Succession Regulations

Form 1

(Regulation 14(a))

Before the Registrar for Matters of Succession in ……………[ ] (mark X in appropriate box)

Before the ……….. Rabbinical Court in …………….[ ] (mark X in appropriate box)


In the matter of the estate of the late ………..

Application for Succession Order

Part A: Applicant, Decedent and Status of Heirs

1. Applicant

(1) Name of applicant……………………….(2) identity number……………..

(3) Address ……………………………………………………………………..

e-mail address (only if applicant is not represented) ……………….

telephone no.……… mobile phone no.:…………(only if applicant is not represented)

(4) Interest in order………………………………………………………

(5) Represented by attorney…………………………………………………….

(6) Address for service ………………………………………………

e-mail address (of attorney)

telephone no. …….mobile phone no.: ………………………(of attorney)

2. Decedent

(7) Name ofdecedent ………………………..(8) identity no. …………………

(9) Place of domicile ……………………………………………………

(10) Date of death ………………………. at …………………………………………..

Marital status [ ] single [ ] married [ ] widowed [ ] divorced (mark X in appropriate box)

(11) Attachedare document/s as proof of death: …………


3. The decedent left a will / did not leave a will*

4. Legal capacity of heirs and beneficiaries (if so, mark X in each relevant box)

The heirs and/or beneficiaries [ ] include [ ] do not include

[ ] a minor [ ] a ward[ ] a missing person (mark X in the appropriate box)

Part B: The Decedent’s Spouse and Relatives

1. The decedent’s spouse

(12) [ ] The decedent had a spouse at time of death [ ] The decedent did not have a spouse at time of death

(a) [ ] The spouse is living.Name …………………………..

Identity no. ……………………… Address …………………………

(b) [ ] The spouse died after the decedent on …………as proven by ………….

and the spouse’s heirs are:

Name / Identity no. / Address / Relationship to spouse

(13)Special rights of the spouse in the estate (when the decedent did not leave a will with respect to a vehicle and an apartment):

(a) Vehicle

[ ] The decedent had no vehicle at the time of death.

[ ] The decedent had a passenger vehicle at the time of death that belonged to the joint household of the decedent and the decedent’s spouse and the spouse is entitled to receive the vehicle under section 11(a) of the Succession Law, 5725-1965. The vehicle registration and model are :


(Note the vehicle informationas specified in the vehicle license, as well as any other relevant information, such asthe number of passenger vehicles in the joint household).

(b) Apartment

(This section will only be completed ifthe decedent and the spouse have been married for more than three years and the decedentleft no children or their issueor parents, but left – in addition to the spouse – siblings or their issueor grandparents):

[ ] The estate includes an apartment / share in an apartment ……[state the share] as follows: Block … Parcel…. Address ………… and the spouse resided /did not reside therein*with the decedent at the time of the decedent’s death.

The spouse and the decedentwere married from …………………….

[ ]The estate does not include an apartment or a share in an apartment.

(14) [ ] The decedent did not have a spouse at the time of death.

[ ] The spouse died before the decedent on ………… as proven by …………….

2.The decedent’s close relatives

These are all ofthe decedent’s close relatives :


(15) The decedent’s children and their descendants –

All the children ever born to the decedent are:

Name / Identity no. / Address / Name of other parent

(16) The decedent’s parents and their descendants –

(This section mustbe completed only ifthe decedent did not leave anychildren or theirissue):

(a) The decedent’s father –

The decedent's father was alive at the time of his death:

Father’s name ………………………identity no. …………………………

Address ……………………………………………………………….

[ ] The decedent’s father predeceased him on ……, as proven by …………….

and left behind/did not leave*any descendants.

(b)The decedent’s father’s issue–

(This subsection will only be completed in the event the decedent’s father predeceased him)

All the children ever born to the decedent’s father are:

Name / Identity no. / Address / Mother’s name

(c) The decedent’s mother –

[ ] The decedent's mother was alive at the time of his death:

Mother’s name ………………………………………………………..

Identity no. ………………………………………………………………..

Address ……………………………………………………………..

[ ] The decedent’s mother predeceased him,and died on …………, as proven by ………………….. and left behind / did not leave behind*issue.

(d) The decedent’s mother’s issue –

(This subsection will only be completed in the event the decedent’s mother predeceased him)

The following are all the children ever born to the decedent’s mother:

Name / Identity no. / Address / Father’s name

(17) The decedent’s grandparents and their descendants –

(This subsection must be completed only in the event the decedent did not leave children or their issueor parents or their issue):

(a) Parents of the decedent’s father –

(1) The decedent’spaternal grandfather;

[ ] at the time of the decedent’s death hispaternal grandfatherwas alive;

Name of paternal grandfather………………

Identity no. ……………………………….

Address ………………………………

[ ] the decedent’s paternal grandfather predeceasedhim, and died on …….., as proven by ……………..

