Report of Public Hearing

Davis County Board of Health Regulations

David Spence, Hearing Officer

Pursuant to Utah Code Annotated 26A-1-121(1), the Davis County Board of Health held a public hearing on July 18, 2017, to receive public comments concerning adoption of proposed changes to the Illicit Discharge Regulation.

The existing Illicit Discharge Regulation protects the public health and safety of the residents of Davis County by controlling discharges that may pollute the environment. The proposed changes to the Board of Health Regulation include revising the civil penalties section to require penalties to be subject to the Board of Health Adjudicative Hearing Regulation, updating the definition of pollutant to be more descriptive, changing the definition of illicit discharge to include water, soil, and air, and standardizing Department formatting.

Copies of the proposed changes to the Regulation were made available to the public at the Department’s website and the Environmental Health Services Division office located at 22 South State, Clearfield, Utah. Notice of the hearing was published in papers of general circulation—the Davis County Clipper and the Ogden Standard Examiner on July 6 and July 13, 2017.


Hearing Summary:

The public hearing was held at 5:00 p.m. on July 18, 2017, in Classroom #2021 of the Davis County Health Department, Clearfield, Utah. Written comments were received by the Department at the Environmental Health Services Division until 5:00 p.m. July 25, 2017.

The Davis County Storm Water Coalition submitted a letter unanimously supporting the proposed Regulation changes. The letter stated that the Regulation is an important tool that helps them protect storm water throughout Davis County. The Coalition has a water representative from every city in Davis County and is responsible for protecting storm water in their jurisdictions.


Certification of Hearing:

I, David Spence, presided over the public hearing for the Davis County Board of Health adoption of the proposed changes to the Illicit Discharge Regulation and have approved this Hearing Report Summary.
