. Enhanced and reproducible X-ray emission in a low energy plasma focus.

S. Ahmad, M. Sadiq, S. Hussain, M. Shafiq, P. Lee, M. Zakaullah and

A. Waheed.

Europhys. Lett. 73(1) (2006) 42-48

  1. Surface modification of AlFe1.8Zn0.8alloy by using dense plasma focus.

M.Hussan, R. Ahmad, A. Qayyum, G. Murtaza, A. Waheed and

M. Zakaullah.

Vacuum 81 (2006) 291-298.

  1. X-ray emission scaling law from a plasma focus with different anode tip materials (Cu, Mo, and W).

M. Sharif, S. Ahmad, M. Zakaullah, S. Hussain, and A. Waheed.

J. of Applied Physics 100. (2006) 73301(1-7).

  1. Reactive sputter-deposition of AIN films by dense plasma focus.

Mehboob Sadiq, S. Ahmad, M. Shafiq, M. Zakaullah, R. Ahmad and

A. Waheed.

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 24(6) (2006) 2122-2127

  1. Depleted uranium (U238) induced pre-ionization for enhanced and reproducible X-ray emission from plasma focus.

S. Ahmad, M. Sdiq, M. Zakullah and A. Waheed.

Applied Physics Lett. 89 (2006) 61503(1-9).

  1. Deposition of Diamond-like Carbon Films using Graphite Sputtering in Neon Dense Plasma.

Shaista Zeb, A. Qayyum, Mehboob Sadiq, M. Shafiq, A. Waheed,

M. Zakaullah.

Plasma Chem Plasma Process (2007) 27: 127-139.

  1. X-ray Emission form Plasma Focus: Envisioned by Various Competitive Detectors.

S. Hussain, S. Ahmad, Mehboob Sadiq, P Lee, M. Zakaullah,

A. Waheed

J. Fusion Energ (2009)28: 124-129

  1. Determination of Aerosol Mean Residence Time using Pb-210 and Be-7 Radio nuclides in the Atmosphere of Islamabad.

N.Ali, E.U.Khan, F.Khan, P.Akhtar and A.Waheed

The Nucleus 47,No. 1(2010) 25-29

  1. Varying Track Etch Rates along the fission Fragments’ Trajectories in CR-39 Detectors.

N.Ali, E.U.Khan, A.Waheed, S.Karim, F.Khan, A.Majeed

Chin. Physics.Lett.Vol.27,No.5(2010) 052903-1 to 4

  1. Estimation of mean annual effective dose through radon concentration in the water and indoor air of Islamabad and Murree regions.

N.Ali, E. U. Khan, P. Akhter, F. Khan and A. Waheed

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 141, No. 2, (2010)183-191

  1. Assessment of radiological hazards of NORM inMargalla Hills limestone, Pakistan.

M. Ali, A.A. Qureshi, A. Waheed, Muzahir A. Baloch, H. Qayyum, M. Tufail, H. A. Khan

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2011).

DOI:10.1007/s10661-011-2290-5, 3 September 2011