E.D.S. = The English Dialect Society. E.E.T.S. = The Early English Text Society.

S.T.S. = The Scottish Text Society.

Names, dates, &c, inserted in square brackets indicate that the information has been obtained elsewhere than from the title

of the work.

A query (?) inserted before the title of a work indicates that the dialect is uncertain or unreliable.


A., D.—A MS. Provincial Glossary, including a collection of

obscure and antiquated words, local proverbs, and popular

superstitions, forming a supplement to Grose's Provincial

Glossary. By D. A.

Agricultural Surveys, The Reports of the—1793-1813. See

Britten, James.

Allen, Anthony.—MS. Dictionary, c. 1740.

Ansted, A.—A Dictionary of Sea-terms for the use of yachtsmen,

amateur boatmen, and beginners. 8vo, London, 1898.

Archaeologia Aeliana. 4 vols. 4to, 1822-25. New Series,

18 vols. 8vo, 1857-96, Newcastle Soc. of Antiquaries.

Armatage, G.—Cattle, their varieties and management, 1882.

The Sheep, its varieties and management, 1882.

Axon, William E. A.—English Dialect Words of the eighteenth

century as shown in the' Universal Etymological Dictionary'

of Nathaniel Bailey. 8vo, London, E.D.S. 1883.

Bauerman, Hilary.—A Descriptive Catalogue of the Geological,

Mining, and Metallurgical Models in the Museum of Practical

Geology. London, 1865.

Bewick, Thomas.—History of British Birds. Newcastle, 1797-


Black, W. G.—Folk-Medicine, 1883.

Blackley, W. L.—Word Gossip : ' Dialectic Expressions,' 1869.

Bonaparte, Prince Louis Lucien.—On the Dialects of eleven

southern and south-western counties, with a new classification

of the English Dialects. (Trans. Phil. Soc. 1875-76.)

pp. 24, 8vo, London, 1878.

Boucher, Jonathan.—Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words.

A Supplement to the dictionaries of the English language,

particularly those of Dr. Johnson and Dr. Webster. Ed.

jointly by the Rev. Joseph Hunter and Joseph Stevenson,

Esq. 4to, London, 1832-33. [Only two parts ever appeared,


Brand, John.—Observations on Popular Antiquities : chiefly

illustrating the origin of our vulgar customs, ceremonies,

and superstitions. Arranged and revised, with additions,

by Henry Ellis. 2 vols. 4to, London, 1813. [1st ed. 1777.]

New ed., with further additions. 3 vols. 8vo, London,


Brayley, E. W The Graphic and Historical Illustrator; an

original Miscellany of literary, antiquarian, and topographical

information. 4to, London, 1834.

Britten, James Old Country and Farming Words; gleaned

from agricultural books. E.D.S. 1880. [Contains Words

from :—i. Ellis, The Modern Husbandman, &c, 1750.

ii. Lisle, Observations in Husbandry, 1757. in. Worlidge,

Dictionarium Rusticum, 1681. iv. Annals of Agriculture,

1784-1815. v. Reports of the Agricultural Survey, 1793-

1813. vi. Morton's Cyclopaedia of Agriculture, 1863.]


Britten, James, and Holland, Robert. —A Dictionary of English

Plant-names. E.D.S. 1878-86.

Chambers, R.—The Book of Days: a Miscellany of popular

antiquities in connection with the calendar, including

anecdote, biography, and history, curiosities of literature

and oddities of human life and character, a vols. 8vo,

London [1866-68].

Cheales, Alan B.—Proverbial Folk-Lore. 2nd ed. revised and

enlarged. 8vo, Dorking [n.d.].

Cotton, Dr. J.—MS. notes to the 2nd edition of Ray's Collection

of English Words, 1691, in Magdalen Coll. Library, Oxford.

Curry, Dr.—MS. additions to Grose's Provincial Glossary, 1790.

= (C.)

Denham, M. A.—A Collection of Proverbs and Popular Sayings,

relating to the seasons, the weather, and agricultural

pursuits, gathered chiefly from oral tradition. 8vo, London,

Percy Soc. 1846.

