Family Handbook/Orientation

Little LambAcademy of Medford (LLAM)

  1. Welcome
  2. LLAM is a state licensed child care center for children 2 weeks through 12 years of age open from 5:00a.m. – 6:30p.m.Children 2 weeks through 12 months of age meet in the Infant Room. After 12 months, and usually after beginning to walk, children will meet in the Toddler Room. Finally, after your child is 32 months, and usually after potty training is completed, children will move over to ImmanuelLutheranSchool to the PreK Child Care Room. LLAM is licensed to have 40 children at the center at one time.LLAM also offers a separate 3K class. See the 3K/4K Handbook for more information.
  3. LLAM’s Mission: To serve ImmanuelLutheranChurch and our community in the nurturing and development of their children’s physical and spiritual well-being.
  4. God specifically gives parents the primary responsibilities for nurturing their children. LLAM assists families by providing for the Christian nurturing of young children which is part of the mission Jesus gave his church. This unique ministry strives to meet the spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual, and physical needs of young children in a developmentally appropriately manner.
  5. Family Mailboxes and the Family Information Board are located in the hall off of the main entrance to LLAM. Please check Family Mailboxes for billing information and newsletters. The Department of Children and Families Licensing Rules as well as the Family Handbook are available next to the Family Mailboxes. The Family Information Board will contain snack/lunch menus and licensing inspection reports (including enforcement actions).
  6. Please return a completed enrollment packet before or on the first day your child is scheduled to begin attending LLAM.Please contact the Director or Administrator with any questions.
  1. Admission
  2. Any child 2 weeks -12 years of agemay apply for full or part-time enrollment by contacting the Director or Administrator in person or by phone (715-748-2891). Children attending LLAM 40-45 hours per week are considered full-time and will receive a special rate for child care.
  3. LLAM enrolls students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities made available to students at school. LLAM does not discriminate on the basis of race, color national or ethnic origin in the administration of spiritual and academic lessons and activities.
  4. No child with a disability shall be excluded or denied any services, programs, or activities offered by LLAM.
  5. LLAM is not licensed to care for ill children.
  6. Families may visit LLAM at anytime unless LLAM has on file a court order prohibiting contact with a specific child or children. Please remember, if you plan a visit, staff is scheduled according to the number of children scheduled. Arriving before your child’s scheduled time may mean staff may not be available to begin caring for your child.
  7. Attendance
  8. Teachers will be provided a daily list of children in their care. Children’s attendance will be kept by the teacher daily on a sign-in/sign-out form found in each classroom.
  9. Teachers will call families if drop-off or pick-up is ½ hour late or more.
  1. Records, Confidentiality, and Reporting
  2. Records – All child and staff records, medical logs, and daily health information shall remain confidential.
  3. Confidentiality – Individual child information will be given, only, to legal parents or guardians unless written permission is obtained from the child’s parent or guardian. Staff will discuss behavior, medication, or any happenings concerning any child in their care only with the child’s parents or legal guardians.
  4. Child and Abuse and Neglect Reporting – All teachers and staff associated with LLAM are required by law to report any suspected child abuse and neglect to the authorities and are trained in recognizing the signs of abuse and neglect.
  1. Transitioning from Room to Room
  2. Child will be developmentally ready to move.
  3. Child will be at least 12 months old to move from the Infant Room and 32 months old to move from the Toddler Room.
  4. Lead teacher recommends the move.
  5. Administrator and Director approve the move.
  6. Families are notified and agree to the move.
  7. Child is allowed a time of transition into the new room.
  1. What Does Your Child Need to Bring to LLAM? Please label all clothes and items with your child’s name.
  2. Infant Room – 2 weeks – approximately 12 months
  3. At least two complete changes of clothes
  4. At least three bibs each day
  5. Formula or breast milk for the day
  6. Food for snacks and lunches until children are able to eat what is on the menu
  7. Enough bottles or sippy cups for each feeding
  8. Diapers
  9. Wipes
  10. Clothes appropriate for the weather for outside time including hats, mittens, boots, snow suits, etc.
  11. Slippers or socks to be worn in the room
  12. When the child turns 12 months, a sleeping bag and one pillow case to store the sleeping bag (goes home weekly to wash)
