Zebulon B. Vance 2014-2015
English Language Learners Check-in List
Student Name ______Student Id # ______Grade _____
Level of Service□ Novice / □ Intermediate / □ Advanced
Accommodations / Modifications
□ Regular Testing Without Accommodations
□ Word to Word English/Native Language Dictionary
□ Extended Time ____ minutes
□ Testing in a Separate Room
□ Read Aloud (Student request/everything)
□ Multiple Testing Sessions
□ Other ______
I read and understood the accommodations and modifications that I will be provided. If I need additional help, I understand that it is my responsibility to request additional help as needed.
Date / □ Standard instruction without modifications
□ Provide visuals and graphic organizers
□ Question/Sentence starters
□ Group interaction (verbal and written)
□ Simplify language, modify speech, clarify key concepts, sufficient wait time
□ Students repeat key concepts
□ Pre-teach vocabulary
□ Peer support
□ Word Banks
□ Alternative Responses (oral or graphic)
□ Paired oral, visual and written instructions
□ Guided outline
□ Highlight tests and study guides
□ Modify tests (not state tests)
□ Repeated reviews and drills
Access Scores
Listening ______/ Speaking _____ / Reading ______/ Writing _____ / Composite_____
Proficiency Levels
1- Entering / Knows and uses minimal social language and minimal academic language with visual support
2- Beginning / Knows and uses some social English and general academic language with visual support
3- Developing / Knows and uses social English and some specific academic language with visual support
4- Expanding / Knows and uses social English and some technical academic language
5- Bridging / Knows and uses social and academic language working with grade level material
6- Reaching / Knows and uses social and academic language at the highest level measured by this test
Goals (Choose 1 or 2)
□ Exit ELL Status (4 Reading, 4 Writing, 4.8 Overall Composite)
□ ACCESS Score Improvement
□ Improve Grades
□ Attendance
□ Study Skills
□ Social and Personal Goals / Goals Notes:
Form Completed by:______Date:______