Pre-test HCM 401

  1. Which of the following leadership actions most clearly supports organizational transformation toward total quality management?
  2. Convening and chairing the Quality Council
  3. Changing the name of the quality department from QA to CQI.
  4. Requiring all direct reports to attend an introductory course in TQM.
  5. Hiring a customer service representative.
  1. Lawmakers have coined the term “meaningful use” to:

A. Determine which equipment is the most useful in a medical practice.

B. Describe ways in which EHR’s can be used to measure, report and exchange health information

C. Describe ways in which EHR’s can be used to generate the most income for various medical procedures.

D. Determine the period of time a medication can be dispensed after the expiration date.

  1. The purpose of ACO’s is to:
  2. Eliminate unnecessary or duplicated services.
  3. Save the taxpayer money.
  4. Reward providers for quality service rather than quantity.
  5. All of the above.
  1. In the healthcare field, the accountability of management is best measured by the:
  2. Balance maintained between service quality and operational efficiency.
  3. Results shown on the annual expense and income statement..
  4. Balance maintained between physician satisfaction and patient needs.
  5. Degree to which management’s needs are met.
  1. The point-of-service product is the fastest growing managed care product in the contemporary marketplace because:

A. It allows consumers to place a direct value on how important provided choice is to them.

B. The product is less costly for Managed Care Organizations (MCO’s), employers, and employees.

C. Managed Care Organization (MCO) utilization management systems are so well developed that they can afford to let people go out of the network without any increase in costs.

  1. Primary care physicians prefer to have their patients see specialty care without referrals.
  1. By the year 2020 a study by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) economists project that healthcare spending will represent:
  2. 10% of the economy
  3. 20% of the economy
  4. 40% of the economy
  5. 5% of the economy
  1. One of the objectives in Meaningful Use is to:
  2. Make doctors see patients on time or be penalized (DOTOP).
  3. Implement electronic prescribing using computerized provider order entry (CPOE).
  4. Allow public access to medical records under the Freedom of Information Act (PAAFI)
  5. Overrule patient self management (ORPSM)
  1. Which of the following is not required for managing strategic adaptation?
  2. Development of integrated continuums of care.
  3. Development of successful hospital-physician partnerships.
  4. Vertical and horizontal integration with out-of-area providers.
  5. Programs of strategic leadership development for board members, managers, physicians, and nurse leaders.
  1. Pay for Performance in healthcare is defined as:
  2. A program of financially structured incentives for practitioners and providers in exchange or as reward for the achievement of certain benchmarks of performance.
  3. Reimbursement to surgeons for allowing observation of real-time medical procedures in the operating room.
  4. A reward program that focuses on the quantity of procedures performed in a given period.
  5. None of the above
  1. For the routine service cost center, an increase in the number of patient days over the budgeted number of patient days will result in: a.
  2. A lower average cost per patient day.
  3. A higher average cost per patient day.
  4. An increase in the budgeted fixed costs for the routine service cost center.
  5. No change in the average cost per patient day.
  1. In 2012 in order to keep their tax exempt status, non-profit hospitals must:
  2. Complete a community needs assessment every 3 years
  3. Have to prove community benefit and document charity care.
  4. Have to write and publish for the public a financial assistance plan and how to apply for assistance
  5. All of the above.
  1. Which of the following balance sheet items would differ between a for-profit and a not-for-profit healthcare organization?
  2. Investments
  3. Real estate
  4. Plant, property and equipment
  5. Retained earnings
  1. To be eligible for a Medicare Advantage Program, an applicant must NOT:
  2. Be blind
  3. Be a smoker or have ever smoked
  4. Have end-stage renal disease
  5. Have diabetes
  1. The critical-incidents technique of employee performance appraisal required raters to:
  2. Select statements that fit the performance characteristics of individuals.
  3. Select the highest and lowest performing employee in a work unit.
  4. Record the degree to which specified behaviors are performed.
  5. Record behaviors of employees that are related to both good and poor performance.
  1. The agency normally responsible for regulation of the financial solvency and subscriber regulations of HMO’s is the:
  2. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.
  3. State Insurance commission/department.
  4. Medicaid agency/department.
  5. Department of Taxation.

Course Objective Questions: (1), (4), (5), (8),(10), (12), (14), (15)