  13. Toddler Room – approximately 12 months – 32 months
  14. At least two complete changes of clothes
  15. Any pottying needs such as extra underwear or clothing while training
  16. Sleeping bag and one pillow case to store the sleeping bag (goes home weekly to wash)
  17. Paint shirt (goes home weekly to wash)
  18. Diapers as needed
  19. Wipes
  20. At least three large bibs each day (children under two years old will wear bibs while eating snacks and lunches)
  21. Clothes appropriate for the weather for outside time including hats, mittens, boots, snow suits etc.
  22. Slippers or socks to be worn in the room
  23. Tennis shoes for outside to be kept at school
  24. Backpack or tote bag
  25. Classroom supplies including Kleenex, watercolor paints, wipes for art and outside, glue, and washable markers
  26. Pre K Child Care Room – approximately 32 months – school age
  27. Complete change of clothes put in a plastic bag labeled with child’s name
  28. Sleeping bag and one pillow case to store the sleeping bag (goes home weekly to wash)
  29. Paint shirt (goes home weekly to wash)
  30. Any pottying needs
  31. Clothes appropriate for the weather for outside time including hats, mittens, boots, snow suits, etc.
  32. Slippers or socks to be worn in the room
  33. Tennis shoes for outside to be kept at school
  34. Backpack or tote bag
  35. Classroom supplies including Kleenex, watercolor paints, wipes for art, glue, washable markers, colored pencils, crayons, and pencil box
  1. Scheduling Policy
  2. State licensing regulates how many children are allowed to be with one teacher at one time. Schedules are completed each week on Wednesday evening according to these regulations.
  3. Each family will be given a “mailbox” found on the wall of the hallway across from the front door of LLAM. Billing invoices and receipts will be “mailed” to each family each week.
  4. There is a locked box on the wall next to the front door of LLAM where families may turn in payments and schedulesfor the next week of care.
  5. Blank schedules are on the wall beside the front door next to the locked box.
  6. A completed schedule for each child should be placed in the lock box on the Wednesday before the next week of care. Families may call LLAM and leave a message with their child’s schedule on the answering machine.
  7. Schedules turned in after Wednesday will be accepted only if staff is available and the teacher to child ratio follows state licensing regulations.
  1. Curriculum - Child care educators at LLAM provide activities for the children that offer the Christ centered love, guidance, and acceptance needed to grow spiritually, emotionally, and academically.
  2. Spiritual Development – Spiritual development is the core of the curriculum for the children who attend LLAM. Daily prayer and hearing stories from the Bible allow families to use LLAM as a tool to ensure the spiritual growth of their children. Spiritual growth includes Bible stories, prayer, and values taught based on the teachings of the Bible.
  3. Academic Development – Academic development in children comes from real life experiences with the teacher as the facilitator. Curriculum is age appropriate and includes six areas of learning. The areas of learning are language, cognitive, large muscle, small muscle, social, and emotional.
  4. Conferences - All parents will be given information concerning family/teacher conferences to be held no less than twice annually.
  5. The staff will use transitions and strategies designed to help children move smoothly from one activity to another. Staff gives adequate warnings before changes in activities. Activities follow routines to promote security and confidence while remaining flexible enough to encourage emergent learning in the children. The environment is arranged in a way that promotes a positive atmosphere in the classroom Children are encouraged to participate in scheduled group activities but are also provided with time for individual activities.
  6. Children under 2 years of age will follow their family’s mealtime and sleep schedules in every way possible within the child care setting.
  7. Staff will consider the family’s procedures and schedules during the training of their child while understanding that licensing rules prohibit toilet learning for children less than 18 months of age. In order to keep children safe, LLAM does not use potty chairs.
  8. Rest time is required for a child attending 4 hours or more in a day. Children remaining awake will be allowed to move on to a quiet activity after 30 minutes of rest time.
  9. Pets – LLAM has no pets living at the center. Children and Teachers are allowed to bring non-hazardous pets into the center for one day provided the families have been given advanced notice and continuous supervision is provided while the pet remains at the center.
  10. Outside Time
  11. Children are required to go outside each day except during inclement weather.
  12. Children under 12 months of age will go outside when the temperature is above 30 degrees F.
  13. Children over 12 months of age will go outside when the temperature is above 10 degrees F.
  1. Guidance Policy – Guidance will be based on Scripture and the safety, growth, and developmental needs of each child while using appropriate transitions and procedures in the classroom. Staff will treat each child with respect and dignity at all times. Families will be notified of any behavioral issues and consulted concerning the action taken.
  2. Discipline=Teaching children how to grow and develop safely.
  3. Teachers will train by explaining the expectations at LLAM and in the classroom.
  4. Teachers will teach specific skills using experiences the children are developmentally ready to handle.
  5. Teachers will recognize the positive actions of the children.
  6. Teachers will use clearly defined rules in the classroom based on loving others and loving God.
  7. Teachers will use words and posters to explain the rules to the children.
  8. God loves each friend.
  9. Friends need to be kept safe.
  10. Friends need to be polite to each other.
  11. Teachers will keep in mind the self-esteem of each child.
  12. Teachers will speak to each child in a way that separates the child from the child’s behavior.
  13. Teachers will keep their actions and words positive.
  14. Teachers will use anti-bias strategies in the classroom
  15. Guidance=Helping children get back on track when behaviors are getting in the way of learning in the classroom.
  16. Teachers will help children learn self-control.
  17. Redirect and reengage the child.
  18. Use supportive language that explains the situation and provides the child with specific words and/or actions to use.