Dixon, James Henry (ed.).—Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs

of the Peasantry of England. 8vo, London, Percy Soc. 1846.

Ellis, Alexander J.—On Early English Pronunciation, with

special reference to Shakspere and Chaucer, containing an

investigation of the correspondence of writing with speech

in England, from the Anglo-Saxon period to the existing

received and dialectal forms, with a systematic notation of

spoken sounds by means of the ordinary printing types, &c.

Part V. Existing dialectal as compared with West Saxon

pronunciation. With two maps of the dialect districts.

8vo, London, Trans. Phil. Soc, E.E.T.S., and Chaucer Soc.


English Dialects, their sounds and homes; being an abridgment

of the above. 8vo, London, 1890.

Ellis,William.—A Compleat System of experienced improvement,

made in sheep, grass-lambs, and house-lambs: or the country

gentleman's, the grasier's, the sheep-dealer's, and the

shepherd's sure guide ; in the profitable management of

those most serviceable creatures, according to the present

practice of the author, and the most accurate grasiers,

farmers, sheep-dealers, and shepherds of England. . . . In

three books. 8vo, London, 1749.

The Country Housewife's Family Companion : or profitable

directions for whatever relates to the management and

good CEconomy of the domestick concerns of a country life

according to the present practice of the country gentleman's,

the woman's, the farmer's, &c, wives, in the county of

Hertford, Bucks, and other parts of England : shewing how

great savings may be made in house-keeping.... The whole

founded on near thirty years' experience, ib. 1750.

The Modern Husbandman, complete in eight volumes, ib. 1750.

See Britten, James.

Folk-Lore Tournal, The. 1883-.

Folk-Lore Record, The. 1878-81.



Forster, Thomas.—Observations on the Natural History of

Swallows, 1817.

Garnett, Richard.—English Dialects, in Quarterly Review, pp.

354-87, Feb. 1836.

On the Languages and Dialects of the British Isles. Trans.

Phil. Soc. London, 1842-46.

General View of the Agriculture of the County of , with

observations on the means of improvement, n vols. 4to,

var. pi. 1793-1813. [Reports undertaken at the instance

of the Agricultural Survey.]

Gentleman's Magazine Library, The: being a classified

collection of the chief contents of the Gentleman's Magazine

from 1731 to 1868. Ed. by George Laurence Gomme. Manners

and Customs. 8vo, London, 1883.

Dialect, Proverbs, and Word-lore. 8vo, London, 1886.

Gomme, Alice Bertha.—The Traditional Games of England,

Scotland, and Ireland, with tunes, singing-rhymes, and

methods of playing according to the variants extant and recorded

in different parts of the kingdom, collected and

annotated by A. B. Gomme. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1894-98.

Good Words for 1864, 1865, 1878, 1879,1881, 1882, 1896.

Grose, Francis.—A Provincial Glossary, with a collection of

local proverbs and popular superstitions. 8vo, London, 1787.

and ed., corrected and greatly enlarged, ib. 1790.

Guest, Edwin.—A History of English Rhythms. 2 vols. 8vo,

London, 1838.

Hallam, Thomas.—Four dialect words: Clem, Lake, Nesh,

and Oss, their modern dialectal range, meanings, pronunciation,

etymology, and early or literary use. E.D.S.


Halliwell, James Orchard.—The Nursery Rhymes of England,

obtained principally from oral tradition. 2nd ed., with

alterations and additions. 8vo, London, 1843. [I s t ed.

Percy Soc. 1842.]

A Dictionary of archaic and provincial words, obsolete phrases,

proverbs, and ancient customs from the fourteenth century.

2 vols. 8vo, London, 1847.

n t h ed., 2 vols. ib. 1889. = (HALL.)

Hare, J. C.—Fragments of two essays in English Philology,

pp. 56, 80. 8vo, London, 1873.

Hearne, Thomas.—Dialectal Words extracted from Hearne's

Glossaries to Robert of Gloucester and Peter Langtoft, ed.

