Class Expectations 2005-2006

Respect Respect yourself, your peers, the teacher, and the equipment. Seize the day,

and enjoy learning about your world! Physical science is fun and fascinating!

Learning opportunities are presented to all students. How well you learn

depends on your effort and is your responsibility.

You Need (Daily) Pencil or pen, paper, 3-ring notebook, metric ruler, colored pencils.


Excused absences- Two days for each day missed are allowed to turn in

missed work for full credit. See the webpage for assignments &

important information.

Unexcused absences- Any work that is due or assigned on an unexcused

absence will receive 1 point only.

Tardies- Each student gets 2 “free” tardies. Each unexcused tardy after 2

causes a 1% deduction from the semester grade. Tardies can be

worked off. See the teacher.

Get Help

PLEASE see the teacher ASAP if you do not understand or are at all confused about the course work. If you need help on an assignment, I am more than willing to help you with it within class time or outside of class time (by appointment).

Planning periods : Phone number = 416-8222

e-mail = shunter @ psdschools.org

Extra Credit

See the teacher. Extra credit is only available to those who do their work on time.

Late work

Late assignments earn half credit (50% of the earned points) if turned in

before the unit exam. No late work is accepted the last two weeks of the



90-100%- A check online for

80-89% - B grades weekly

70-79% - C To Be aware of

60-69% - D any missing

50-59% - F assignments.


Make up missed labs ASAP . Because of their nature, labs may NOT ALWAYS be made up. If you have missed a lab due to an excused absence, see the teacher to make arrangements to earn a score for the missed lab.

Academic Dishonesty

Plagiarism is copying of written material, and/or passing someone else’s work off as your own. Use of more than 5 words in a row downloaded from the internet without properly citing the source is plagiarism. Such actions will earn a zero, notification of parents, and notification of the appropriate administrator.

Cheating by any method (electronic, written, or copying) on any assignment, lab, project or exam will earn a zero, notification of parents, and the notification of appropriate administrator.

Cell Phones must not disrupt class. One ring is free. Subsequent disruptions will result in

phone confiscation. Student will call parent to arrange for parent to retrieve phone from teacher

Please keep the top portion of this document and put it in your notebook for this class.

You will need it as a reference throughout the year!



“I have read and understand the policies outlined in the ICPE class expectations document. I agree to abide by them and be honest in all the work I do for this class.”