Application for Registration as a Generator
Generator Performance Standards
The following table outlines the information AEMO requires to assess compliance with the performance standards for the generating unit/system. If the connection agreement for the facility provides this level of detail, a copy of the connection agreement (with the commercial terms removed) may be submitted in place of this document. If the technical aspects of the connection agreement do not contain at least this level of detail, it is necessary for the Generator and Network Service Provider to jointly complete this document and submit it with the registration application. AEMO allows Network Service Providers to use this table for drafting connection agreements. All technical enquiries on this form should be directed to
Applicants should complete columns three and four in the following tables to describe the performance standards. Indicate in the third column whether the generating unit or generating system meets the automatic (A), negotiated (N) or minimum (M) performance standard. The fourth column provides details of the performance standard corresponding to the automatic access standard as a guide. Amend the performance standards as necessary to reflect the agreed access standard, and respond to the comments provided in square brackets ([]).
Name of person applying for registration as a Generator: ABN: / [insert company name] [insert ABN]Network Service Provider: / [insert company name and ABN of NSP]
Name of generating system: / [insert name of power station, wind farm or other generating system]
Generating unit designations: / [insert unit designations eg Units 1 to 4]
Connection point: / [insert connection point]
Connection point voltage: / [insert connection point voltage]
Nameplate rating: / [Insert the value of unit “nameplate rating” as defined in the Glossary of the Rules]
Maximum capacity: / [Insert maximum dispatchable MW quantity]
Registered capacity: / [Insert registered capacity]
National Electricity Rules version: / Version [Insert version number]
Date of Finalisation: / Date Generator Performance Standards Agreed
S5.2.5.1 / Reactive Power Capability / Rated active power = [Insert MW value]
Each generating system,
- While operating at any level of active power output; and
- Any voltage at the connection point within the limits as shown in the graph below should not vary by more than ±10% of its normal voltage, continuously at the connection point, without a contingency event,
- Supplying at its connection point an amount of reactive power of at least the product of the rated active power of the generating system and 0.395;
- Absorbing at its connection point an amount of reactive power of at least the product of the rated active power of the generating system and 0.395.
S5.2.5.2 / Quality of Electricity Generated / Eachgenerating system when generating and when not generating must not produce at its connection points for generation:
- Voltage fluctuation greater than [Insert the limits allocated by the NSP in accordance with S5.1.5(a)];
- Harmonic voltage distortion greater than [Insert the limits] allocated by the NSP in accordance with S5.1.6(a)]; and
- Voltage unbalance greater than [Insert the limits allocated by the NSP in accordance with S5.1.7(c)].
S5.2.5.3 / Generating Unit Response to Frequency Disturbance / Each generating unit is capable of continuous uninterrupted operation for frequencies in the following ranges:
For mainland regions [delete table if not applicable to your facility]
Frequency range (Hz) / Duration
47 to 49 / 2 minutes
51 to 52 / 2 minutes
47 to 49.5 / 10 minutes
50.5 to 52 / 10 minutes
49.5 to 50.5 / continuous
For Tasmania [delete table if not applicable to your facility]:
Frequency range (Hz) / Duration
47 to 48 / 2 minutes
52 to 55 / 2 minutes
48 to 49 / 10 minutes
51 to 52 / 10 minutes
49 to 51 / continuous
S5.2.5.4 / Generating System Response to Voltage Disturbances / This generating system and each of its generating units is capable of continuous uninterrupted operation within the following range of voltages for the given duration at its connection point:
- Voltages over 110% for the duration as permitted in the graph below
- 90% to 110% of normal voltage continuously;
- 80% to 90% of normal voltage for a period of at least 10 seconds; and
- 70% to 80% of normal voltage for a period of at least 2 seconds.
S5.2.5.5 / Generating System Response to Disturbances following Contingency Events / Transmission system fault clearance time:
Primary protection system, [Insert time in milliseconds];
Breaker fail protection system, [Insert time in milliseconds].
Distribution system fault clearance time:
Primary protection system, [Insert time in milliseconds];
Breaker fail protection system, [Insert time in milliseconds].
This generating system and each of its generating units remains in continuous uninterrupted operation for a disturbance caused by an event that is:
- A credible contingency event other than a fault in the distribution network;
- A three phase fault in a transmission system cleared by all relevant primary protection systems;
- A two phase to ground, phase to phase or phase to ground fault in the transmission system cleared in:
(B)if breaker fail protection system is not installed then the greater of the time specified in the table below
Nominal voltage at fault location (kV) / Time (milliseconds)
400kV and above / 175
At least 250kV but less than 400kV / 250
More than 100kV but less than 250kV / 430
Less than or equal to 100kV / 430
[delete (A) or (B) and insert values]
and the longest time expected to be taken for all relevant primary protection systems to clear the fault; and
- a three phase, two phase to ground, phase to phase or phase to phase to ground fault in the distribution system cleared in:
(B)if breaker fail protection system is not installed, the greater of 430 milliseconds and the longest time expected to be taken for all relevant primary protection systems to clear the fault.
