File 4 Lesson 2 – Worksheet


1. Listen and learn – In room 14

  1. Look at the pictures, then listen to these people in room 14. Give the number of the corresponding picture. Then, listen again and recap.

1 2 3

4 5

  1. Say a number and your friend say the rule!

You: Picture ...

Class: You are allowed to... / You aren’t allowed to ... or it’s strictly forbidden ...

  1. “Stop that! It’s strictly forbidden to download movies and series (on emule)!”
  2. “Sir! Am I allowed to listen to music (on youtube)? I’ve finished my work.”
  3. “Read the computing charter! You’re allowed to visit websites useful for your work (like”
  4. “Sir, is it forbidden to check my marks and my time-table (on Educhorus)?”
  5. “For this exposé, we’re allowed to use a free encyclopedia on internet (wikipedia).”

2. Practise Speaking – Pupil B

Role-play: You’re on internet in room 14.

  1. Pupil A: You’re a pupil in Jean Brunet and you don’t know the rules.
  2. Pupil B: You’re Stéphane, the webmaster in Jean Brunet.

Pupil A: Er... Stéphane? I want to take a picture of my teacher and put it on my blog.

Pupil B: Well... you shouldn’t Yes, you’re allowed to. Go ahead!

Pupil A: Why? Cool! Thanks!

Pupil B: Because it’s strictly forbidden/ We’re not allowed to.

 /  / 

Now, change roles.

Use a picture from google image for my blog. / Take a friend’s picture and put it on my blog with his permission and the permission of his parents. / Use information I found on internet and rephrase them.

3. Go forward – Do you really know Facebook©?

  1. Look at the picture and say what you know about Facebook. Tell the class if you have an account.

You: Facebook is ... I have a Facebook page to...

  1. Read the text and answer the questions.

FACEBOOK - Terms of Use
Date of Last Revision: September 23, 2008
Welcome to Facebook, a social utility that connects you with the people around you. We can change, modify, add, or delete portions of these Terms of Use at any time. If we do this, we will post the changes to these Terms of Use on this page and will indicate at the top of this page the date these terms were last revised. As a Facebook user, you have to check the Site to determine if there have been changes.


Users have to be aged between 13 and 18 and be in high school or college or they have to be over 18. Anyone under 13 or under 18 and not in high school or college is not allowed to access the Site.

Proprietary Rights in Site Content; Limited License

All content on the Site and available through the Service, including designs, text, graphics, pictures, video, information, applications, software, music, sound and other files, and their selection and arrangement (the "Site Content"), are the proprietary property of the Company, its users or its licensors with all rights reserved. It is strictly forbidden to modify, copy, distribute, frame, reproduce, republish, download, display, post, transmit, or sell the content in any form or by any means, in whole or in part, without the Company's permission. You are allowed to use the Site content and to download or print a copy of a part of the Site content only for personal, non-commercial use but you have to keep all copyright intact. It is not allowed to upload or republish Site Content on any Internet, Intranet or Extranet site.
User Content Posted on the Site
You are responsible for the photos, profiles (including your name, image, and likeness), messages, notes, text, information, music, video, advertisements, listings, and other content that you upload, publish or post. You are not allowed to post, transmit, or share User Content on the Site or Service that you did not create or that you do not have permission to post. You understand and agree that the Company is allowed, but doesn’t have to, review the Site and is allowed to delete or remove (without notice) any Site Content or User.
User Disputes
You are responsible for your interactions with other Facebook users. We reserve the right, but don’t have, to monitor disputes between you and other users.
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I allowed to report the infringement of someone else's intellectual property rights?
If you are not the IP owner you are not allowed to report a suspected infringement to us. If you believe that content on the Facebook website violates another party's IP, you should advise the copyright owner directly.


  1. Here are some facts from the Facebook terms of use, highlight them or their equivalent in the text and put them in the correct column.

Check the site regularly – under 13 year-old kids – download without permission – print something for your personal use – copy and post something on another site – post photos of somebody without permission – the company review the site – the company remove a user – the company deals with quarrels between users

Have to / Don’t have to / Be allowed / Be not allowed
Be forbidden
  1. In paragraph 3, list what is forbidden to do then find the translation of the verbs used :


  1. In paragraph 4, list what you are allowed to create and post on your facebook page then translate or explain the meaning of the words :


  1. In paragraph 6, what does “infringement of the copyright” mean? Tick the correct proposition :

□ Violation du droit d’auteur □ Non respect de la personne□ Utilisation du nom de la personne


  1. Be allowed to +BV

“It isn’t allowed to download music on youtube.”

A ton avis :

□ l’auteur du texte décide lui-même d’interdire quelque chose

□ il rappelle un règlement.

“Am I allowed to listen to music on youtube in room 14?”

A ton avis :

□ la personne qui pose la question demande au professeur qui répond de donner son avis personnel

□ elle lui demande de lui rappeler le règlement du site.

Comment demanderais-tu à tes parents s’ils t’autorisent à sortir ce soir? Choisis la bonne réponse et explique ton choix:

a)Am I allowed to go out tonight?

b)May I go out tonight?

J’ai choisi ____ parce que ______


Construction : relis les exemples et complète :

Dans ces énoncés, c’est ______qui est conjugué, qui se place avant le sujet dans les questions et qui est suivi de not dans les énoncés négatifs.

