50th Council Minutes July 28, 2009 10

The 50th meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay was held on July 28, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. and called to order by Mayor Leo Abbass.


Mayor Leo Abbass

Deputy Mayor Stan Oliver

Councillor Bill MacKey

Councillor Dean Clarke

Councillor Paul Tsibidis

Town Manager Al Durno

Town Clerk V. Sheppard

Director of Economic Development Karen Wheeler

Recording Secretary Kathy Eddy


Councillor James Saunders-Vacation

Councillor Madelyn Kelly-Vacation

Mayor Abbass welcomed Kathy Eddy as the new Confidential Secretary.

1 DELEGATION- Gerald Dyson

Mr. Dyson queried the status of the Water Treatment Plant. Mayor Abbass advised that funding is forthcoming and once the announcement is made there will be a process to follow before there will be any groundbreaking.

Mr. Dyson also spoke about roaming dogs and if tickets can be issued to owners. Town Manager Al Durno advised that the Town’s Animal Control Regulations includes fees and fines for owners whose animals have been impounded but cannot issue tickets. Deputy Mayor Oliver suggested we re-advertise the Animal Control Regulations on the Ad Channel.

Mr. Dyson also questioned the paving of Cartwright Road. Mayor Abbass advised that there is money allocated for paving this fall.

Mr. Dyson commented on the excessive speed of traffic around town and ATV’s using the roads. He was advised that the Town has monthly meetings with the RCMP and have requested more patrolling.


It was moved by Deputy Mayor Oliver seconded by Councillor Mackey to adopt the agenda of the 50th

meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Motion Carried unanimously


It was moved by Councillor Mackey seconded by Councillor P. Tsibidis to approve the adoption of the

minutes of the 49th meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Motion Carried unanimously.


a) Mayor Abbass queried item n) of the Municipal Services Committee Report as to whether the naming of GL2 should be “GL” or “GL2”. The correct name should be “GL2”.

b) Mayor Abbass queried item k) of the Finance and Administration Committee Report stating that the recommendation should read “Committee recommends discussing a possible donation for the 2010 budget.”

c) Mayor Abbass queried item k) of the Councillors Forum. He suggested there be a Committee set up to address this item.

d) Mayor Abbass queried item b) of the Councillors Forum and suggested a letter be sent to Minor Hockey, Snowflake Skating Club and Minor Soccer outlining what is expected from them.


There were 14 Incoming and 14 Outgoing letters in the Council package. The second page of item # 9 of the Incoming Correspondence was added.

6 MUNICIPAL SERVICES COMMITTEE – Councillor James H. Saunders

It was moved by Councillor Tsibidis seconded by

Councillor Mackey to approve the Municipal Services

Committee Report with three additional items. Motion

carried unanimously.

1. Tender-Sports Plex Phase 2

Committee recommends that Council accept the tender as amended in the amount of $563,984.13 including

HST from Melville Trucking & Excavating for the Recreation Complex Phase 2.

2. Complaint-Palliser Crescent

Complaint received from a concerned citizen with regard to noise and traffic speeding on Palliser Crescent. Community Constable Sampson has been advised to

increase patrols on Palliser Crescent to enforce the Municipal By Laws.

3. Land Application-Scott Hedderson

Application received from Scott Hedderson for land 45x90 meters on the Trans Labrador Highway to be used for a summer cottage. Committee recommends approval.

4. Land Application-Bernard Bird

Request received from Bernard Bird for land 60x14 meters located behind 5 Terrington Lane and land on Hamilton River Road to be used for a parking lot and to subdivide 5 Terrington Lane and consolidate with 164 Hamilton River Road. Committee recommends approval subject to public input.

5. Business Application-Trina Coles

Application received from Trina Coles to operate a photography studio at her residence located at 16 Michelin Street. Committee recommends approval conditioned upon advertising for public input and approval from Government Service Center.

6. Business Application-Darrelle Bennett

Application received from Darrelle Bennett to open an Adult Novelty Store at 2 Bowell Street. Committee recommends approval conditioned upon there be no window display.

7. Land Application-Gerald Hagerty

Application received from Gerald Hagerty for land 150x300 feet located 13 km up the Trans Labrador Highway for the purpose of a cottage. Committee recommends denying the application as the land in question is located in the Town’s water supply protection area.