1810. Ed. J. E. B. Mayor. 8vo, London, E.D.S. 1874.

Hett, Charles Louis.—A Glossary of popular, local, and oldfashioned

names of British Birds. i2mo, London, 1902.

Hettema, M. de Haan.—Archaic and provincial English words

compared with Dutch and Friesic. pp. 143-78, Trans. Phil.

Soc. London, 1858.

Hole, Richard.—MS. additions to Grose's Provincial Glossary,

1790. =(H.)

Holloway, William.—A General Dictionary of Provincialisms,

written with a view to rescue from oblivion the fast-fading

relics of by-gone days. 8vo, Lewes, 1839.

Hone, William.—The Every-day Book ; or everlasting calendar

of popular amusements, sports, pastimes, ceremonies,

manners, customs and events, incident to each of the three

hundred and sixty-five days, in past and present times. . .

2 vols. 8vo, London, 1826-27.

The Table Book. 2 vols. ib. 1827-28.

The Year Book of daily recreation and information ; concerning

remarkable men and manners, times and seasons,

solemnities and merry-makings, antiquities and novelties,

&c, &c. 3 vols. ib. 1832.

Inwards, Richard.—Weather Lore ; a collection of proverbs,

sayings, and rules concerning the weather. 8vo, London,


Johns, C. A British Birds and their haunts, 1862.

Kemble, J. M.—On the North-Anglian Dialect, pp. 119 and 131,

Trans. Phil. Soc. London, 1845-46.

Kennett, White.—A MS. Collection of Provincial Words. MS.

Lansdowne 1033 in the British Museum. =(K.)

A Glossary to explain the original, the acceptation, and

obsoleteness of words and phrases; and to shew the rise,

practise, and alteration of customs, laws, and manners.

8vo, London, 1816.

Knowlson, J. C—Cattle Doctor and Farrier, 1843.

Labour Commission.—Glossary of the Technical Terms used

in the evidence taken before the Royal Commission of

Labour, 1894.

Lisle, Edward.—Observations in Husbandry. 4to, Dublin, 1757.

See Britten, James.

Lowson, G.—The Modern Farrier, 1844.

Lyre, The : a collection of the most approved English, Irish,

and Scottish songs, ancient and modern. 8vo, Edinburgh,


Mackay, Charles.—Lost Beauties of the English Language.

London, 1874.

Madden, Frederic.—MS. additions to Grose's Provincial

Glossary, 1790. =(M.)

Marshall, William Humphrey.—Review and Abstract of the

County Reports to the Board of Agriculture, from the

several Agricultural Departments of England. Vols. I-V.


Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, [var.


Miller, William.—A Dictionary of English Names of Plants

applied in England and among English-speaking people to

cultivated and wild plants, trees, and shrubs. In two

parts, English-Latin and Latin-English. 8vo, London, 1884.

Monthly Packet, The. 1855-65.

Morris, F. Orpen.—A History of British Birds. 6 vols. 8vo,

London, 1857.

Morris, Richard.—On the Survival of Early English Words in

our present dialects. E.D.S. 1876.

Morton, John C—A Cyclopaedia of Agriculture, practical and

scientific. 8vo, Glasgow, 1863.

Newman, Edward.—A Dictionary of British Birds. Reprinted

from Montagu's Ornithological Dictionary, and incorporating

the additional species described by Selby; Yarrell, in all

three editions; and in natural-history journals. 8vo,

London, 1866.

Newton, Alfred, and Gadow, Hans.—A Dictionary of Birds.

8vo, London, 1893-96.

Northall, G. F.—English Folk-Rhymes. A collection of traditional

verses relating to places and persons, customs, superstitions,

&c. 8vo, London, 1893.

Notes and Queries: a medium of intercommunication for literary

men, artists, antiquaries, genealogists, &c. Series i-ix.


Pegge, Samuel.—MS. additions to Grose's Provincial Glossary,

1790. = (P.)

A Supplement to the Provincial Glossary of Francis Grose,

Esq. 8vo, London, 1814.

Philological Society, Transactions of the, for 1858. See

Hettema, M. de Haan.

