ORAHEAD Board Agenda1/20/17


Tay McEdwards

Hilary Gerdes

Gabriel Merrell

Michele Bromley

Malissa Larson

Rian Gayle

Stephanie Staley

Jann McCaul

Jewls Harris

Andy Childress

Christina Bruck

  1. Fall Conference Evaluation (see attachment in Hilary’s 1/19 email)
  2. Malissa will get notes to the individual speakers
  3. Evaluation will help guide us in planning future conferences
  4. Spring Conference April 20-21 (LCC can no longer host on this date)
  5. Location Change to Linn Benton CC
  6. Discussion about conference
  7. Do we want to do a pre-conference session on Thursday afternoon?
  8. Cons: pre-conference often has low turn-out
  9. Pro: if people are staying overnight anyway, then having something for them to attend on Thursday is good
  10. Final consensus: do a 1 ½ day conference
  11. Registration in the afternoon
  12. Friday morning start: maybe 8:45
  13. LBCC has space to do break-out sessions
  14. Dining center at LBCC could provide meals--we would provide meal tickets for attendees
  15. Ideas for keynotes, theme, focus, etc?
  16. Request for Proposals
  17. First due date 2/22
  18. Extended due date to 3/1
  19. Proposal wording:

Greetings, ORAHEAD members!

ORAHEAD is now accepting presentation proposals for the Spring 2017 conference in Albany, Oregon. This year’s spring conference will take place at the Linn-Benton Community College from April 20-21. Proposals are requested in the following categories (selected and defined based on previous conference evaluations):

●Exploring Universal Design through the DSS Office

●Taking Responsibility for Equity in DSS Offices

●Evaluating DSS Offices via External Audit

●Helping Small Offices Leverage Outside Expertise

●Finding Grants and/or Funding Options

●Supporting First Year College Students

●Implementing Documentation Guidelines and Approaches

●Supporting Students with Specific Diagnoses
(LD, Dyslexia, ADHD, PTSD, Mental Health)

●Other: ______

In your presentation proposal, please include the category you've chosen, a 200-500 word abstract, and a brief presenter bio. Please email all presentation proposals to .

Proposals will be accepted until Wednesday, February 22. Proposals not selected for the Spring 2017 conference may be considered for the Fall 2017 conference.


  1. Last Year’s Spring Conference Fees
  2. Member (pre-conference only): $25
  3. Member (conference only): $50
  4. Member (conference and pre-conference): $75
  5. Non-Member (pre-conference only): $25
  6. Non-Member (conference only): $60
  7. Non-Member (conference and pre-conference): $85
  1. Board Retreat: Friday, Feb. 3rd at UO
  2. Hilary will check about LBCC hosting so we can preview the space
  3. Hilary and Gabe will work on agenda for retreat and send it out before
  4. Transition Planning
  5. Hilary will write an email to the membership about how she will transition off and Gabe will transition on, and Jennifer Gossett will take the Continuing Ed role
  6. Malissa will transition out at the Spring Conference
  7. Board member updates
  8. Christina will send out an email regarding membership
  9. Louann sent out budget report, and we can review at the retreat
  10. Andy has had a few requests for the Disability Exhibit
  11. Exploring options for shipping
  12. Potentially using UPS
  13. Andy will put together a how-to for shipping the exhibit
  14. Tay is looking at the mentor/mentee list and will email the membership regarding mentorship
  15. Possibilities: give ideas for how to develop the mentor experience
  16. Rian contacted Hallmark Resort, and he has a contract in hand. The room rate increased $5. The conference rate is $500 for the upper space and $200 for the lower space. He’ll follow up with Hallmark regarding per day cost. Louann, Rian, and Malissa will compare pricing from last year’s retreat.
  17. Fall Conference 2017, Nov 1-3
  18. Room rate reserved for Oct 31-Nov 3
  19. Michele will send out an announcement regarding the Spring Conference and presentation proposals
  20. Discussion: cost of spring conference? Table cost discussion for Retreat
  21. Reminder future meetings:
  22. Retreat Feb. 3 (10-3)
  23. Hilary will take care of location reservation
  24. Fridays 9-11:
  25. Feb 17
  26. March 3: Review conference proposals
  27. March 17
  28. April 7
  29. April 14