Things I Have Done Worksheet
- Read over the list of items in the columns below. Put a check mark beside each thing you have done.
- Count up all the check marks in each column. Write the total at the bottom of each column.
- Now, go back and circle the items in each column that you like the most.
Working With People
___Take care of a sick relative
___Give medicine to a child
___Care for child who is disabled
___Help at a school event
___Make phone calls
___Visit friends or family in nursing homes
___Visit new places
___Take care of my children or other people’s children
___Teach or coach a sport
___Organize parties for family or friends
___Teach at my place of worship
___Help children with their homework
___Participate in events in my community
___Volunteer at a library
___Work with other parents in the schools
___Go on field trips for teens and help out
___Play music or dance for others
___Other ______
___Total # of check marks / Working With Data
___Write checks and balance a checkbook
___Do a budget for my family
___Keep financial records for a club or group
___Handle the finances for a small business
___Read a map
___Follow directions
___Read a flyer or poster
___Apply for a loan or credit
___Fill out forms and applications
___Make travel arrangements
___File papers
___Enter data on a computer
___Select and price items to be purchased by a group
___Maintain sales records for an organization’s store or sale
___Choose colors for crafts or decorating projects.
___Other ______
___Total # of check marks / Working With Things
___Take care of plants, or a garden or farm
___Cook meals
___Do housecleaning at home
___Arrange flowers
___Care for animals
___Type, file, or do office work for an organization
___Use a computer
___Take photographs
___Operate stereo equipment
___Build furniture
___Repair equipment or appliances
___Operate equipment such as a lawnmower, saw, or forklift
___Use tools
___Drive a bus, van, or taxi
___Prepare meals for large groups
___Build things
___Cut down trees
___Give haircuts or do hair styling
___Take care of cars
___Other ______
___Total # of check marks
Here are some questions to think about:
Which column has the most check marks? ______
Which column has the most circled items? ______
Note whether the column with the most circled items differs from the column with the most check marks. If the things you like to do are different from the things you have done, you may want to think about how to gain the skills or education to do more of the things that you like to do.
Next step to complete My Career and Education Planning Worksheet:
- In the section marked “Self-Exploration,” put a check mark beside the area in which you have the most experience based on your answer above.
Career Planning – College for Adults Website