Scavenger Hunt: Georgia Rule for Gifted Eligibility

1. Under Option A, for grades K-2, what score (%) must a student earn on a mental ability test to be eligible for services?

2. Under Option A, for grades K-2, what score (%) must a student earn in Total Reading to be eligible for services? Total Math? Composite?

3. Under Option A, for grades 3-12, what score (%) must a student earn on a mental ability test to be eligible for services?

4. Under Option A, for grades 3-12, what score (%) must a student earn in Total Reading to be eligible for services? Total Math? Composite?

5. Under Option B, how many criteria must be met by a score on a nationally normed test?

6. How many of the criteria may be met by a score on a behavioral rating scale (as opposed to criteria met by scores on nationally normed tests)?

7. In how many areas of Option B can a product or performance be used to meet eligibility for gifted services?

8. Under Option B, how many of the 4 areas must a student meet in order to be eligible for gifted services?

9. When using a product or performance as a criteria for eligibility, how many professionals or experts must rate or evaluate the product or performance?

10. What GPA establishes eligibility in grades 9-12 for motivation?

11. What is Georgia’s definition of a gifted student?

12. How does a student become “automatically” referred?

13. What type of consent is necessary before testing a student for gifted services? From whom?

14. Test scores used to establish eligibility should be current within _____ years.

15. Who is considered “qualified” to administer individualized mental ability tests?

16. Standardized tests of creative thinking must provide scores based upon what criteria?

17. If using a GPA to determine motivation on the multiple criteria option, which years are considered when figuring the student’s average? Which subjects are considered when figured the student’s average?

18. Is the system obligated to consider assessment data gathered by sources outside the student’s school or school system? What parameters are established by the Georgia Rule for the use of such “outside” data?

19. What is meant by the term reciprocity in terms of gifted education in the state of Georgia?

20. How many segments per week of gifted education services is a student in Georgia to receive?

21. When did the “new” Gifted Rule become effective?

22. Name 3 ways to deliver direct services to gifted students.

23. How are gifted students grouped for Advanced Content classes in grades 6-12?

24. How can gifted students in a locally developed honors course be counted at the gifted FTE weight?

25. Name 3 types of indirect services that are appropriate for delivery to gifted students.