8. Land Application-Joseph Michelin

Application received from Joseph Michelin for land 150x300 feet approximately 12.5 km up the Trans

Labrador Highway for the purpose of a cottage. Committee recommends to deny as the land in question is located in the Town’s water supply protection area.

9. Land Application-Shannon Abbott

Request received from Shannon Abbott for land 150x300 feet approximately 12.5 km up the Trans Labrador Highway for the purpose of a cottage. Committee recommends to deny as the land in question is located in the Town’s water supply protection area.

10. Land Application-Rosamond Anderson

Application received from Rosamond Anderson for land 150x300 feet approximately 12.5 km up the Trans Labrador Highway for the purpose of a cottage. Committee recommends to deny as the land in question is located in the Town’s water supply protection area.

11. Request-Property #198214

Committee recommends that the property owner be notified that Council has met with the developer and have been advised that Groves Street will be paved this year.

12. Request-Property #080667

Request received from property #080667 for the Town to move the fire hydrant at the Town’s expense from the corner of the property. Committee recommends to deny the request.

13. Land Application-Parrott Surveys

Application for land 30x60 meters located on Hamilton River Road to be used as an access road and parking lot. Committee recommends to approve the construction of the road as per Municipal Master Specs for access to his property and at no time is the road to be occupied.

14. New Policy-Clean up

Committee recommends that staff prepare a Spring Clean Up policy for Council Approval.

15. Business Application-Jan & Orval Dearing

Application received from Jan & Orval Dearing to operate a mobile vending business. Committee recommends approval conditioned upon a) advertising for public input b) at no time shall food or snacks be

prepared or sold from residence and c) letter from Landlord granting permission to operate from 46 Saunders Street.

16. Potential Water Protection Buffer

Committee recommends to leave buffer in place until all water investigating in Federal areas is completed.

17. Hickey Construction-Quarry Application

Application received from Hickey Construction for a Quarry Permit located 2.2 KM SSE of Dome Mountain. Committee recommends to deny as the area in question is located in the Flight Path.

18. Zoning on Trans Labrador Highway

Councillor Clarke spoke about the number of driveways coming off the Trans Labrador Highway and it being a safety hazard. Committee recommends meeting with Crown Lands and Planner Arvo McMillan to see what can be done with the zoning.


It was moved by Councillor B. MacKey seconded by Deputy Mayor S. Oliver to approve the Tourism Parks and Recreation Committee Report as presented with 5 additional items. Motion Carried unanimously.

1. Parks and Recreation Committee Report

Enclosed in Council Package is the Parks & Recreation Monthly Report for the period June 16th - July 22nd, 2009.

2. New policy

Committee recommends that staff prepare a Recreation Facility Rental Policy to include all information related to users revenue and expenses that use our facility.

3. Learning Tour

Committee recommends that Councillor Mackey and Director Lane conduct a tour of six (6) communities of

similar size to look at Recreational Facilities and Promotional Sponsorship opportunities to develop fair rental rates that are in line with similar sized communities.

4. Special Olympians

Committee recommends hosting a reception for the Special Olympians and the sponsors of their uniforms.

5. Letter of Recognition

Committee recommends a letter be sent to Rod and Laura Fifield for their compassion and human kindness shown to an American Airlines Flight Attendant who had an unscheduled stop in Goose Bay due to illness.

6. Letter of Congratulations

Committee recommends a letter of congratulations be sent to the residents of Happy Valley-Goose Bay who participated in the Tele 10.

7. Sports Plex Phase 2

Committee recommends a sod turning and photo opportunity for Phase 2 of the Sports Plex be arranged with Minister Hickey, Council, Terrington Co-op and The Rotary Club.


It was moved by Councillor D. Clarke seconded by Deputy Mayor Oliver to approve the Economic Development Committee Report as presented with two additional items. Motion Carried unanimously.

1. Information Item-Updates

Enclosed in Council Package is an update regarding ongoing projects and events.

2. Information Item-Meetings

Enclosed in Council Package is an update on past and upcoming meetings.

3. Announcement of $300 million for remediation

Enclosed in Council package is a news release from Minister Peter MacKay regarding the $300 million funding for 5 Wing Goose Bay.

4. Information Item-Atlantic Mayor’s Congress

Enclosed in Council Package is information on the Atlantic Mayor’s Congress meetings held May 7, 2009.