  1. Have to + BV / do not have to + BV
  • “As a facebook user, you have to check the terms of use.”

En utilisant have to + BV, celui qui écrit :

□ veut obliger son interlocuteur à faire quelque chose

□ rappelle les règles du site internet à son interlocuteur

  • « … the company is allowed, but doesn’t have to, review the Site and is allowed to delete …”

Que veut dire la phrase “… doesn’t have to …»

□ qu’il est interdit de□ qu’il ne faut surtout pas□ qu’aucune règle n’oblige à

Construction: relis les exemples ci-dessus et complète:

Le verbe have est conjugué au ______

De quel mot est-il suivi? ______, qui est lui-même suivi d’une ______

Comment dirais-tu en anglais?

«Il faut que je sois à l’école à 8h30.»

I ______to ______at school at 8.30.

“Rien n’oblige ma sœur à venir samedi.”

My sister ______not ______to ______on Saturday.


Formes faible ou forte de to.

TO /tu:/ ou /tә/?

Ecoute attentivement les phrases suivantes. TO est-il prononcé /tu:/ comme le chiffre TWO ou /tә/ comme à la fin de doctor? Coche tes réponses dans le tableau. Tu entendras chaque phrase deux fois. Ready? Off we go!

Forme forte [tu:]
«two» / Forme faible [tә]
It’s strictly forbidden to pirate a film.
Please, try to be careful on internet!
I don’t want but I have to.
You’re not allowed to take a picture without asking permission.
Are we allowed to download music?
No, you’re not allowed to.
Would you like to create a blog?
I’d love to.
... but Kevin doesn’t want to. / 

 / 

Quand TO est en ______de phrase, il est inaccentué et se prononce /tә/.

Quand TO est en ______de phrase, il se prononce /tu:/.


  1. Vocabulary

a) Relève dans le dialogue «In Room 14» les traductions des mots suivants:

La charte informatique: / Une note:
Un emploi du temps:
Un site internet:

b) Relève dans le pair-work les traductions des mots suivants:

Un blog:


c) Relève dans «Do you really know Facebook©?” les traductions des mots suivants:

Un utilisateur:
Les conditions d’utilisation:
Un logiciel: / Un dossier:
Les droits:
Le droit d’auteur:
Se connecter:
Afficher/ exposer/ montrer:
  1. Réécris ce règlement du Musée de Madame Tussauds en utilisant have to ou be allowed (to) à la place des mots soulignés. Il te faudra peut-être parfois réécrire toute la phrase différemment!


Can I take food and drink into Madame Tussauds?
No, eating and drinking are not permitted at Madame Tussauds.


Is there anywhere to leave bags?
Due to security reasons, guests are not permitted to leave any bags or luggage at Madame Tussauds. Child buggies and pushchairs are to be left at the entrance and can be collected on exit free of charge.



Can I take a pet in to Madame Tussauds?
No animals or pets are permitted into Madame Tussauds. However, we do permit seeing eye dogs, guide dogs and hearing eye dogs.



Can I take a push chair or buggy around Madame Tussauds?
Families with young children are advised that baby buggies are not permitted in Madame Tussauds. Therefore you will be advised to leave your buggy at our left luggage section and use one of our baby carriers, subject to availability (suitable only for babies between 0 and 6 months). Please note that a £5 refundable deposit will be required.


Am I allowed to touch the figures?
Yes. At Madame Tussauds you can get up, close and personal with celebrities, icons and historical leaders in a fully interactive experience.


Can I bring a camera?
Cameras are permitted in all areas of Madame Tussauds apart from the Spirit of London ride and SCREAM.


  1. Read the following sentences and rephrase using be allowed to + BV in the positive or negative form.
  1. Don’t print without asking permission! It’s strictly forbidden! ______
  2. Lisa, don’t stand up during the lesson! ______
  3. Yes kids, it’s OK! Print your essay now. ______
  4. Using music for your blog? No problem! ______
  1. Here is your homework for tomorrow. Say what you have to do; say what you don’t have to do (but you can do if you like).

Mathsex 2, 3 and 4 p.56

Activity 2 p.57 (optional)

Chemistrylearn lesson

Bring an empty bottle of mineral water (if possible)

Englishprepare for dictation

Revise list of irregular verbs

Read book chapter 18 (for next week – can start now!)



Expression écrite: Choisis un des interdits du «Listen and Learn» ou du «Practise Speaking» qui t’as surpris et rédige quelques lignes dessus en utilisant le prétérit (pour dire ce que tu faisais avant de découvrir cette règle) puis du présent et des verbes non-modaux (pour dire ce que tu sais maintenant). Ajoute quelques conseils que tu pourrais donner à d’autres élèves.

Tu peux aussi écrire un article sur:

-Les dangers de mettre son nom, son adresse ou sa propre photo sur un blog.

-Les dangers de chatter avec quelqu’un dont on ne connaît pas la véritable identité (à cause du pseudonyme)


Expression orale: Retravaille puis enregistre un des dialogues du «Practise Speaking» sur une clé mp3 puis envoie-le à ton professeur en pièce-jointe sur l’ENT.

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Pour envoyer un article ou un enregistrement audio qui figurera sur le blog après relecture des enseignants: Envoie ton document word/open office writer ou ton enregistrement en format mp3/wav en pièce jointe au professeur sur l’ ENT.

Respecte bien les formats imposés sans quoi ton devoir ne pourra être lisible et donc publié.