Significant HAZARDS
Likely places/ways that people could be seriously harmed / CONTROL MEASURES and PRECAUTIONS that staff agree to adopt as their normal practice
Discuss with all staff that organise or help lead this type of activity. Consider the suggested measures below, and tick those that you decide are helpful and applicable, and delete or put a cross against those that are not. Add extra measures in each section as needed. /
staff training, qualifications, and ratios
g accidents/injuries / Level of Experience/Qualifications required:
q  Instructors must hold an appropriate and valid instructor qualification and relevant training/experience (see Technical Competence/Qualifications matrices in Visits Guidance Appendix for further details)
q  The leader will hold an appropriate rock climbing award (SPA for straightforward scrambles with minimal ropework necessary, or MIA or above for more complex routes that require tyrolean traverses or advanced ropework).
q  Leader competence must be approved by the LA Educational Visits Officer who will require evidence of recent and relevant leadership experience of the activity.
Staffing ratios required:
q  Min. 1:8 recommended
q  An additional competent and experienced adult assistant is also required.

Insufficient risk assessment and management planning
g accidents/injuries
Insufficient risk assessment and management planning / q  Guidance in DCSF “Handbook for Group Leaders” and the leaflet "Group Safety at Water Margins" (available from will be read and followed
q  The proposed route will be pre-visited and specifically risk assessed by the leader, with advice from the technical adviser (MIA or otherwise approved by LA) regarding particular control measures and/or operating procedures required
Slips, Falls, Jumps, Collisions
g injuries / The Group Leader(s) will ensure that:
q  each group member wears appropriate footwear (trainers with a good grip are recommended, but other footwear might be deemed acceptable by an experienced leader, depending upon the location and group)
q  each group member wears a suitable, properly fitted helmet
q  each group member has a suitable climbing harness
q  each group member wears a buoyancy aid (giving additional padding and a holding belt to provide support if required)
q  a length of climbing rope is carried, and used for additional safety and security on awkward sections
q  instructors operate within the safe limit of their own and the group’s abilities
q  instructors operate within the remit of their qualifications and experience
q  close supervision and assistance is provided where required by experienced staff who are trained to “spot” group members on sections where a fall could be potentially dangerous
q  the group are briefed not to throw stones
q  the group are warned to step carefully and to beware of slipping on wet slippery rocks
q  no diving/jumping into waters is allowed, unless fully and properly checked and risk assessed by competent leader (N.B. water levels may change between different occasions, and new unseen obstacles might occur) – if in any doubt as to water depth and safety, no diving/jumping should be allowed. N.B. Just because others have successfully jumped/dived from a particular location is not a good indicator of safety!
q  the sections to be used have sufficient, easily accessible exit points in case of emergency
q  a canoe or boat is available as a rescue craft should anyone need help in the water

Rock falls
g injuries / The Group Leader(s) will ensure that:
q  the route chosen will be inspected carefully, and will avoid, where possible, passing beneath or along hazardous areas, where the rock is loose or liable to collapse
q  each group member wears a helmet

g drowning / The Group Leader(s) will ensure that:
q  impromptu swimming is not allowed (sites must always be carefully risk assessed, together with the swimming ability and water confidence of the group members)
q  prior local knowledge is sought and acted upon, especially regarding any specific hazards
q  staff members do not themselves swim, unless there are sufficient number of other staff acting as supervisors, and this has been clearly arranged beforehand
q  appropriate checks are made regarding other water hazards (e.g. tidal streams, undercurrents)
q  sites are chosen where swimmers can enter/exit water easily
q  swimmers are required to wear buoyancy aids (a qualified lifeguard is require otherwise)
q  a throwline is carried by the leaders who are trained in its use
q  constant head counts are made by staff
q  if in any doubt, a qualified/competent leader will go first into the water to check for/assess hazards.
q  all staff are briefed in rescue procedures

Rise in water level/ increase in wave height/strength
g drowning / The Group Leader(s) will ensure that:
q  uptodate checks are made beforehand regarding the suitability of the tides and weather forecast and the conditions over the past few days (N.B. conditions might alter considerably from previous visits)
q  the coastguard is informed of the group’s plans
q  an alternative plan B has been discussed and available if conditions are not suitable
q  a decision is made on the day whether or not to proceed or adapt activity on basis of weather forecast, depth/strength of water etc.
q  the route to be used has sufficient, easily accessible exit points in case of emergency
g hypothermia / The Group Leader(s) will ensure that:
q  the activity takes place only when the air/water temperatures are warm enough not to present a danger to the group
q  the group is suitably clothed according to the prevailing conditions and with due regard to the weather forecast (wetsuits are recommended)
q  the group carry spare warm clothes and a towel in a waterproof rucsac
q  that adult leaders carry survival bag/group shelter, extra clothes (inc. hat), food, and hot drinks in case of emergencies
Inadequate planning / q  This risk assessment will be read and completed in addition to the generic risk assessments “All Educational Visits” and “All Travel” and “All Overseas Visits” (if applicable) which give general safety guidance applicable to all visits.
q  This risk assessment will be read and completed in addition to other relevant risk assessments such as “Rock Climbing” and “Gorge Scrambling”

Additional hazards? / q  Additional precautions?

Staff Agreement: “I have read and understood this risk assessment, and I agree to adopt as standard the control measures and precautions stated above”

Staff name
(continue list overleaf if required) / Job title / Sept 2013 – 14
(Initials/date) / Sept 2014 – 15
(Initials/date) / Sept 2015 – 16
(Initials/date) / Sept 2016 – 17
(Initials/date) / Sept 2017 – 18

3 Initial Risk Assessment carried out by (Name): Taff Bowles (Position): ERYC Educational Visits Officer Date: 01/09/2013