5. Quote for New Roof at Arena

Committee recommends getting a quote to supply a new roof for the E.J. Broomfield Memorial Arena and to apply for funding.

6. Letter to Expo Labrador

Committee recommends writing a letter to Expo Labrador for funding to purchase an item for the arena.


It was moved by Deputy Mayor S. Oliver seconded by Councillor P. Tsibidis to approve the Finance and Administration Committee report as presented with one additional items. Motion carried unanimously.

1) Alternate Returning Officer

Committee recommends to approve Town Manager Al Durno as Alternate Returning Officer for the upcoming 2009 Municipal Election being held on Tuesday, September 29/09

2) Candidate Nomination Day

Committee recommends that Candidate Nomination day for the upcoming 2009 Municipal Election be held on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 between the hours of 8AM and 8 PM.

3) Advance Poll

Committee recommends that the Advance Poll for the upcoming 2009 Municipal Election be held on Saturday, September 19, 2009 between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM.

4) Complaints Report

Enclosed in Council’s package are the Complaint Reports for April and June 2009.

5) Fuel Pricing Report

Enclosed in Council’s Package are the Fuel Pricing Reports for June 4th, June 16th and June 18th,2009.

6) Information Item-Municipal Assessment Agency

Enclosed in Council’s package is information for the Municipal Assessment Agency regarding the 2010 increase in property values.

7) Funding-Sewer Treatment Plant

Enclosed in Council’s Package is information from the Federal Minister of Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities regarding approval of Federal Funding for the Town’s Sewer Treatment Plant.

Committee recommends that letters be written to the Provincial and Federal Government regarding the approval for the Sewer Treatment Plant funding requesting when we can proceed to the next step.

8) Fines Report

Enclosed in Council’s Package is the Fines Report for June 2009.

9) Invitation to Tender

Committee recommends to accept the bid from Greenleaf at a cost of $3,751.23 for the supply of lime, fertilizer and seed for the McLean Crescent Green Area.


It was moved by Deputy Mayor S Oliver seconded by Councillor P. Tsibidis to approve the cheques in the amount of $547,407.00. Motion Carried unanimously.


a) Mayor Abbass made the following:

Proclamation-United Way Week September 14-20/09

WHEREAS it is the mission of the United Way of Newfoundland and Labrador to improve lives and build communities by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action throughout our province; and

WHEREAS United Way of Newfoundland and Labrador is celebrating its expansion to a truly provincial organization; and

WHEREAS the United Way of Newfoundland and Labrador ensures that money raised in Newfoundland and Labrador supports the organizations and charities that directly benefit the people of our province.

NOW THEREFORE, we, the Council of Happy Valley-Goose Bay Municipality, proclaim September 14th to 20th, 2009 to be United Way Week. We urge all citizens to join and actively

participate in United Way activities, helping to build a stronger community.

b) Deputy Mayor Oliver spoke about the number of dogs destroyed according to the Animal Control Report and noted that most of the complaints are about dogs. He suggested we do more to advise the public of our Animal Control Regulations.

c) Councillor Tsibidis spoke about the Town’s water issue. He also spoke about a bear getting into his garbage at his place of business and advised that the bear has been removed and that he is trying to get a steel garbage container.

d) Councillor Mackey spoke about another bear that was caught at the Mess hall. He also spoke about the exercise last week and that it went well and that there was nothing but praise for the residents in Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

e) Deputy Mayor Oliver suggested writing a letter to thank the residents of Happy Valley-Goose Bay for their cooperation during this exercise.

f) Councillor Clarke spoke about the lack of speed limit signs in town. Town Manager Al Durno advised that the speed limit in town is 40 km per hour. Councillor Clarke suggested we put an ad on the ad channel reminding residents of the speed limit.

g) Mayor Abbass advised that Cyril Brennan has been appointed Director of the Winter Games.

He also commented on the great work of the Fire fighters, volunteers and Work Services crew during the

fire at the sawmill site. He stated that the HAZMAT team assisted the Town at no cost to the Town.

He spoke about the airplanes that will be going on display at 5 Wing Goose Bay and this will be at no cost to the town.

He also advised that the new airport is being built next year.

There being no other business the Open Session adjourned at 6:35 p.m. reconvening at 6:40 p.m. with a Business Session.