Community Information Leaflet #2
The Barwon Coast Committee of Management (BCCM) in partnership with the Barwon Heads Football and Netball Club (BHFNC) has commissioned Thompson Berrill Landscape Design to develop a master plan to guide the development and use of the oval precinct for the next 10 years.
The Master Plan aims to provide a realistic and achievable program of works to accomplish the following objectives:
Provide recommendations for all passive and active recreational user groups that are balanced against the social,economic, heritage and environmental values of the Barwon Heads Caravan Park.
Address the needs of the active sporting areas, including the football club, netball club and use of site facilities.
Complete an analysis of the existing sporting club facilities to accommodate existing use and sustainable future growth.
Assess accessibility, traffic management and car parking issues and provide recommendations.
Protect areas of environmental and cultural heritage sensitivity.
Key overall recommendations of the Draft Master Plan include:
- Undertake staged upgrade and improvement of sporting and community facilities and infrastructure to cater for existing and future use.
- Expand shared use of existing and new facilities while maintaining a seasonal balance between Caravan Park, community and sporting use.
- Improve accessibility, pedestrian safety and traffic management at exiting entry/exit points, roadways and parking areas.
- Protect and enhance existing Moonah trees and Alkaline Dune Scrub vegetation communities.
The Draft Master Plan is available from Barwon Coast either as a hard copy at our offices at the Barwon Heads Caravan Park or online at;
What do you think?
To ensure the Master Plan can be the best possible, it is vital that users, stakeholders; any member of the community for that matter, has the opportunity to provide comment.
To assist with providing comment, over the page are a series of questions to act as prompts for you to provide feedback.
Please return any comments you have to Barwon Coast by Saturday 6th of February 2016 to:
In Person: Barwon Coast Offices Ewing Blyth Drive, Barwon Heads
Post: Barwon Coast, C/- Barwon Heads Post Office, VIC 3227
- Which of the numbered actions (①) in the Master Plan do you like the most?
- Which of the numbered actions (①) in the Master Plan do you like the least?
- What if anything is missing from the Master Plan?
- What is the most important outcome you would like to see from the Master Plan?
- What is the least important outcome you would like to see from the Master Plan or what do you think doesn’t really matter?
- With the Football and Net Ball clubs in the Caravan Park; what are the most important issues or concerns that you have?
- What are your general, overall thoughts on the Master Plan?
- What are your thoughts on the use of all the facilities by individuals and groups other than the Football & Netball Clubs?
If you would like to be kept up to date with the development of the Master Plan please provide your contact details below. Also when the plan is finalised you will be emailed the final document.