Poetry of Provincialisms, The (an Essay on local words);

in the Cornhill Magazine, XII. July 1865.

Prior, R. C. A.— The Popular Names of British Plants, being an

explanation of the origin and meaning of the names of our

indigenous and most commonly cultivated species. 3rd ed,,

8vo, London, 1879.

Ramsay, Andrew C, and others.—A Descriptive Catalogue of

the Rock Specimens in the Museum of Practical Geology.

3rd ed., London, 1862.

Ray, John.—A Collection of English Proverbs digested into a

convenient method for the speedy finding any one upon

occasion ; with short annotations. Whereunto are added

local proverbs with their explications, old proverbial

rhymes, less known or exotick proverbial sentences, and

Scottish proverbs. 8vo, Cambridge, 1670.

2nd ed., enlarged by the addition of many hundred

English, and an Appendix of Hebrew proverbs, with

annotations and parallels, ib. 1678.

Philosophical Letters between the late Mr. Ray, and several

correspondents, &c. 8vo, London, 1718.

Another ed., ed. Dr. Lankester. London, 1848.

[See also Ray, John, s.v. North Country.]

Ritson, Joseph.—Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry. London,


Ancient Songs and Ballads. 2 vols., London, 1829.

Satchell, Thomas.—Provisional index to a Glossary of Fish

Names. Circulated for the purpose of obtaining additions

and corrections, and, more especially, of determining the

places where these names are now in use. pp. 12.

E.D.S. 1879.

Science Gossip, 1865-96.

Skeat, W. W.—Nine Specimens of English Dialects, edited from

various sources, pp. xxiv, 193, E.D.S. 1896.

Skeat, W. W. and Nodal, J. H. (ed.)—A Bibliographical List of

the works that have been published, or are known to exist

in MS., illustrative of the various dialects of English. E.D.S.



Smith, John.—A Dictionary of Popular Names of the Plants

which furnish the natural and acquired wants of man, in all

matters of domestic and general economy, their history,

products, and uses. 8vo, London, 1882.

Smith, John Russell.—A Bibliographical List of the works that

have been published, towards illustrating the provincial

dialects of England, pp. 24. 8vo, London, 1839.

Smyth, Warington W., and others.—A Catalogue of the

Mineral Collections in the Museum of Practical Geology.

London, 1864.

Songs of England and Scotland, The. 2 vols. 8vo, London,


Stephens, Henry.—The Book of the Farm, detailing the labours

of the farmer, farm-steward, ploughman, shepherd, hedger,

cattle-man, field-worker, and dairy-maid. 2 vols. 8vo,

Edinburgh, 1849.

Strutt, Joseph.—The Sports and Pastimes of the people of England,

including the rural and domestic recreations, May

games, mummeries, shows, processions, pageants, and

pompous spectacles, from the earliest period to the present

time. Ed. by William Hone. A new ed., 8vo, London,

1898. fisted. 1801.]

Sutton, Charles W.—Catalogue of the English Dialect Library.

Founded by the English Dialect Society, and deposited in

the Central Free Library, Manchester, 1880-88.

Swainson, Charles.—Handbook of Weather Folk-lore. 8vo,

London, 1873.

Provincial Names and Folk-lore of British Birds. [Published

in conjunction with the Folk-lore Society.] E.D.S. 1885.

Taylor, Joseph.—Antiquitates Curiosae : the etymology of many

remarkable old sayings, proverbs, and singular customs.

i8mo, London, 1818.

Wall, Arnold.—A contribution towards the study of the Scandinavian

element in the English dialects. In Anglia, Neue

Folge, Band VIII, 1897.

Watson, Joseph.—Nature and Woodcraft. London, 1890.

Weale, John.—A Dictionary of terms used in architecture,

building, engineering, mining, metallurgy, archaeology, the

fine arts, &c, with explanatory observations on various

subjects connected with applied science and art. 4th ed.,

with numerous additions, ed. by Robert Hunt. 8vo,

London, 1873.

White, J.—A Compendious Dictionary of the Veterinary Art.