  19. Teachers will help children make positive and safe decisions by offering the child carefully selected, safe, appropriate choices designed to lead the child to the desired behavior without a power struggle.
  20. Teachers will identify the behavior that needs to change.
  21. Teachers will restate the rules to the children.
  22. Teachers will suggest ways for the children to change their behavior in the future.
  23. Teachers will model desired behavior in words and actions.
  24. Punishment=Natural or imposed consequences when discipline and guidance has not worked.
  25. Teachers will insure the safety of the whole group of children by a “time-away” remembering that state regulations prohibit time-out periods for children younger than 3 years of age and may not be longer than 5 minutes. Children under age 3 will remain with the teacher as a way to separate the child from the group. No classroom will at any time have a specific area designated for time-away.
  26. Remove the child from the group remembering that children may not be unsupervised at any time.
  27. Remain with the child until the child has regained control while explaining the need to keep each child safe.
  28. Give the child the opportunity to use words to explain the reason for the behavior.
  29. Allow the child to return to the group.
  30. Teachers will observe the child and keep anecdotal records of the behavior.
  31. Teachers will meet with the family to discuss the behavior and lean what the child is communicating through the behavior.
  32. Implement a plan to correct the behavior.
  33. Set up a meeting to evaluate the outcome of the plan.
  34. Prohibited Punishments=Treatment which is humiliating, frightening, or which could cause physical injury to the child.
  35. Spanking, hitting, pinching, shaking, or inflicting any other type of corporal punishment.
  36. Verbal abuse, threats, or derogatory remarks about a child or a child’s family.
  37. Binding or tying to restrict movement or enclosing in a confined space such as a closet, locked room, box, or similar cubical.
  38. Withholding or forcing meals, snacks, or naps.
  1. Emergency Procedures
  2. Staff is oriented in emergency procedures, and emergency phone numbers are posted in each room. (The emergency number in the Pre K room at ImmanuelLutheranSchool is 9911.)
  3. The infant room is equipped with an emergency crib with wheels for easy evacuation of the children.
  4. Emergency drills are held monthly and a fire alarm check is completed each week.
  1. Authorized Child Pick-up Procedures
  2. Persons authorized to pick up a child should have their names and contact information included in their child’s files. This information may be updated at any time.
  3. If for any reason it is necessary for someone not authorized for pick-up to do so, a note or phone call with the persons name and relationship to the child is needed. Staff will require proof of identity such as an ID.
  4. If the parent or other authorized person arrives to pick up a child and that person appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, all reasonable steps will be taken to prevent the person from leaving with the child, including offering to call a cab or another contact person. While staff cannot legally withhold a child from a legal guardian, staff will not hesitate to call the local authorities if the staff feels the child is in danger.
  5. LLAM will enforce all legal custody determinations.
  1. Illness Policy
  2. LLAM is not licensed to care for ill children.
  3. Teachers maintain a medical log containing all medication administered, accidents, and health concerning children enrolled at LLAM.
  4. Children enrolled at LLAM with a communicable disease will remain home until the danger of transmission to other children and staff has passed (the incubation period for the disease as determined by the local health department). Families will be notified through a posting on the door of the classroom any time the children have been exposed to a communicable disease. Names of the children will remain confidential.
  5. Keep your child home for 24 hours after being symptom free without the use of Tylenol or Motrin etc if:
  6. Your child has a fever of 101 degrees F. or 100 degrees F. when taken under the arm.
  7. Your child has diarrhea.
  8. Your child has vomited.
  9. Your child has two symptoms, such as a cough and a runny nose.
  10. Your child may be sent home and may not return to LLAM for 24 hours after being symptom free without the use of Tylenol or Motrin etc. if:
  11. Your child has diarrhea three times during the day.
  12. Your child has diarrhea twice in one hour.
  13. Your child has a fever of 101 degrees F. or 100 degrees F. when taken under the arm.
  14. Your child vomits once during the day.
  15. Your child has an unexplained rash.
  16. Your child has an eye discharge.
  17. Your child is irritable, continually crying, or requires more attention than staff can provide without jeopardizing the health and safety of each of the children in their care.
