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Western Sierra Collegiate Academy

*** Should be the same as your Lit Review***

Research Proposal

*This paper won’t include an introduction since it is technically a continuation of your Lit Review - which has your introduction. Just jump right into the text.

The best way to control your formatting is to open this document in Pages on your iPad. I will show you how to export the doc back to Google Docs so it can be uploaded to Classroom or TurnItIn.

NOTE: DON’T USE “I” anywhere in this paper. There are ways to get around it. Ask for help if you need it. Delete this section once you’ve read and considered it, nothing needs to be typed here.

Research Question

Research Question is stated in the form “What is the effect of IV on DV?”

Look at your research design table and plug your Independent and Dependent Variables in. Ex: What is the effect of nose shape and fin design on flight speed and distance of model rockets.

Rationale is provided for question based on background research.

Pull this from your Lit Review. Ex: Based on “Some Article” by NASA, the shape of objects has an effect on the aerodynamics of objects. (NASA, 2012) In the experiment done by Samuelson and Lewis in 2014, they measured the effectiveness of rocket designs by calculating the distance launched using an astrolabe. *** Make sure you are referencing specific research you’ve done with APA citations. This is a great spot to pull from your 3 methods of data collection and history of research sections.


Procedure is concisely written using third person past tense.

Ex: The nose was attached to the body of the rocket. Rockets were launched on the same day to control for weather and wind. The rockets were launched using the Samuelson air pressure launch system available at any hobby store. (make sure you include all details, but this should give you an idea of acceptable formatting).

There is an acceptable range of variance in the independent variable.

Constants are clearly identified.

Control group is identified.

All three of these items will come from your research design table. The range of variance in the IV is from your experimental groups.

The procedure allows for the collection of “sufficient relevant data” (at least 5 data points per variable, however, based on the variability possible in your experiment, your instructor may require more).

The protocol states that data will be combined and how it will be combined (if necessary).

Are you performing any numerical operations on data? Encoding it, finding averages, etc. Describe how you are calculating your numbers. *****

Procedure is safe and ethical.

Pre-Trial Data

Raw data is recorded. At least 20 pretrial data points are recorded. Both quantitative data and qualitative data are recorded. Units are present on quantitative data.

This should be presented in data tables. Your data table needs to include labels with units. It needs to be clear to readers what the information in each cell of the table is.

Clearly describes how raw data were calculated and organized for analysis

This should be consistent with the ***** area of your procedures. If you modify how you analyzed pre-trial data, also modify your procedures to reflect that.

Data is analyzed and analysis is presented in order to inform the writing of the procedure.

This means your procedure should change or be more specific after you’ve collected pre-trial data. You can address this item by briefly describing how you modified your procedures

Pre-trial data is presented and discussed.

Discuss what your data means and its implications for your experiment. Consider: were there issues that you will need to address before starting your experiment? Did you make changes to your procedures? How easily were you able to measure your dependent variable? Consider this an error analysis - knowing what you did wrong will help you figure out what needs to change so your project is done right.

Labeled Diagram or photo is provided.

A diagram of your project will clarify what you are doing. Use at least 1. Include it at the end of your paper. For each diagram, include a description using the format below.

Figure 1 - Descriptions of Bloom’s Taxonomy