[delete (A) or (B) and insert values]
The above requirements exclude faults that disconnect the generating unit from the power system by removing network elements from service.
Each generating unit, in respect of fault types described in (ii) to (iv), will supply or absorb from the network[Specify any changed power system conditions or energy source availability conditions to be excluded]:
- capacitive reactive current of at least the greater of its pre-disturbance reactive current and 4% of the maximum continuous current of the generating system including all generating units (in the absence of a disturbance) for each 1% reduction (from its pre-fault level) of connection point voltage during the fault;
- after disconnection of the faulted element, reactive power sufficient to ensure that the connection point voltage is within the range for continuous uninterrupted operation under the performance standard for clause S5.2.5.4; and
- from 100 milliseconds after disconnection of the faulted element, active power of at least 95% of the level existing just prior to the fault.
S5.2.5.6 / Quality of Electricity Generated and Continuous Uninterrupted Operation / The generating system including each of its operating generating units and reactive plant, will maintain continuous uninterrupted operation for voltage fluctuation, harmonic voltage distortion and voltage unbalance at the connection point up to and including the following limits:
(i)Voltage fluctuations at the connection point up to the "compatibility levels" set out in Table 1 of Australian Standard AS/NZS 61000.3.7:2001.
(ii)Harmonic voltage distortion at the connection point up to the “compatibility levels” defined in Table 1 of Australian Standard AS/NZS 61000.3.6:2001.
(iii)A negative sequence voltage at the connection point up to an agreed % level measured over a 30 minute average.
(iv)A negative sequence voltage at the connection point up to agreed % level measured over a 1 minute average and occurring at most once per hour.
S5.2.5.7 / Partial Load Rejection / Each generating unitis capable ofcontinuous uninterrupted operation during and following a power system load reduction of 30% from its predisturbance level or equivalent impactfrom separation of part of the power system in less than 10 seconds,provided that the loading level remains above minimum load, PMIN = [insert value for minimum load].
S5.2.5.8 / Protection of Generating Units from Power System Disturbances / [Specify protection schemes and corresponding settings and also address “General requirements” as outlined in clause S5.2.5.8 of the Rules].
S5.2.5.9 / Protection Systems that Impact on Power System Security / Each generating unit has primary protection systems to disconnect from the power system any faulted element within the protection zones that include the connection point, the generating unit stator winding or any plantconnected between them, within the following fault clearance times, [insert fault clearance times determined under clause S5.1.9(a)(1), but subject to clauses S5.1.9(k) and S5.1.9(l)].
Each primary protection system has sufficient redundancy to ensure that a faulted element within its protection zone is disconnected from the power system within the applicable fault clearance time with any single protection element (including any communications facility upon which that protection system depends) out of service.
Breaker fail protection systems are provided to clear faults that are not cleared by the circuit breakers controlled by the primary protection system, within the following fault clearance times, [insert fault clearance times determined under clause S5.1.9(a)(1)]
[Address “General requirements” as outlined in clause S5.2.5.9 in the Rules]
S5.2.5.10 / Protection to Trip Plant for Unstable Operation / [Delete standard that is not applicable]
Each synchronous generating unithas a protection system todisconnect it promptly when a condition that would lead to poleslipping is detected in order to prevent pole slipping or otherconditions where a generating unit causes active power, reactive power or voltage at the connection point to become unstable. [Specify the type of protection system installed, eg. loss of field, reverse power, etc.]
Each asynchronous generating unit has a protection system to disconnect it promptly for conditions where the active power, reactivepower or voltage at the connection point becomes unstable.
[Specify the type of protection system installed and the corresponding operating time.]
S5.2.5.11 / Frequency Control / Maximum operating level = [Insert MW value];
Minimum operating level = [Insert MW value].
pre-disturbance level means in relation to a generating unit and afrequency disturbance, the generating unit's level of output just before thesystem frequency first exceeds the upper or lower limit of the normaloperating frequency band during the frequency disturbance.
system frequency means the frequency of the transmission system ordistribution system to which the generating unit or generating system isconnected.
Thisgenerating system’s active power transfer to the power systemwillnot:
(i) increase in response to a rise in system frequency; or
(ii) decrease in response to a fall in system frequency.
Thisgenerating systemis capable of automatically reducing itsactive power transfer to the power system:
(i) whenever the system frequency exceeds the upper limit of thenormal operating frequency band;
(ii) by an amount that equals or exceeds the least of:
(A) 20% of its maximum operating level times the frequencydifference between system frequency and the upper limitof the normal operating frequency band;
(B) 10% of its maximum operating level; and
(C) the difference between the generating unit'spre-disturbance level and minimum operating level, butzero if the difference is negative; and
(iii) sufficiently rapidly for the Generator to be in a position to offermeasurable amounts of lower services to the spot market formarket ancillary services.