  18. The Director or Administrator feels the safety and health of any child is in question.
  1. Administering Medication
  2. Staff will administer prescription and non-prescription medication to your child only when a completed medication authorization is signed by a parent or guardian.
  3. All medication in the LLAM building (including non-prescription medication) is required to be stored in a marked container out of the reach of the children.
  1. Snack/Lunch Policy – All foods provided by LLAM follow guidelines provided by the United States Department of Agriculture.
  2. Families may bring treats from home for birthdays and holidays after being notified from LLAM concerning allergies and any special dietary needs of the children. Teachers will keep the names of children with allergies or special dietary needs confidential.
  3. LLAM does not receive reimbursements from the state for formula, snacks, or lunches at this time. If in the future LLAM is able to receive reimbursements families will be notified.
  4. Families with a child 12 months or younger will provide formula or breast milk, snacks, and meals until the child is able to eat foods listed on the LLAM snack menu. LLAM is only allowed to give children under 12 months of age formula or breast milk. Families will label all items with the date and their child’s name each day.
  5. Families with a child 12 months or older will provide lunch for their child. Microwaves and refrigerators are available in each classroom. Teachers will help serve lunches and heat foods as needed. Families will label all items with the date and their child’s name each day.
  6. Snacks will be provided by LLAM at approximately 8:30a.m., 2:30p.m., and 5:00p.m.
  1. LLAM Script – Help raise money for your child’s tuition by purchasing script cards from area businesses that have agreed to donate a percentage of the amount of you purchases to LLAM. See the Script brochure for more details.
  1. Fee Schedule – LLAM uses a pre-paid, half-day, full-day fee schedule. See the fee schedule included in the enrollment packet for more details. Please contact the Administrator or Director with any questions concerning billing.
  2. School-age children requiring care before of after school will be charged $3.50 per hour. No other discounts will apply.
  3. A 10% discount will be given to the oldest child when siblings attend LLAM at the same time.
  4. There will be a $25.00 return check fee.
  5. Children scheduled for more than 45 hours in one week will be charged an additional $10.00 for that week of care.
  6. Families, not needing care for up to two weeks, will keep their enrollment.
  7. Families, not needing care for over two weeks, will keep their enrollment by paying $25 per month while gone. Upon return, all but the first $25 will be put toward future child care costs.
  8. LLAM families will receive “Credit Tickets” based on the number of days their child attends LLAM each week. Credit Tickets may be use whenever your child has been scheduled for care and been unable to attend due to illness of other circumstances.
  9. Credit Tickets will be issued once each year in September.
  10. Beginning January 2012, families will be charged a one time fee of $25.00 to cover registration costs. (This fee includes a LLAM t-shirt!)
  11. LLAM is eligible to accept families receiving assistance for child care costs. Each family is responsible for all amounts billed for child care not covered through the Department of Human Services.
  1. LLAM Closings
  2. LLAM reserves the right to close the center for holidays, cleaning, repairs and/or any other reason planned or unexpected as directed by the LLAM Advisory Board. Families involved will be notified by telephone as soon as possible in the event of an emergency closing and through the LLAM newsletter in the event of a planned closing. Check the Family Information Board for postings.
  3. LLAM will remain open when area schools close due to weather except under extenuating circumstances.
  4. LLAM will be closed on the following holidays:
  5. New Year’s Eve
  6. New Year’s Day
  7. Good Friday
  8. Memorial Day
  9. The day before Thanksgiving
  10. Thanksgiving Day
  11. The day after Thanksgiving
  12. Christmas Eve
  13. Christmas Day
  14. The week between Christmas and New Year’s
  15. July 4th
  16. Labor Day
  1. Terminating Enrollment
  2. Family Initiated
  3. Families will be required to give verbal or written notice two weeks in advance before terminating enrollment or be responsible for child care costs during those two weeks.
  4. Families will be prepared to give reasons for terminating enrollment through the completion of an Exit Form.
  5. Meet with Director and Administrator when necessary.
  6. Center Initiated
  7. LLAM will be required to give verbal or written notice before terminating enrollment.
  8. LLAM will follow the following steps prior to the discharge of a child unless the safety and wellbeing of the other children and staff at LLAM are in danger.
  9. Document behaviors responsible for the discharge.
  10. Speak with the family informally, during pick-up or drop-off, concerning the reasons for terminating enrollment.
  11. Notify the LLAM Advisory Board.
  12. Meet formally with the family, schedule a meeting after center hours with Director and Administrator. If possible make a plan to keep the child enrolled. Implement the plan. Meet to evaluate the plan.
  13. Notify the family in writing of the decision to terminate enrollment with consent of the LLAM Advisory Board.

Exit Form