St Felix School Swimming Club

Saint Felix School

Halesworth Road


IP18 6SD

Dear Swimmer / Parent / Guardian,

Re: St Felix Summer Improver Gala 2016:Sunday26th June

Please find attached the entry details for the St Felix Improver Gala onSunday 26th June 2016. This meet provides learn-to-swim swimmers from levels 4-6 and school pupils (that can swim 25m) the opportunity to race outside their normal swimming lessons. Swimmers from Development, County Development, County Youth and County Age squads are also invited.

The event schedule is displayed on the following page, with two sets of events possible. 25m events are for swimmers who have not competed before for or haven’t reached the qualifying times, 50m events are for everyone else.

Please speak to your teacher / coach for help of picking events.

I would be grateful if you could please return the below slip and attached entry form confirming events you wish to swim along with a cheque payable to “Saint Felix School Swimming Club” or payment by BACs, by Saturday 11th June 2016.

Payment details for BACS are:

BACS to the St Felix School SC bank account, with the swimmers Name ImpSum

BACS details are:

HSBC Bank PLCSort Code: 40 35 09Account Number: 92544628


Nick Thompson

Age Group Coach ()

Re: St Felix Summer Improver Gala Sunday 26th June 2016

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………

Please return this slip with a cheque made payable to “St Felix School Swimming Club”. Or with BACS payment.

Entry Fee (@ £ 2.50 per event) £

Total: £

Signed: …………………………………………………………… parent / guardian

St Felix Summer Improver Gala Sunday 26th June 2016

Warm-up: 3:30pm, Start Time: 3:45pm

Schedule of events:

1 / Mixed 100m Individual Medley / 6 / Mixed 25m Breaststroke
2 / Mixed 25m Freestyle / 7 / Mixed 50m Breaststroke
3 / Mixed 50m Freestyle / 8 / Mixed 25m Backstroke
4 / Mixed 25m Butterfly / 9 / Mixed 50m Backstroke
5 / Mixed 50m Butterfly

The age groups will be as following:

10 & under, 11-12, 13 & over (with age as of 31st December 2016)

Participation medals will be given to all swimmers taking part in the event, alongside a certificate confirming times swum.

Space is very limited; so all spectators will be seated in the balcony area with swimmers on poolside.

For swimmers who havenot participated in a swimming gala before or havenot reached the 50m qualifying times please enter the 25m events only. Swimmers who have reached the qualifying times below please enter the 50m events. Or ask your teacher/coach.

Event / Time (Faster than)
25m Freestyle / 22.50
25m Backstroke / 24.70
25m Breaststroke / 27.20

The promoters have the right to cancel the competition should there be insufficient entries; individuals will be notified and refunded accordingly.

Assistance will be required for the time trials, so if parent/guardians would like to help the afternoon rum smoothly please would you fill the attached request for officials slip.

Entry Form

Swimmer Name: …………………………………………………………………………….

Email Address: …………………………………......

Telephone Number: …………………….. Squad / Group + Day: ………………………

D.O.B: ……………………………… Age (As at 31st December 2016): ……………

Male / Female (Please circle)Entry fee @ £2.50 per event

Time / Time
1 / Mixed 100m Individual Medley / 6 / Mixed 25m Breaststroke
2 / Mixed 25m Freestyle / 7 / Mixed 50m Breaststroke
3 / Mixed 50m Freestyle / 8 / Mixed 25m Backstroke
4 / Mixed 25m Butterfly / 9 / Mixed 50m Backstroke
5 / Mixed 50m Butterfly

*If no time please tick events

Request for Officials

Assistance is always required to make such events possible, therefore if you can help on the day please complete the slip below:

Name: ……………………………

Referee / Time Keeper / Marshalling / Announcer/ Other ……………………

Signed: ………………………………… Date: ……………………………