Thisgenerating systemis capable of automatically increasing itsactive power transfer to the power system:
(i) whenever the system frequency falls below the lower limit ofthe normal operating frequency band;
(ii) by the amount that equals or exceeds the least of:
(A) 20% of its maximum operating level times the percentagefrequency difference between the lower limit of thenormal operating frequency band and system frequency;
(B) 5% of its maximum operating level; and
(C) one third of the difference between the generating unit'smaximum operating level and pre-disturbance level, butzero if the difference is negative; and
(iii) sufficiently rapidly for the Generator to be in a position to offermeasurable amounts of raise services to the spot market formarket ancillary services.
Each control system used to satisfy this performance standard (for Frequency control) will be adequately damped.
The amount of relevant market ancillary service for which the plant is registered will not exceed the amount that would be consistent with this performance standard.
S5.2.5.12 / Impact on Network Capability / Thisgenerating systemhas plantcapabilities and control systems that are sufficient so that when connected to the power system it does not reduce any inter-regional or intra-regional power transfer capability below the level that would apply if the generating units were not connected.
S5.2.5.13 / Voltage and Reactive Power Control / rise time means in relation to a step response test or simulation of a controlsystem, the time taken for an output quantity to rise from 10% to 90% of themaximum change induced in that quantity by a step change of an inputquantity.
settling time means in relation to a step response test or simulation of acontrol system, the time measured from initiation of a step change in aninput quantity to the time when the magnitude of error between the outputquantity and its final settling value remains less than 10% of:
(1) if the sustained change in the quantity is less than half of themaximum change in that output quantity, the maximum changeinduced in that output quantity; or
(2) the sustained change induced in that output quantity.
static excitation system means in relation to a synchronous generating unit,an excitation control system that does not use rotating machinery to producethe field current.
Thisgenerating system hasplant capabilities and control systemssufficient to ensure that:
(i) power system oscillations, for the frequencies of oscillation ofthe generating unit against any other generating unit, areadequately damped;
(ii) operation of the generating system does not degrade thedamping of any critical mode of oscillation of the power system;and
(iii) operation of the generating system does not cause instability(including hunting of tap-changing transformer control systems)that would adversely impact other Registered Participants;
(2) the control system used with this generating system has:
(i) for the purposes of disturbance monitoring and testing,permanently installed and operational, monitoring and recordingfacilities for key variables including each input and output; and
(ii) facilities for testing the control system sufficient to establish itsdynamic operational characteristics;
(3) eachsynchronous generating unithas an excitation controlsystem that[delete this requirement (3) if it is not applicable]:
(i) regulates voltage at the connection point or another agreedlocation in the power system (including within the generatingsystem) to within 0.5% of the setpoint;
(ii) is able to operate the stator continuously at 105% of nominalvoltage with rated active power output;
(iii) regulates voltage in a manner that helps to support networkvoltages during faults and does not prevent the Network ServiceProvider from achieving the requirements of clause S5.1a.3 andS5.1a.4;
(iv) allows the voltage setpoint to be continuously controllable in therange of at least 95% to 105% of normal voltage at theconnection point or the agreed location in the power system, without reliance on atap-changing transformer;
(v) has limiting devices to ensure that a voltage disturbance doesnot cause the generating unit to trip at the limits of its operatingcapability;
(vi) has an excitation ceiling voltage of at least:
(A) for a static excitation system, 2.3 times; or
(B) for other excitation control systems, 1.5 times,the excitation required to achieve generation at the nameplaterating for rated power factor, rated speed and nominal voltage;
(vii) has settling times for a step change of voltage setpoint or voltageat the location agreed in (3)(i) above of:
(A) generated voltage less than 2.5 seconds for a 5% voltagedisturbance with the generating unit not synchronised;
(B) active power, reactive power and voltage less than 5.0seconds for a 5% voltage disturbance with the generatingunit synchronised, from an operating point where thevoltage disturbance would not cause any limiting device tooperate; and
(C) in respect of each limiting device, active power, reactivepower and voltage less than 7.5 seconds for a 5% voltagedisturbance with the generating unit synchronised, whenoperating into a limiting device from an operating pointwhere a voltage disturbance of 2.5% would just cause thelimiting device to operate;
(viii) is able to increase field voltage from rated field voltage to theexcitation ceiling voltage in less than:
(A) 0.05 second for a static excitation system; or
(B) 0.5 second for other excitation control systems;
(ix) has a power system stabiliser with sufficient flexibility to enabledamping performance to be maximised, with characteristics asdescribed in paragraph (a) below; and
(x) has reactive current compensation settable for boost or droop;and
(4) thisgenerating system, other than one comprised of synchronous
generating units, has a voltage control system that [delete this requirement (4) if it is not applicable]:
(i) regulates voltage at the connection point or [Specify an agreed location] inthe power system (including within the generating system) towithin 0.5% of its setpoint;
(ii) regulates voltage in a manner that helps to support networkvoltages during faults and does not prevent the Network ServiceProvider from achieving the requirements of clauses S5.1a.3and S5.1a.4;
(iii) allows the voltage setpoint to be continuously controllable in therange of at least 95% to 105% of normal voltage at theconnection point or [Specify agreed location] in the power system, withoutreliance on a tap changing transformer;