(2) Thedecedent’s paternal grandfather’s issue–

(This paragraph mustbe completed only in the event the decedent’s paternal grandfather predeceased him)

The following are all children ever born to the deceased’s paternal grandfather:

Name / Identity no. / Address / Mother’s name

(3) Thedecedent’s paternal grandmother(complete according to paragraph (17)(a)(1) above)

[ ] at the time of the decedent’s death his paternal grandmother was alive;

Name of paternal grandmother…………………………….

Identity no. ……………………………………………..

Address …………………………………………..

[ ] Thedecedent’s paternal grandmother predeceased him on ……, as proven by ……

(4) Thedecedent’s paternal grandmother’s issue(complete according to paragraph (17)(a)(2) above).

(This paragraph mustbe completed only in the event the decedent’s paternal grandmotherpredeceased him)

The following are all children ever born to the decedent’s paternal grandmother:

Name / Identity no. / Address / Father’s name

(b) Thedecedent’s mother’s parents (complete according to section 17(a) above, inclusive of all its four paragraphs).

(1) Thedecedent’s maternal grandfather;

[ ] at the time of the decedent’s death his maternal grandfather was alive;

Name of maternal grandfather………………

Identity no. ……………………………….

Address ………………………………

[ ] the decedent’s maternal grandfather predeceased himand died on ……, as proven by ……

(2) Thedecedent’s maternal grandfather’s issue –

(This paragraph mustbe completed only in the event the decedent’s maternal grandfatherpredeceased him)

The following are all children ever born to the decedent’s maternal grandfather:

Name / Identity no. / Address / Mother’s name

(3) The decedent’s maternal grandmother;

[ ] At the time of the decedent’s death his maternal grandmother was alive;

Name of maternal grandmother …………………………..

Identity no. ……………………………………………..

Address …………………………………………….

[ ] Thedecedent’s maternal grandmother predeceased him, and died on ……, as proven by ……………………….

(4) Thedecedent’s maternal grandmother’s issue;

(This paragraph will only be completed in the event the decedent’s maternal grandmother predeceased him)

The following are all children ever born to the decedent’s maternal grandmother:

Name / Identity no. / Address / Father’s name

Part C: Changes after the Decedent’s Death

(18) The following heirs have renounced their share in the estate, as set forth in the attached documents:

Name of heir……………. share renounced ………………………

If such heir has renounced in favor of a specific person (spouse, child or sibling of the decedent) –

The share was renounced in favor of:


Identity no. ………………………

Relationship to decedent………………..

(19) The decedent’s heirs who died after him:

Name of heir………………………..

Identity no. ……………………

Relationship to decedent……………..

Died on…………, as proven by ……………………………

and left behind the following heirs, as provenas follows:


Part D: The Heirs and Their Share of the Estate

Based on the above sections Parts B and C above, the decedent’s heirs by law and their share of the estate are as follows:

No. / Name / Identity no. / Address / Relationship to decedent / Legal capacity / Share in estate

The heirs listed above are the decedent’s only heirs.

(19a) The applicant sent notice by registered mail, according to section 14(b)(4) of the Succession Regulations, 5758-1998 to the heirs on ______

[ ] such notices were not sent, because ______

Part E: Applicant Declaration

(20) The following documents are attached to this application:

(1) …………………………………………………………………..

(2) …………………………………………………………………..

(3) ………………………………………………………………….

(21) The Registrar for Matters of Succession / the Rabbinical Court is authorized to hear this application based on**


I am therefore applyingfor a succession order for the decedent’s estateand declare as follows:


I, the undersigned…………………… Identity no. …………………

After being warned that I must state the truth and will be liable to the legal penalties should I fail to do so, declare that all the facts I stated in this application are the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

date / ……………………………….
Signature of applicant

I hereby confirm that on …………………. , Mr./Ms…………………….. appeared before ………………….., at my offices at …………………………………….., identified by identity card no. ……………….. / known to me personally, and after I had warned him/her that he/she mustdeclare the truth and that he/she would be liable to the legal penalties should he/she fail to do so, confirmed the above declaration and signed in my presence.


Signature of person receiving affidavit***

For the attention of the applicant:

1)You must complete all section and details on the form and strike through with a straight line anysection or detail that is irrelevant in the particular case.

2)You must attach a death certificate or declaration of death of each person whose death is relevant to the application, unless you intend to petition to prove the death in any other manner; in such case, such a petition must be filed with this application. Such a petition must specify the circumstances of death and the reason for not submittinga death certificate.

3)If a child predeceased the decedent, this fact should be noted with the date of deathcertificate; in such a case, the names and addresses of the issue of the deceased childmust be specified.

4)See note 3 above, with respect to a child of the decedent’s parent or grandparent who predeceased them.

7)If an heir’s identity is unknown, this must be noted.

* Delete as applicable

** Specify the facts vesting authority in the Registrarfor Matters of Succession under Regulation 13(a) of the Succession Regulations, 5758-1998

*** An affidavit may be signed before a lawyer, judge, rabbinical judge or head of a local authority